
How many years have firecrackers been sold? Can children use them?

Pyrotechnics attracts the attention of not only the adult population of the country. Most of all, children like to look at multi-colored fireworks. They are increasingly using all kinds of firecrackers and, as a result, become patients of surgeons. Parents are not always aware that their son has a stock of dangerous toys. Deferred pocket money can cause firecrackers in children. But is the seller right who allows children to use this item?

baby with firecracker

Age that allows you to acquire firecrackers

To the question "How old can children sell firecrackers?" there is a clear answer: from 16. Only people who have reached this age can use pyrotechnics without fear that someone will scold them. But 16-year-old boys are much less likely to drop in such stores. Increasingly, their customers are 10-year-olds. Parents who look after children very poorly and sellers are to blame. The second category is no less to blame. Today, sellers can be punished by law. The seller must understand how dangerous firecrackers are. Since how many years they sell the aforementioned item, each entrepreneur is simply obliged to explain to his subordinates.

firecrackers on the counter

How dangerous are firecrackers

An instruction is always attached to such an object as firecrackers. It should be carefully read to the end, so as not to make mistakes that will cost lives. Children do not seek to read important lines, thus endangering themselves. It should be remembered that you need to explode firecrackers from the safest distance. Chinese pyrotechnics may be defective. If the firecracker did not explode, then this does not mean that it will not work at any other moment. It is required not to approach this item if it did not work. But there were times when low-quality firecrackers exploded right in the hand. This once again proves that an adult should use the item.

Is it worth buying firecrackers?

One of the most unpredictable items is firecrackers. Since how many years they sell this product, every seller, store owner and parent should know. One adult mistake can cost a child’s life. History is familiar with many cases when simple indulgence brought to fatal consequences. Important - this is all the time to remember and not to allow situations in which the child may be left unattended. If keeping track of the child is quite difficult, then you need to try to restrict access to pocket money, because there is nothing more expensive than life.

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