
How many years can you drink alcohol and buy?

New Year, birthday, March 8, vacation, wake - what unites these events in our lives? The answer is one and the general: alcohol. It’s not necessary to be drunk these days, but to drink a small glass “for health” or to raise a glass of wine, pushing speech is a tradition! And they honor her.

Do not give alcohol to pregnant women and children, as indicated on beautiful labels. And the children see how adults raise sparkling champagne in crystal glasses, and wonder about how many years they can drink alcohol to them. After all, children will someday become adults. And in most cases, they will repeat the same actions as their parents.

Traditions or Intentional Implementation

There is an opinion that the Russian people always drank, that this is a Russian tradition. The most common name for vodka in Soviet times was “Russian”. And the association of a Russian person is a man with a balalaika, a bear and always with an inherent attribute - a bottle of vodka. Only at the moment the facts are revealed that more than 300 years ago our people did not use this poison in any form. And it was a shame to be drunk. Statistics also say that as many liters per capita, as now, did not occur in any era.

only time is needed

In our time, alcohol is almost everywhere - from television commercials to children's parties, where children and adults with glasses are sitting at the same table. It has been introduced since childhood that everyone drinks. And no matter how many years you can drink alcohol, the main thing is that it has already been deposited in your head, that you can and should drink it.

Russian legislation

The Constitution of the Russian Federation recognizes a person as an adult from the age of 18. Therefore, any Russian from the age of 18 can buy alcohol for any purpose. Including for himself, therefore, the answer to the question “how many years can you drink alcohol in Russia” begs itself. Became an adult - you can drink any alcohol. It must be emphasized that the sale of alcohol to minors in the Russian Federation is prohibited at the legislative level. And the punishment for a person who violates the law is strict: administrative and criminal liability (part 2.1 of article 14.16 of the Administrative Code; article 151.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

18+ notation for attention

Recently, a lot of signs have appeared on alcohol-containing drinks, at the box office, on store signs with the inscription “18+”. Unfortunately, this sign just reminds how many years in Russia you can drink alcohol. As you know, the forbidden fruit is sweet. The older the child becomes, the closer the cherished date. And now you can independently buy this drug, no matter in what form.

It has long been found out that this is an ordinary marketing move, covered up with good intentions of caring for the younger generation. This does not protect young people from alcohol influence, on the contrary, it lures faster into an insidious pit covered with the sweet aroma of light intoxicating drinks.

Sweet, tasty and dangerous.

Ten years ago, beer and low-alcohol drinks in the form of cocktails in jars and bottles were sold freely, since they were not considered alcohol-containing. There were no warning or prohibition signs indicating how long you can drink light alcohol.

The taste of ethanol contained in drinks is perfectly masked by flavoring and aromatic additives. Young people who are just starting to taste alcohol feel a pleasant aroma and sweetness. The concept that alcohol is delicious is delayed in the mind. Thus, the drinking of youth occurs.

It is also in the head that weak and sweet alcohol is drunk mainly by the female sex, and strong drinks are the prerogative of the stronger sex.How many years can a guy drink strong alcohol? After all, the growing guys want to match the adults. From the age of 18, a young man can already buy any strong drink without violating the law.

low alcohol drink

Safe doses of alcohol do not exist

In the minds of almost everyone it has already been postponed that a glass of red wine is only good. But recent studies have shown that the harm from drinking wine exceeds its benefits. No matter what color it is, the alcohol content in it does not change. Fresh grape juice is much more healthy than sour.

Doctors have derived a “safe dose” of alcohol - about 40 grams of ethanol. If translated into drinks, it is:

  • 2 bottles of beer;
  • 3 glasses of wine:
  • 200 grams of vodka.

It doesn't matter how long you can drink alcohol. In such quantities, at any age with daily use of “safe” doses, a disease of the liver or other organs of the gastrointestinal tract is guaranteed.

cirrhosis of the liver

The largest percentage of crimes is drunk. This drug blocks the parts of the brain responsible for controlling behavior, shame, causes cell death.

Due to drinking, 42% of suicides and more than 70% of murders occur. Due to the fault of individuals in a state of drug intoxication, not only adults but also children die on the roads. Robbery, violence, mutilation, fraud and other crimes are committed mainly against the background of a cloud of reason due to ethanol.

intoxicated crimes

Demographic situation

As for the demographic situation, for comparison it is better to take the year 1987. At that time, the Prohibition Act was in force. Fertility has broken all records of past years! After the repeal of this law, the number of healthy children born into the world began to decrease. But the number of orphanages and shelters began to grow. The number of children with physical disabilities, dementia, and developmental delay has also increased. At the moment, Russia cannot boast of high fertility rates. Mortality exceeds fertility.

Children of alcoholics

The addiction to alcohol is so gradual that it is even imperceptible. But this is temporary. The dose is increasing, the frequency is increasing, the cells in the brain are becoming less and less - dependence is gradually developing. First psychological, then physical, when the body can no longer exist without a dose of ethanol. Women usually die faster than men. This is explained by the fact that in the male testosterone protects the liver cells from the negative effects of the drug - alcohol.

happy families

If you have a question about how many years you can drink alcohol, stop. Remember that for your own money you buy problems: with family, with health, with work, with mental abilities, with respect in society. And do not gain anything of value. Keep sobriety! And let the children have sober parents!

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