
Service discipline in the internal affairs bodies: order and concept

Service discipline in the internal affairs bodies is very strict. Employees are required to comply with the laws of our country, the disciplinary charter approved by the President of the Russian Federation or the Minister of the Interior, to be faithful to this oath.

Responsible for discipline

Disciplinary action

The chief is responsible for maintaining discipline in the internal subordinate bodies. The head is obliged:

  1. Create the necessary conditions for recreation, work and advanced training of subordinates.
  2. To cultivate a sense of responsibility among subordinates for the fact that they perform official duties.
  3. Ensure objectivity and publicity during the assessment of the actions of subordinates.
  4. Respect the dignity and honor of your subordinates.
  5. The boss should not be biased when working with close-up staff, as well as pursue an employee for personal reasons or because of criticism of the work of the authorities.

In order to strengthen official discipline in the internal affairs bodies, incentive measures are applied, as well as penalties for disciplinary offenses.


Employee Encouragement

For excellent performance of duties, high performance results, for complex tasks performed, an employee can be encouraged in one of the following ways:

  1. Announce thanks.
  2. To pay a cash bonus.
  3. Give a valuable gift.
  4. Awarded with a certificate of honor from the state, regional internal affairs body, as well as units.
  5. Enter the name of the employee in the honorary book or on the honorary board of a state, territorial body or unit.
  6. Reward with a cold steel or firearm.
  7. To prematurely assign a special next rank.
  8. Give departmental awards.
  9. Assign a special next rank through a degree from the current position.
  10. Remove previously imposed disciplinary action.

In higher education institutions, the following types of encouragement are applicable to the student (cadet):

  1. Extraordinary dismissal from the location of the institution.
  2. Name scholarship.

The promotion of discipline in the internal affairs bodies is carried out in several ways at once.

If an employee has merit to the country, he can be presented for a state award, encouragement from the president of our country or the government of the Russian Federation.

Disciplinary violation

Official check

The concept of service discipline in the internal affairs bodies has already been disassembled. Now it is worth defining a disciplinary offense. Discipline is called misconduct disciplinary. It is considered guilty inaction or action, which is expressed in violation of the disciplinary charter of the internal affairs of our country, the rules of the order established within the body, as well as the fact that restrictions and prohibitions, non-fulfillment of orders, duties, orders of the direct chief and immediate superior are not observed.

For violation of official discipline include:

  1. The employee does not comply with the prohibitions and restrictions that are established by the legislation of our country.
  2. The employee is absent from service for four hours without a break and has no good reason.
  3. The employee is in the service of alcoholic, toxic, narcotic or any other form of intoxication. In addition, the employee refuses to undergo a medical examination of his condition.
  4. The employee committed inaction or action that violated the freedoms and rights of a person and a citizen, as well as a threat to human health and life.The employee interfered with the work or suspension of the work of a state body or otherwise caused significant harm to organizations and citizens. Acts entailing criminal liability are not included.
  5. The employee discloses information that is a state or other important secret. The disclosure of official secrets applies here, excluding those moments when criminal liability is provided for this.
  6. The employee casually stores the entrusted weapons and their ammunition, which resulted in their loss. Cases involving criminal liability are not included.
  7. The employee refuses or evades the medical examination in cases where it is mandatory.
  8. The employee is not at the meeting of the certification commission in order to pass it, and he has no good reason for this.
  9. An employee intentionally destroys or damages property that is under operational management. This action entails substantial damage. The situation when criminal liability is provided is excluded.
  10. The employee violates the labor protection requirement in official activities, which entails accidents such as an accident, injury, fire, disaster. The intentional creation by the employee of a threat of such consequences.
  11. An employee who serves goods or monetary values ​​has committed guilty acts, after which trust in him has been lost on the part of his immediate supervisor or boss.
  12. The employee made an unreasonable decision, which violated the preservation of property in operational management. It also includes misuse of property and damage to it.
  13. The employee did not provide information on income, property, property obligations. The income of the spouse and children, as well as their property, is required to be provided.
  14. The employee hides the fact that he was approached with the aim of inducing corruption violation.
  15. The employee publicly speaks out, discusses and gives assessments (including publicly) about how the state bodies and the management team work, but this is not the responsibility of the employee.

Disciplinary action

the federal law

The concept of service discipline in the internal affairs bodies also includes disciplinary sanctions. What measures can be applied to an employee who has violated official discipline? They are as follows:

  • rebuke;
  • comment;
  • severe reprimand;
  • warning that the employee is not fully consistent with the service;
  • transfer to a position which is one notch in the bodies;
  • dismissal from work in bodies.

In higher education institutions, a cadet (student) may receive the following penalties:

  • appointment out of turn;
  • deprivation of dismissal from the location of the university;
  • expulsion from an educational institution.

For one violation of discipline, an employee may be disciplined only once.

If the employee received a penalty, then his surname is excluded from the honorary book or the honorary board of the state body.

They are transferred to a position which is one notch lower only if the employee grossly violated the official discipline or did this more than once with the existing written penalty.

The use of rewards and disciplinary action

Cadets of educational institutions

Service discipline in the internal affairs bodies is provided by incentive measures and penalties. But by what principle are they applied? This must be understood in more detail.

Service discipline in the internal affairs bodies is provided by incentive measures established by the state body.

