
Removal from registration at the place of residence: grounds, application and procedure

Deregistration at the place of residence may be voluntary or forced. The process involves contacting the passport office or another government agency with the appropriate authority. The procedure consists in filling out a special application, on the basis of which a person is written out of a certain property. If the process is implemented in a forced manner, then the plaintiff can only be the owner of the object, who has good reason for the discharge of other persons. For this, an application is submitted to the court, which examines all the reasons for the process.

Reasons for discharge of citizens

The deregistration at the place of residence may be carried out for various reasons. The most popular reasons for implementing this process include:

  • change of residence associated with the purchase of an apartment or moving to another city in the country;
  • the death of a relative, which requires notification of the passport office employees;
  • identification of various inaccurate information on the basis of which a citizen was registered in real estate;
  • a person is recognized as dead as a result of a court decision, and this also includes recognition of a citizen as missing;
  • compulsory discharge by the owner of a privatized apartment or by residents of municipal housing.

In the latter case, it is necessary to conduct the procedure only through the court. There may be other significant reasons for deregistration at the place of residence.

rules for deregistration at the place of residence

Where is the application filed?

If a person is independently discharged from housing, then he must draw up an application for deregistration at the place of residence. The form of this application can be taken directly at the FMS department, passport office or at the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

You can transfer the documentation in person or with the help of a representative who has a power of attorney certified by a notary. A citizen can draw up two applications, since one is handed over to the employee of the selected institution, and the second is stamped on the acceptance of documentation.

After discharge, the applicant is sent a check-out sheet. It will be required when registering at a new address.

Discharge methods

Withdrawal from registration at the place of residence is considered a simple process. For this, the rules prescribed in the Registration Rules No. 713 are taken into account. The procedure is implemented without the need to pay any fee. There are two ways to do this:

  • a preliminary statement before departure, for which registering authorities are notified of a change of residence;
  • when registering at a new address, a simultaneous statement of the last place of residence is performed.

Most often, citizens use a method involving simultaneous discharge and registration at a new address.

deregistration of documents at the place of residence

Early Check Out Process

The procedure for deregistration at the place of residence consists in the implementation of certain successive stages. This method is used by people planning to move to another city or country on an ongoing basis. To do this, the following actions are performed:

  • documents are prepared for discharge;
  • a statement is drawn up in the form of a passport office;
  • an application with other documentation is transmitted to the FMS department, the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the passport office;
  • along with the application, a passport is transmitted, in which a note about the statement is put;
  • issued to the citizen a sheet of departure confirming the termination of registration at a specific address.

If you plan to move to another state, you need to get a special slip of statistical retirement.

The nuances of compiling a retirement sheet

This document confirms the deregistration at the place of residence. The departure sheet is prepared in duplicate. The following authorized persons may engage in filling out this document:

  • FMS employees;
  • the owner of the dwelling in which the citizen previously resided;
  • management company for multi-unit residential buildings;
  • immediate person planning a move.

The pluses of having a departure sheet include the fact that you will not have to send a request for a previous place of residence in a new place, since all the necessary information is already contained in this document.

The disadvantages of an advance statement include the fact that if a person cannot register at another address for any reason, he will be left without registration. This will lead to the fact that it will be impossible to take advantage of numerous public services. Therefore, it may be difficult to find a job or enter an educational institution.

deregistration of state services at the place of residence

Simultaneous discharge and registration

This option is used by many people, since there is no period during which a citizen is completely without a place of registration. The features of this process include:

  • if a person plans to move to another city, then in a new region he can stay even without temporary registration for 90 days, after which he will have to find a place for registration;
  • if a citizen finds a new place for permanent residence, then he is sent to the passport office, where he draws up an application for deregistration at the place of residence;
  • immediately the data on the new place of registration is entered into this application;
  • due to such actions, a citizen is simultaneously removed and registered;
  • it is not required for this to draw up several documents at once, since only one application is enough;
  • such a statement is drawn up in any form, and you can also get a sample at the passport office or at a department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The pluses of simultaneous discharge and registration include the fact that a person always has a place of registration, so he will not have different difficulties in obtaining certain public services.

procedure for deregistration at the place of residence

Deferred Statement

Often people when moving relate to difficulties in the process of finding a new place of residence. Therefore, you should not previously deregistered, without registration. Many people live in one city, but they have permanent registration in another region. Under such conditions, it is enough to issue a temporary residence permit at the place of stay.

At the time when there are really good reasons for deregistration at the place of residence, this procedure can be performed at any time. In this case, you do not have to face any sanctions or other problems.

What documents are needed?

Documents personally owned by the applicant are prepared for deregistration at the place of residence. These include the following papers:

  • Russian passport, if a citizen is already 14 years old;
  • if the place of registration of the child changes, the procedure will be performed by the parents, but the birth certificate of the baby must be transferred to the passport office;
  • permission from guardianship authorities if it is planned to change the place of residence of a minor;
  • an application in the form of the selected organization, on the basis of which the applicant is issued a special tear-off coupon, presented by a disposal sheet.

If you are planning a permanent residence in another country, then in the process of filling out the application, this fact must be indicated in the application.In this case, the passport office employee must fill out and issue the citizen a sheet of statistical departure.

residence deregistration form

Nuances of the application

The rules for deregistration at the place of residence imply the need to draw up an application in the form of the organization that is selected for this process. The following information is entered into this document:

  • name of institution in which deregistration is carried out;
  • personal information about the applicant submitted by his F. I. O., place of residence and contact details;
  • name of the document submitted by application or petition;
  • the direct text, which should be drawn up in a business style, and it provides the need for extract from a certain property;
  • a new permanent address may be indicated;
  • the grounds for changing the place of residence are prescribed;
  • at the end is the signature and date of the document.

Based on this statement, an employee of the institution issues a citizen an address sheet of departure. It is formed in form 7, and two copies are certainly made.

deregistration at the place of residence

Nuances of using the Gosuslug portal

It is allowed even through "State services" to deregister at the place of residence. To do this, the following actions are performed:

  • registration and authorization is carried out on this site;
  • a section is offered that offers numerous electronic services;
  • there is a passport office;
  • a service is selected that involves an extract from real estate;
  • The application is filled in electronically;
  • various documents required for this process are uploaded to the portal;
  • the necessary department of the institution is selected, in which the citizen can come with the original documents.

In your personal account there will be a note about when exactly you will have to visit the passport office or the department of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You must have the original documents with you, after which the citizen receives a paper of departure.

The advantages of using public services include the fact that you do not have to wait in line, and the application is filled out at home.

application for deregistration at the place of residence

Term of discharge

The procedure for deregistration of a citizen at any address is carried out within three days. After that, a special stamp is put on the passport or birth certificate. The sheet of departure is transmitted not only to the direct applicant, but also to the new address of the citizen, if this address is indicated in the application.

If the registration is carried out after a certain period of time, then the passport office employees must still pass the leaflet upon request to specialists in another region.

If the application states that the citizen is moving to another country for permanent residence, then a statistical retirement leaflet is being sent to Rosstat. If the parents decide to change the place of residence of their child, then they fill out an application for him on their own, if he has not yet turned 14 years old. If the child is over 14 years old, then he can draw up this document on his own.


The process of removal from the place of registration is considered simple. It can be carried out in different organizations, for which it is enough to prepare a passport and application. For children, the procedure is performed by their parents.

It is allowed not to indicate a new place of registration when drawing up an application, but in this case a citizen will be without registration for a certain period of time. This leads to difficulties in obtaining various public services or job search.

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