
Construction and installation work - what is it in construction?

A huge number of projects being implemented in our country are associated with the organization of the construction of various facilities: industrial, road, agricultural, etc. The buildings and structures being erected can be both part of a more global plan and its main essence. The share of financial costs in such projects falls on construction and installation works (construction and installation works). As a rule, they account for the largest amount of financial and material resources.

Construction and installation work is the application of methods of regulation of activity in construction, which occupies a special place in the legislation.

General view

Construction as an industry includes a wide range of works. This is not only the construction of new buildings and structures, but also the activities for the implementation of their repair (current and capital), restoration, reconstruction.

Construction and installation work (interpretation in construction) means construction and installation works. Their main characteristics:

  • the implementation process goes through several successive stages: drawing up a marketing plan, substantiating the parameters of the project, determining the contracting organization, etc .;
  • geodetic works;
  • development of project documentation;
  • stage of material support (purchase of necessary products and raw materials, their transportation to sites);
  • construction and installation (preparatory, basic and finishing) work;
  • commissioning (control measures and necessary tests).

There are several interpretations of the term "construction and installation work". Different formulations depend on the vocabulary used and legislation. At the same time, they all agree that construction and installation work is the application of a specific list of sequential operations in construction, which are aimed at the erection of buildings and structures, installation of necessary equipment (ventilation, heating, gas and water supply systems, sewage disposal, etc.). d.).

For reduction, it is customary to write CMP in technical documentation.

SMR is in construction

What is regulated by SMR?

The main document governing all construction and installation activities in Russia is SNiP, which stands for construction norms and rules.

Construction Norms and Regulations - in construction, the regulation of the following areas by sections:

  • key points;
  • design standards;
  • rules for the production and acceptance of work;
  • appraisal rules and regulations.
responsibilities of the master


Construction involves a combination of a huge number of actions from different directions using the whole variety of materials and specialized equipment. Construction and installation work is the use of various ways of organizing production processes in construction.

A project can be implemented in several different ways:

  • conclusion of contracts, which stipulate the implementation of all stages by specialized companies;
  • all work is carried out by the company's own divisions;
  • in a mixed way, in which one part of the work is carried out by contractors and the other on their own.

Based on the concept and the expected result, the following main types of construction and installation works are distinguished: general construction, transport, handling, special.

Installation is carried out using prefabricated parts, power wiring and other cables, reinforced concrete and metal structures.

General construction activities are based on the processing of materials and the construction of structural elements. They are divided into established types. Construction and installation work by type of construction can be classified as follows:

  • Excavation.They include excavation of pits, trenches for the installation of strip foundations and individual supports, underground engineering networks of different lengths.
  • Pile. Piling or driving piles, preparing the foundation.
  • Stone. The construction of piers, walls, columns and other structures made of blocks, masonry made of rubble, brick, natural and artificial stones.
  • Reinforced concrete and concrete. Preparation of the mixture, its transportation and pouring into the formwork, care, processing of compositions and prefabricated elements.
  • Mounting. Delivery to the destination of structural parts, their alignment, installation and fastening.
  • Joinery and carpentry. They involve the supply and installation of finished wooden parts (doors, windows).
  • Roofing. They consist in covering roofs with asbestos-cement or steel sheets.
  • Plastering. For large volumes, a mechanical feed is used and the use of a solution for small volumes is used manually.
  • Facing. They suggest covering vertical and horizontal surfaces with large and small plates, as well as sheet materials.
  • Painting. They consist of manual or mechanical painting of structures, as well as wallpapering of walls.

Some of these technological processes are combined in the concept of “zero cycle”, which is the initial phase of construction and includes the preparation of the site and its access roads, excavation, laying the foundation. It ends when the underground part of the building is erected and utility networks are laid.

smr by type of construction

Conclusion of contracts

Since construction work is very complex and multi-stage, they suggest the possibility of attracting contractors at some stages. Some of them cover most common technological processes, others specialize in certain areas that require special equipment and trained professionals. Accordingly, the most common type of agreement is a contractual one, in which there are two parties: a client authorized by the investor who sets the parameters for the execution of the specified processes, determines and verifies the results, pays for them; and a contractor who fulfills customer requirements within a specified time frame.

