
How many years have they taken to kindergarten in Russia?

How many years have they taken to kindergarten? This is one of the most pressing issues that interests young parents. So, according to the legislation of our state, pre-school educational institutions can accept pupils from two months to seven years. Nevertheless, not all kindergartens have conditions for keeping babies who are not even one and a half years old. Therefore, most kindergartens begin to accept children from only 1.5 or two years old. Read more about all this in this article.

A little about the main thing

children and teacher

All mothers and fathers want their baby to attend kindergarten and receive pre-school education, communicate with other children. This is primarily due to the fact that the parent who is on the decree with the child needs to go to work and earn money for the family.

Therefore, many young parents, as well as grandparents, are puzzled by the question of how many years they take children to kindergarten in our country. The most interesting thing is that according to the current legislation, preschool institutions provide care and supervision for babies from the last two months of age to seven years. But unfortunately, in municipal gardens there are currently no conditions for caring for children up to one year old. In addition, the young parents themselves are unlikely to be able to give the two-month-old crumbs to the education of the employees of the preschool institution and to go to work with a calm heart. Therefore, before one and a half, or even two years, children are now not accepted into the kindergarten.

When to write a statement

After the birth of a child, parents face a lot of tasks that will need to be solved. First of all, young mothers are puzzled by the question of how many years they take children to kindergarten and when to write a statement.

It must be said here that pre-school education is not compulsory. Therefore, a child before school can be brought up at home without visiting a kindergarten. This is the right of every parent who wants to devote all his time to the baby.

Nevertheless, if mom and dad still want their child to go to kindergarten, then it’s better to hurry up with a letter of application for a place in a preschool. Therefore, one of the parents (most often mothers deal with these issues) needs to go to the local department of the education department and write a statement. It will be registered, and the child will be put in line for a place in a kindergarten. When a child reaches the age of 1.5 or two years, then parents will need to find out whether they gave a place in some kindergarten or not. You can do this in person or through the website of the education department of your city and district.

Private kindergartens

children in kindergarten

Once again, I would like to answer the question of many citizens about how many years they have taken children from kindergarten in Russia. By law, pre-schools can accept even babies from two months of age to seven years. But the question is that in municipal gardens now there are no such nursery groups for keeping babies who are several months old. Therefore, many municipal institutions accept children from 1.5 years into the kindergarten. It all depends on the occupancy of nursery groups.

Nevertheless, along with state kindergartens, private preschool organizations also work in which children of different ages are admitted. Many pupils of such private kindergartens are not even a year old, but for more than half a day such little children in the garden do not linger. In addition, a substantial fee must be paid for a private kindergarten, which includes not only the cost of feeding the children, but also the repair, the work of educators and the purchase of toys.Therefore, most parents prefer municipal gardens.

Legal regulations

legal norms

According to the Constitution, everyone has the right to education. Therefore, regardless of where the child lives, who his parents work with, they are obliged to take him to the garden, especially if he has already reached the age of three years. This must be remembered.

Nevertheless, many parents still care about the question of how many years they take to kindergarten. The law in this case gives a very accurate and simple answer. According to the Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution dated 10.27.2011, the kindergarten provides development, care and rehabilitation for babies from two months to 7 years. This must be remembered. Although now in Russia, children who are only a couple of months old are not admitted to municipal gardens because of the lack of conditions for their maintenance and upbringing. Therefore, at least up to one and a half years, the child is better to stay at home with loved ones.


girl draws

Since how many years have children been taken to kindergarten? This question worries many parents. Despite the fact that kindergartens provide proper care for children from two months to seven years, groups of pre-school municipal institutions are formed according to certain age restrictions:

  • young children from 1.5 to three years;
  • preschoolers from four to seven years old.

Thus, very young children under 1.5 years old need to be brought up at home, get used to the pot, eat with a spoon and fall asleep on their own. After the baby is trained in all the necessary skills, he can be sent to the garden. This must be remembered.

baby in nursery

How many years have they taken to state kindergarten? Is it possible to identify a baby in a preschool when he is not even a year old? Many parents ask similar questions when they come to an appointment with the education department of their city.

It has already been pointed out earlier that according to the norms of law, pre-school institutions are engaged in upbringing and development, caring for children from two months to seven years. But at present, there are no such nursery groups in municipal gardens where babies could be several months from birth. For this, special conditions and certain nutrition must be created in state gardens. Therefore, now children from one and a half years and older are admitted to preschool education institutions. Parents should be aware of this.

Is it worth the rush

the teacher feeds the children

All the kids are quite different. Some people get used to being only with their parents, while others like communication not only with close relatives, but also with other people (the child easily makes contact).

So, before giving the baby to kindergarten, you need to prepare him for this. Because if a child who is already almost two years old or a little more does not walk on a pot on his own, but pees in pants and does not eat with a spoon, then in a preschool it will be very difficult for him.

In addition, if mom is in no hurry to go to work, and dad provides a good family, then you should not give the child to the garden before three years. Because until this age, the baby is very attached to his mother, and then he begins the period of socialization, he begins to play with other guys in the sandbox, try to communicate and go to the toilet on his own and ask for food. Therefore, three years is the same age when a child needs to be transferred to a kindergarten teacher, and parents should do their work and career. This must be taken into account.

Therefore, when answering the question of how many years they take to kindergarten, it must be said that a child can be admitted to preschool and a half years (if there is space), but the baby needs to be prepared for this (the main thing is to wean from the dummy if he constantly sucks her). Parents should take care of this in advance.

In the capital

Is it difficult to get into a kindergarten in Moscow? How many years have kids taken to a garden in the capital of Russia? These questions are asked by many parents living in a metropolis.

Here, I must immediately say that in Moscow there are very long lines at kindergartens.In addition, many parents who are registered in the capital and permanently live there manage to get their child into the kindergarten no earlier than three years of age. Therefore, many Muscovites send their children to private educational institutions. Thus, it is quite difficult to arrange a child in a municipal garden in the capital, but perhaps the main thing is to wait for your turn.

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