
Service discipline is ... Definition and meaning

The concept of service discipline is both simple and complex. The subject of this article can be considered both in general terms and within specialized sections (for example, for law enforcement agencies). So what is service discipline?

Introductory information

Begin with a definition of terminology. Service discipline is the observance of official duties established by instructions and regulations and / or non-violation of existing rules at the enterprise / organization. Depending on what kind of object in question, they pay different attention to it.

official discipline in bodies

So, the warehouse of products is one thing, fuels and lubricants are completely different, and the division of internal organs is the third. In order not to be dispersed, the article will examine what constitutes service discipline in the internal affairs department. After all, it is undergoing interesting changes, which should be discussed.

What is official discipline in internal affairs bodies? About the preparatory aspects

Social and economic changes in the country are affecting the personnel of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Relatively recently (in 2011), ATS reform was carried out. Given the rather significant period that has elapsed since that time, we can summarize how legislative changes have affected the situation. First of all, it is necessary to recall the documents under the numbers No. 3-ФЗ and No. 342-ФЗ. In addition, we can recall the state policy, which proclaims work in the direction of increasing the rule of law and discipline in law enforcement agencies. For this:

  • discipline among employees is evaluated;
  • social and legal work is being carried out;
  • the activities of psychologists, as well as thematic cultural institutions;
  • social and legal guarantees are embodied.

Sources of information about all this are reports. In them (ideally) you can find data about any gross violation of official discipline, the rule of law, as well as about all crimes committed by police officers.

service discipline

Such informational diversity allows us to purposefully and promptly work to improve the moral and psychological portrait of the personnel serving, as well as to quickly respond to existing gaps in the legislation to develop, create and implement mechanisms for protecting employees. This has a positive effect on discipline and the rule of law.

Position analysis

To find and eliminate the causes of offenses, it is necessary to carefully analyze the situations that contribute to their occurrence, and take measures to prevent them in the future. But it is easy only in words. The violation of official discipline by law enforcement officials is difficult to combine into one picture because of the significant number of attracted funds, which, alas, have only grown over the past decade. Why? Perhaps it played a role in that they turn a blind eye to it less. Or a very large number of documents on which discipline depends: the implementation of the rights granted, the execution of orders and directives of direct and direct managers, a contract, oath, charter and legislation. If we talk about No. 342-FZ, then articles 47-51 provide interest in it. They define the concept of service discipline itself, the duties of superiors to maintain it, list possible incentives, penalties, consider the procedure for their application, as well as the rights and responsibilities of senior employees. In No. 3-FZ, article 39 is responsible for disciplinary matters.

The legal basis is known. And then what?

Then we go down to a lower level, where official discipline and legality begin to be regulated by the charter of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation. This document is approved by the President of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that now it is not accepted (only the armed forces have it).

police discipline

That is, this issue is not completely resolved from the regulatory point of view. If we talk about what ideally should be official discipline, this is the impeccable observance of the norms of the Constitution, laws and other legal acts, conscientious performance of duties, professional development. In addition, employees should cultivate such qualities as honesty, masculinity, neatness, respect the rights and freedoms of the person, and also be attentive to colleagues. This can only be achieved if the employees are self-aware. Methods of external influence on their behavior are only secondary. They should be given more attention.

About methods of external influence

Strengthening service discipline is an important and integral process for the successful development and improvement of the entire law enforcement system. The most important methods of persuasion, punishment and punishment should be mentioned.

Methods of persuasion. Must clearly prevail in maintaining discipline at a high level. A necessary condition is the management’s ability to have subordinates to itself, to achieve mutual understanding, earn trust and be demanding. Of particular importance is a personal positive example. No wonder they say - the fish rots from the head.

discipline in internal organs

Disciplinary reward / enforcement methods. If the previous group can be used by any leader, the list of those who can apply this one is established by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. So, for example, it is stipulated that employees should not take part in obviously criminal acts or carry out orders accompanying them. And in the event of a conflict between the orders of higher authorities and legislation, it is necessary to focus on the latter. Therefore, official discipline in internal affairs bodies is interpreted as improper performance of duties (or evasion of them), not entailing administrative or criminal liability. We will come back to this.