The latter are usually construction companies or licensed individual entrepreneurs. If the contractor is not able to fully fulfill the full amount of the obligations undertaken by him, then it is possible to attract a subcontractor under the relevant contract, that is, transfer part of the work to other organizations.

smr road construction

Estimated cost concept

An integral part of the design documentation is the assessment, that is, the estimated cost of construction and installation work in construction. A properly conducted financial justification ensures the rhythm and continuity of all stages of work.

If inaccuracies were made, then this can lead to losses, delays, the appearance of debt, the need to obtain additional finance in the form of a loan.

The estimated cost is usually assigned to several components and is calculated using the following formula:

CMP = PZ + HP + PN,

where construction and installation work - estimated estimated cost of all work, thousand rubles; PZ - the amount of direct costs, thousand rubles; НР - overhead expenses, thousand rubles; PN - planned savings or estimated profit, thousand rubles

The value of direct costs is determined by calculating the total volume of all work performed (in physical units) and the rates currently used in accordance with the standards. The share of direct costs averages 65-80% of the total cost. Their structure consists of the following elements:

  • salary of workers who are directly involved in construction and installation works (10-15%);
  • the cost of all materials used in the construction of buildings (50-55%);
  • the cost of used vehicles, special equipment, machines, including the salary of the specialists who manage them (5-10%).

Overhead costs include reimbursement to the contractor or subcontractor of all costs associated with organizing and maintaining appropriate living and working conditions at the construction site. Their volume is directly dependent on the wage fund and, to a large extent, on the scale of the facility, production method, type of construction. As a rule, this indicator varies in the range of 13-20%.

job description master smr in construction

In the calculations, norms are applied taking into account the characteristics of the object.

Overhead costs include:

  • Funds for administrative and business needs. It takes into account transportation costs, expenses for office, postal and telephone communications, car maintenance, the acquisition of the necessary specialized literature, and subscription to the required periodicals.
  • The cost of staff. It includes the training and retraining of managers and specialists, the creation of appropriate sanitary and hygienic conditions, and labor protection.
  • The costs of organizing the construction process. Such costs include: maintenance of security systems, fire safety, operating costs of design teams, geodetic work, landscaping.
  • Other expenses (property insurance, licensing, audit, consulting, advertising, banking).

Estimated profit is the planned revenue of the contractor. The organization should cover its costs for material bonuses for employees, innovative methods in production.

Quality control

The construction contract imposes a great responsibility on the contractor, since poor quality of work, the use of low-grade materials and non-compliance with the approved standards can lead to the destruction of facilities, large financial losses or loss of life.

Therefore, the level of construction and installation work at each stage is of particular importance. The quality of the materials affects the cost and performance of the structure.

During the construction of facilities using low-grade raw materials, the cost of all processes increases due to the need to constantly correct the identified deficiencies, increase operating costs, and the level of comfort of residents decreases.

The essence of control is to verify compliance with the actual performance of the facility with the approved requirements set forth in the technical specifications, standards, projects, contracts, passports.

The main task is to prevent defects and defects, and to maintain proper product quality. There are two forms of control: internal and external.

The first is carried out directly by employees of enterprises (design, industrial) that produce the necessary products. Factories and plants manufacturing building materials issue documents and passports that confirm compliance with state standards. The presence of such a document in the delivery of products is mandatory.

External quality control includes inspections conducted by organizations that are entitled to supervision and are independent.

cost of construction in construction

Certification and Licensing Procedures

The process of certification of products and licensing of design, survey and construction works is currently required. It represents an activity that is aimed at establishing compliance of product quality indicators with the requirements of approved standards. Its purpose is to protect the rights of consumers and the environment, as well as the safety of human health, his life and property.

The objects may be: industrial products, building materials, erected buildings and structures.

