
Demolition of a private house - features of the procedure

Repair and maintenance of the house in good condition is a laborious process, both financially and morally. Building materials today cost a lot, because many property owners prefer the demolition of an old house and the construction of a new, modern one to numerous reconstructions. The cost of which, at times, can be cheaper than maintaining the functional and aesthetic condition of the old building.

Why do you need a document such as permission to demolish a house

Despite the freedom of private property, the legal specificity of the state provides for the protection of the rights not only of owners, but also of public structures, and persons whose demolition of a private house can cause a number of inconveniences, restrict their rights (for example, neighbors).

Demolition of a private house

In what cases is demolition prohibited by law?

The law provides for a clause that describes the rules for caring for historic buildings, architectural monuments, buildings that are part of protected areas. If your object falls into at least one of these categories, you will have to work hard. In this case, obtaining permission to demolish a protected property is not easy, but in most cases impossible.

Other cases of the need to obtain a demolition permit

Permission to demolish a private house will also be required if such actions could harm the property interests of persons who do not agree with the demolition, as this infringes on their rights. For example, co-owners. A neighbor whose housing or outbuilding is adjacent to the demolition facility as a pillar will certainly not support the demolition of a private house. Carrying out such a procedure accidentally can damage the communication branch, leaving residents without water. When carrying out such an event, it is possible to damage the neighboring site, which will also lead to an unsuccessful outcome of negotiations on such an issue as demolition of the house.

Demolition House

As you can see, dismantling a house is not such an easy process. Obtaining permission is determined by the cultural and physical protection of society, as well as the concern of government officials about the situation of persons to whom such an operation could cause damage. In addition, such events are mandatory recorded in a special register. Emergency buildings that are on the balance sheet of the municipality are reflected in the relevant documents.

Who is responsible for issuing permission

Having ownership of the property, you can get permission to dismantle the house. The administrative bodies of the municipality at the location of the object (in the city, town, village) and architectural bureaus deal with such issues.

House dismantling

There is no such thing as demolition in the legislative framework. Instead, they use more precise terms: "dismantling", "reconstruction".

In recent years, the following practice has been in fashion: in place of a demolished object, a similar structure is erected, the same in size and area. In this case, there is no need to obtain permission for construction work.

The package of necessary documents for the dismantling of the property

Demolition of private sector homes is accompanied by an application to local authorities with a request for permission to dismantle the facility. In addition to the application, you must attach to the package of documents:

  • proof of identity;
  • document confirming the ownership of the property;
  • a document confirming the right to own the land on which the building is located;
  • plot of land.

If you plan to demolish a family-type house or a house with a height of 3 floors or more, attach to the package of documents:

  • project documentation with a set of technical papers;
  • coordination with other residents and the scheme of their resettlement.

House Removal Rules

Having permission in hand, the owner can begin dismantling. Carrying out such work, the owner is obliged to comply with the urban planning regulations and safety precautions:

  1. Prepare the territory: with a measure to ensure the security of neighboring plots, a house for demolition and the adjacent territory around the perimeter are fenced.
  2. Disable communications.
  3. Clean the area after dismantling the facility.
  4. Dispose of construction waste and carry out its full disposal.

Size of material damage during demolition of a house

Demolition of a private house requires considerable costs. So, if the house cannot be dismantled on its own, you will have to rent construction equipment or seek help from a special company specializing in such matters.

Even if you can save on the dismantling of the elevated part of the house above the ground. do not succeed in erecting a foundation with your own hands: you have to turn to specialists.

Permission to demolish a private house

Another difficult stage is garbage collection and construction waste disposal. If there is no way to do it yourself, you will have to resort to the services of a company, the prices of which depend on the amount of equipment hired and are calculated at an hourly rate.

Demolition of private sector homes

So, as you can see, the demolition of a private house is a process that requires a lot of time, money and knowledge. Making a house for demolition, you must follow the legal rules. And starting the process, you need to get complete information about security measures, coordinate work with neighbors, municipal authorities, notify the property registration authorities.

Having carried out the demolition of a private house correctly, following all stages of the procedure in sequence and following the instructions prescribed by law, the procedure will be possible without special difficulties and moral damage.

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