
Salary increase memo: sample, features and requirements

Every employee dreams of raising wages, but in order for dreams to become reality, it is necessary not only to soberly evaluate their achievements in a professional way, but also to be able to present their services to the authorities. In order for the manager to have time to think, weigh the pros and cons, evaluate the employee’s contribution to the overall success of the enterprise, a request for an increase in the official salary is better to be written in writing: we are preparing a request for an increase in wages.

Most often, service notes are used to resolve issues of this kind. A document of this kind will be most appropriate for solving the task. Before you start writing a salary increase service, you need to figure out what kind of official document it is and how it is correctly drawn up according to the rules of office work.

What is a memo?

The girl thought

A memo (along with a memorandum, order and order) is one of the main types of internal documents of enterprises and organizations of various types of ownership. Documents in the form of memos are used to carry out internal document flow within a specific organization and cannot be sent to third-party enterprises.

The specified type of document is usually compiled by a lower official and is addressed to a higher (or equal in position) official, that is, to the head. It is logical that a memo on a salary increase will be addressed to the head of the enterprise or to the head of the relevant structural unit (if the specified official has the appropriate authority to resolve issues related to setting salaries).

Basic principles for filling out a memo

Each particular organization may have its own peculiarities of compiling internal documents, respectively, samples of official notes on salary increase at different enterprises may vary slightly. At the same time, the basic principles of their design remain unchanged:

  1. The memo is addressed to an official whose competence includes resolving issues set forth in the main part of the document.
  2. The memo contains certain parts of the official document (heading, document title, main part, position, surname and signature of the person who wrote and sent the memo, date of preparation of the document).
  3. The memo complies with the document flow requirements established at a particular enterprise (within the framework of which it is drawn up).
    Conversation with the boss

Who is writing the salary increase memo?

Most often, in examples of salary increase memos, an example is given when a document is prepared directly by an employee who plans to increase salaries. But in practice, the most widespread case is when the direct manager solicits the chief manager (director) of the enterprise to increase the salary of an employee of his structural unit. Thus, two different types of salary increase memos should be considered:

  1. The employee independently compiles and sends a memo directly to the head of his structural unit or director of the enterprise.
  2. The head of the structural unit in which the employee works sends a memo to the head of the enterprise (director) about increasing the salary of his subordinate.

What should an official memo contain?

  1. Position, surname, name, patronymic of the author of the document.
  2. Position, surname, name, patronymic of the employee who is planning to increase the salary (indicated only if he is not the author of the memo).
  3. Registration number of the service note (if the company is registering internal documents).
  4. Date of writing paper.
  5. Signature of the author of the memo.
  6. The date on which salary increases are planned.
  7. Justification for increasing the salary (achievements and achievements of the employee).
  8. Amount of increase in official salary: may be indicated in the form of a percentage by which it is necessary to increase the employee's salary - “increase official salary by 20%”; a specific amount may be indicated, by which it is necessary to increase the official salary - "increase the official salary by 5,000 rubles." the desired level of salary may be indicated - "increase the official salary to 50,000 ros. rubles."
    Man thinks

The main reasons for increasing the salary

In order for the request for an increase in wages not to be unreasonable and not to remain without consideration, when drawing up the application, it is necessary to indicate reasons or grounds that explain the merits of the employee. The boss can express his opinion in a note on this subject and list the achievements of his subordinate (in this case, the chances of an increase in salary are much higher).

The most common of these are the following formulations:

  • "In connection with the expansion (increase) of the range of duties ...";
  • “In connection with the assignment of additional duties to an employee ...”;
  • “In connection with the special merits to the company: an increase in sales by 60% compared to the previous similar period ...”;
  • “In connection with continuing education through further education ...” and others.

Wage increase options

  1. The establishment of a temporary bonus to the official salary (may be established for a month, a quarter, a half year, etc.).
  2. Establishment of a permanent bonus to the official salary (this type of salary increase is often prescribed in a collective agreement or in an additional agreement to it. This is due to the harmfulness of production or the danger of work performed).
  3. Bonus payment (one-time reward for the amount of work performed).
  4. Salary increase (allows you to increase the salary not once or temporarily, as in the previous options, but to consolidate a higher salary level on an ongoing basis).