In this case, it is necessary to work on:

  • creation of conditions for rest, work, advanced training;
  • nurture and develop a sense of responsibility for the performance of assigned duties;
  • ensuring transparency and objectivity in the assessment of activities;
  • respect the honor and dignity of employees;
  • do not allow protectionism for personal reasons.

About rewards and penalties

They are a measure of strengthening discipline. This can only be used by direct bosses and exclusively within the framework of existing powers. Orders are used to declare rewards and penalties. Although the remark, gratitude, reprimand, outfit out of turn can be appointed orally.

discipline is

There is one very important point: if the penalty was imposed by order, then it cannot be removed orally. All decisions made regarding the employee can be announced to him orally, before the ranks of colleagues or at a meeting (meeting).

What incentives are used to maintain discipline?

To mark the exemplary performance of assigned duties and significant results achieved, the following are used:

  • issue of a cash bonus;
  • announcement of thanks;
  • rewarding with an honorary diploma;
  • entry on the Board (in the Book) of honor;
  • rewarding with a breastplate;
  • early assignment of the next special rank;
  • provision of registered weapons;
  • early removal of previously imposed disciplinary sanction;
  • rewarding a valuable gift.

In educational institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, there are additionally:

  • increasing the size of the scholarship;
  • receiving an extraordinary dismissal from an educational institution.

Moreover, for their courage and courage, employees can be presented to a number of state awards of the Russian Federation.

What penalties are used to maintain discipline?

For various violations on employees may be imposed:

  • rebuke;
  • comment;
  • severe reprimand;
  • demotion;
  • warning of incomplete official compliance;
  • deprivation of a breastplate;
  • demotion;
  • dismissal from the structure of internal affairs bodies.

In educational institutions working under the auspices of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in addition, penalties are applied in the form of:

  • appointment out of turn;
  • expulsion from an educational institution.

There is a quantitative limitation. So, for some cases of violation of official discipline, only one disciplinary sanction may be imposed. And it must be imposed no later than ten days after the authorities became aware of it. If an internal audit is required, or an administrative case or criminal prosecution is initiated, then one month is given. In addition, a disciplinary sanction cannot be imposed during an employee’s illness or while on a business trip or vacation, or in cases where more than six months have passed.

Bureaucratic moments

As you can see, service discipline in the service of law enforcement agencies is pretty much regulated.


If you study in great detail, taking into account all the points, you can note for yourself that the bureaucracy lives and lives. So, for example, before imposing a penalty, a written explanation must be obtained from an employee. If necessary, then the information provided in it is checked, based on the results of which a conclusion is made. Then the motives of the wrongful act are included in the order, and it is announced to the employees after the receipt of the offender. In execution, it is carried out immediately.

How to take off?

If someone stumbled and sincerely repented, does this mean that the penalty will be displayed throughout his career? Not. If within a year from the moment of its imposition the employee did not give reasons for repeated punishment, then the misconduct is considered withdrawn. For oral collection, the term becomes one month. And we should not forget that it can be removed as a reward. In addition, the offending employee (or deemed to be such) may file a claim for recovery. Although the percentage of satisfactory solutions is small, but it still exists. This should always be remembered and not give up, if the penalty was imposed unfairly.

How to influence this?

Service discipline in the police is a time-tested mechanism. But, alas, she is still far from ideal. A number of provisions on relations are established by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Therefore, if there is a desire to influence the entire system, you must contact this official directly. A number of different provisions can be changed or set by a certain level of leadership.

pseudo-discipline in ATS

So, for example, if necessary, if a certain action falls outside the scope of the authority of one boss, then he is obliged to contact a higher official to obtain his consent / support / assistance for the commission of certain cases. If we talk about certain local problems, then this is the best option. As an example, rewarding with a registered weapon.


Here is what constitutes service discipline in law enforcement. If we talk about civilian facilities, then everything is not so serious there. But if you touch on the army, then substantial attention is paid to discipline. But what kind of service discipline, incentives and penalties should be depends on what goals are pursued and in what conditions you have to work.It goes without saying that it is impossible to compare the warehouse with building materials and the district police department, where many weapons are stored. They should have different operating modes, employee responsibility, official discipline - all according to possible risks. It is always necessary to assess the possible consequences of a negative development of the situation.

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