Employees who fill positions in bodies appointed and removed by the president himself receive incentives from the head of a state body or an authorized leader. Thus, official discipline in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation is maintained.

Disciplinary sanctions on an employee may be imposed by a direct supervisor. They fall within his competence, except for transferring to a position which is one notch lower, and dismissal from the service of an employee who is filling the position, since the decision on removal can only be made by the president of our country. According to official discipline in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, a disciplinary sanction is imposed on the employee who is filling the position, it is necessary to notify the president of our country.

A direct supervisor may impose a disciplinary sanction on a subordinate leader. If the boss does not have the authority to impose a penalty, but it is necessary, then the boss submits a request that this penalty be imposed by a higher manager.

A superior may change the disciplinary sanction imposed by a lower supervisor. You can apply this action in the event that the recovery does not correspond to the severity of the misconduct. That is how service discipline in internal affairs bodies is achieved and regulated.

Collection period

Staff oath

Disciplinary action is also limited in time. For example, it cannot be imposed later than two weeks from the moment it became known about the misconduct. But if an official audit has been appointed or a criminal case has been instituted, then within a month from the date of receipt of the results of the official audit or decision on the case. These terms do not include the employee’s vacation period, business trip or temporary disability period.

A penalty cannot be imposed on an employee if six months have passed after the offense was committed. If the misconduct is identified after an audit or audit of economic activity, then after two years from the date of the misconduct. It does not include vacation time, business trips or criminal proceedings. Thus, official discipline is achieved in the internal affairs bodies.

Before the employee will be penalized, he must give an explanation in writing. If an employee refuses to give it, then they draw up a corresponding act. Before imposing a penalty, the supervisor may schedule an internal audit.

Bureaucratic support of recovery

Service discipline in law enforcement bodies and crime prevention rests on disciplinary measures. And these measures cannot be applied without appropriate papers. After all, the first order of management is issued for the recovery. If the employee is on vacation, business trip, then the order leaves after the employee goes to the service. Once the order is issued, it is believed that the employee is held accountable.

The order must also indicate other employees who must be notified by order. The manager is obliged to familiarize the employee with his personal signature. If the employee refuses or avoids reading the document, then they draw up the corresponding act.

All incentives, as well as penalties, are recorded in the personal dossier of an employee of the internal affairs bodies. At the same time, they are taken into account individually.

Collection action

Service discipline in the internal affairs bodies is regulated by the terms of execution of the penalty. The disciplinary sanction imposed by the head of the authority is valid for a year from the moment of imposition. The announced verbal penalty is valid for a month. The penalty is deducted after a year, but only if the employee has not been re-collected during this time.

The penalty may be executed no later than two months from the date of issuing the order of imposition. This period does not include the employee’s vacation, his business trip and a period of temporary incapacity for work.

If an employee is transferred to a position which is one notch lower, then this can be done in the order established by the Federal Law. The procedure for dismissal provides for the twelfth article of the Federal Law.

Official check

Service discipline

The official discipline of the internal affairs bodies is compliance with the law. But if an employee violates it, then before imposing a penalty on him, an official check is carried out. In order to conduct it, the decision of the boss is necessary. The basis may be the statement of the employee, clarification of the reasons and circumstances of the offense.

An employee who is directly or indirectly interested in its outcome is not allowed to perform an internal audit. He submits a report on being released from participation. If this requirement is not complied with, then the results of the audit are canceled, and the period for verification is increased by another ten days.

During the inspection, you must establish the following:

  1. Circumstances and facts of misconduct.
  2. The fault of the employee.
  3. Conditions and reasons that influenced the commission of misconduct.
  4. The amount and nature of the harm caused by the employee due to misconduct.
  5. The absence or presence of circumstances that impede the employee’s service in the authorities.

An internal audit must be completed a maximum of one month after the decision was made to conduct it. The employee’s vacation, business trip, or temporary disability are not included in this period of time.

The result of the internal audit is provided to the head of the state body, which decided on its necessity. This result must be transmitted in writing to the manager no later than three days after the end of the audit. Such a document is approved by the head, who made the decision to check, within five days after submission.

Thus, official discipline in the internal affairs bodies is ensured and regulated.

Employee behavior

How should an employee behave if an internal audit is carried out in relation to his candidacy? He has the following responsibilities:

Give written explanations during the audit, but the employee has the right not to testify against himself.

The order of official discipline in the internal affairs bodies during the internal audit allows the employee:

  1. Submit motions, applications and other documents.
  2. Appeal against the inaction, decision or action of employees who conduct an internal audit. An appeal should be written off to the head of the state body or to the head who made the decision to conduct the audit.
  3. View the results of the scan, if they can be disclosed.
  4. Require verification without explanation using psychophysical examinations.

Verification Conclusion Data

The conclusion, as a rule, indicates the circumstances and facts that have been established, and proposals for the imposition of a disciplinary sanction.

Sign the conclusion of those persons who conducted the audit.

Thanks to all these measures, service discipline in the internal affairs bodies and ways to strengthen it are bearing fruit. After all, the correct system of punishment and encouragement will always stimulate employees to continue fruitful work, and not to violate the disciplines and rules that are prescribed by law.

In addition, a wise leader will be able to select employees so that none of them decompose the team and make confusion. And also the correct distribution of work and rewards for a good result also play a role in the discipline.

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