The sample service note on the increase in salary will vary depending on who is its author (employee or manager), as well as on how this increase will be drawn up (bonus, allowance, increase in salary).

Salary increase

Sample memo on behalf of an employee

To the Director of PJSC Flip

A.A. Zavyalova

Leading Specialist, Direct Selling

A.P. Petrenko


11/15/2018 No. 14 / 24СЗ

Please consider the possibility of increasing my salary by 15% from 01.01.2019 in relation to the current salary. In the third quarter of 2018, I developed and successfully implemented a loyalty program for regular customers of Flip PJSC, which allowed me to increase the company's monthly income by 5%, and also significantly reduce the client base dropout rate.


Sample memo on behalf of the immediate supervisor

To the Director of PJSC Flip

A.A. Zavyalova

Head of Direct Sales

I'M IN. Perepelkina


11/15/2018 No. 14 / 25СЗ

Please consider increasing the salary of the leading specialist of the direct sales department from 01.01.2019 Petrenko A.P.15% in relation to the current official salary. Petrenko A.P. conscientiously fulfills his duties, takes a creative approach to solving the tasks assigned to him; during his work in the direct sales department, he established himself as a responsible employee. In the third quarter of 2018, the leading specialist A.P. Petrenko a loyalty program for regular customers of PJSC Flip was developed and successfully implemented, which allowed to increase the company's monthly income by 5%.

The specified increase in official salary corresponds to the salary grid of PJSC Flip established by order No. 13-20 of May 12, 2018.

Head of direct sales. Signature. I'M IN. Perepelkin

Girl and Head

Sample memorandum on premium payment or mark-up

To the Director of PJSC Flip

A.A. Zavyalova

Head of Direct Sales

I'M IN. Perepelkina


11/15/2018 No. 14 / 26СЗ

I ask you to consider the possibility of establishing a permanent bonus to the official salary of 30% from 01.01.2019 to the leading specialist of the direct sales department A.P. Petrenko

Petrenko A.P. performs duties that are not specified in his job description, namely: participates in the test operation of the new ARMSOT software, designed to process consumer complaints to the contact center of Flip PJSC; processes applications received by the technical support service from consumers.

Head of direct sales. Signature. I'M IN. Perepelkin

Girl works

An example of a memo on employee bonuses will differ slightly from the text above:

  • the phrase “the possibility of establishing a permanent bonus to the official salary of 30% from 01/01/2019” should be replaced by “the possibility of paying a bonus of 10,000 rubles. rub.";
  • the phrases “fulfills duties”, “participates in ..”, “processes applications” must be rephrased in the past tense, since the bonus is paid for work that was carried out by an employee in past periods.

What exactly should be written in a memo to increase the chances of a pay increase?

In order for the head not to put the read memo on the increase in wages into the lower drawer of the table, the sample should be supplemented with the real merits of the employee, which had a beneficial effect on the activities of the organization as a whole. Moreover, figures and facts will be important for the head, and not standard phrases from the series “conscientious”, “executive”, “responsible”. It is the increase in sales, the growth of the customer base, the cost savings of the enterprise, additional income and profit that lead to an increase in the economic efficiency of the organization, which allows to increase not only the scale of the enterprise, but also the salary of its employees. Therefore, when preparing a memo on the increase in wages, it is advisable to indicate which contribution of the employee allowed to increase the economic potential of the organization. The following phrases can be used as an example:

  • “The constant implementation of individual sales plans allowed us to increase the monthly profit of the enterprise by _% or by _ ros.rub.”;
  • “The introduction of a new online order-taking system has reduced the company's monthly costs of operating a call center by 120,000 rubles.”;
  • “The business proposal developed by the employee for new consumers made it possible to additionally attract 1,500 new customers in the third quarter of 2018.”

Obviously, when using the standard sample of a service note for increasing salaries, it is necessary to supplement it with information about the achievements of a particular employee. At the same time, one should not skimp on praise, and as an essential argument it is worth using the results of the employee’s labor that bring the company financial benefit!

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