Certification is possible in the following forms:

  • voluntary, at the initiative of the manufacturer, who wants to confirm the quality of their products;
  • compulsory, used for a separate legislatively approved assortment, which in case of non-compliance with certain requirements may be hazardous to human health and their property (projects for private houses, castles, sealants).

The process of confirming the quality of any type of product occurs in the following sequence:

  • the applicant submits a declaration;
  • establishes the scheme and methodology of test activities;
  • conduct sampling and identification of samples, study products and study the state of production;
  • analyze the results;
  • The certificate is registered and issued on hand.

Licensing is a review of the enterprise and the documents submitted by it regarding its readiness to carry out the activities specified in the application.

A special commission checks the availability of the necessary technical base and documentation, the implementation of the presented production and technological processes, the qualifications and experience of the staff, as well as customer reviews.

Some types of construction and installation works are subject to mandatory licensing (design, engineering and geodetic works and surveys, production of building materials).

composition smr in construction

Organization SMR

Various organizations are involved in the construction process.

To ensure uninterrupted operation and phased commissioning of finished parts of the facility, a system of continuous planning and execution of work is necessary.

There are three main methods of organizing the technological process that determine what is included in construction and installation work in construction:

  • Consistent. With this method, certain types of activities are carried out one after the other, that is, the next starts no earlier than the end of the previous one.
  • Parallel. It is based on the maximum possible combination of various processes in a single period of time. This allows you to erect several buildings at the same time, but requires the involvement of a significant amount of labor and technology.
  • Streaming. It consists of dividing complex processes that are combined in time into simpler operations that are performed sequentially. All actions are divided into threads executed in a clearly defined period of time. In each object included in the flow, construction and installation works are carried out by integrated teams that move from room to room, which allows uniform loading of personnel and ensure rhythmic work at the facilities.
master smr road construction watch

Construction and installation work in road construction

Laying roads has its own characteristics. The process is characterized by the extension of the construction site, constant changes in the workplaces of specialized machine complexes, uneven distribution of types of work along the road under construction, and, finally, the dependence of the technological process on climatic conditions and time of year.

Duration of construction of tens of kilometers complicates the organization of work, complicates control and management, worsens the repair and maintenance of road construction and vehicles.

resume master smr in construction

CMP Wizard: Knowledge and Functions

The post belongs to the category of managers who have a number of specific responsibilities of the construction and construction master. A person performing these functions is required to have a higher technical education.

The job description of the master of construction and installation works in construction is developed at the level of a specific enterprise. However, in general, all the duties and functions prescribed in this manual are similar for different enterprises.

The master of construction and installation works must know:

  • Decisions, orders of higher authorities and other regulatory materials on the activities of construction sites.
  • The composition of construction and installation works in construction.
  • Design estimates for construction in progress.
  • Technical regulations, norms and rules, conditions for conducting and accepting construction and installation works.
  • The principles of planning the technological process on the site.

The main responsibilities of the construction and construction master:

  • Ensuring the implementation of the work plan at the site.
  • Organization of operational accounting for the implementation of production tasks and the receipt of raw materials.
  • Monitoring compliance by workers with safety measures.
  • Organization of the reception of materials, structures, products, their storage, accounting and reporting.
  • Ensuring the rational use of fixed assets at the facility.

When filling out a resume for construction and installation work masters in construction, it is necessary to indicate experience at previous places of work with a specific list of constructed objects.

what is included in smr in construction

Shift method in CMR

The method is a form of labor organization outside the place of permanent residence of employees, provided that they return home. Watch for the master of construction and construction works in road construction is very common recently. Construction and installation work in this case is carried out at facilities that are far from the location of the organization and the permanent residence of workers.

The shift method is used when it is impractical to perform work in the usual ways, as well as to reduce construction time in uninhabited and remote areas or places with adverse climatic conditions.


The construction complex is quite numerous and developed today. However, the impact of the crisis has seriously affected the pace of development of the industry in terms of the cost of work and lower consumer demand.

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