
How many years in Russia is criminal responsibility? Article of the Criminal Code, penalties and notes

In accordance with article 20 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, persons who have reached the age of 16 years are responsible for the acts committed. However, be aware that there are notes and special conditions. About how many years in Russia criminal responsibility, and also what affects the involvement of minors, we will tell in this article.

About crimes at an early age. How do juvenile judges and society relate to punishment?

how many years in Russia criminal liability types

Probably most of the society considers the punishment of minors as inhumane. This is a child, how can he be deprived of childhood, ruin his future before adolescence? Some people, having learned how many years criminal responsibility has been in Russia, sincerely believe that this age should be increased. And judges, considering such cases, always try to pass a milder sentence, for example, house arrest and registration in the PDN. Unless, of course, circumstances allow this.

So are prosecutors - a rare justice official will demand the maximum possible punishment for a 14-year-old child. However, every sane person understands that this is wrong. And once having escaped punishment, the child will think that he will get away with it. Often this leads to even more serious crimes.

How many years in Russia is criminal responsibility?

In judicial practice, there are frequent cases when detained adolescents boldly question the investigator: “What will you do to me? I am not yet 16 years old! ”This is because not all children (and adults) know how many years criminal responsibility is in Russia. If a child has committed a crime that belongs to a particularly serious group, he will have to serve his sentence in a juvenile colony, even if he is not yet 16, but has already turned 14 years old. There are also articles on which punishment is assigned only to adults, therefore, from 18 years. Or the child may even be acquitted. It all depends on the presence of aggravating and mitigating circumstances and factors. We will examine in more detail in the age framework.

Main criteria

how many years in Russia criminal law

So, we will examine in more detail in what cases and how many years criminal responsibility in Russia begins.

P. 1, Art. 20 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation states that a person who has reached the age of 16 is subject to punishment. P. 2, Art. 20 determines that criminal liability can be applied to a 14-year-old teenager for committing grave and especially grave crimes, namely:

  • killings;
  • intentional harm to health of medium and severe degree;
  • kidnapping;
  • rape;
  • theft, robbery, robbery;
  • extortion;
  • car theft and other vehicles;
  • a terrorist act and everything connected with it (preparation, participation in the community, etc.);
  • concealment of a crime;
  • participation in riots;
  • storage, transportation, manufacturing, acquisition, etc. of explosive devices, weapons, ammunition, etc.

Also, in article 20 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation there is a third paragraph, which determines that a minor who has reached the age of 14 will not be prosecuted if, at the time of the commission of the crime, he could not be aware of the danger of his (or someone else's) action or inaction, since had a lag in mental development.

There are acts for which only adult citizens can be punished. For example, this is financial liability for financial transactions.

Differences in sentences for adults and adolescents.What methods and types are used in Russia?

since how many years has criminal responsibility begun in Russia

Since how many years criminal responsibility would not have occurred if the act was of a moderate or severe nature, the perpetrator would have to serve his sentence in prison. Other methods of punishment:

  1. Fine. The teenager either pays for it independently, or this responsibility lies with the parents.
  2. Deprivation of the right to conduct any activity.
  3. Correctional work in his spare time from study.

The court also considers the mitigating and aggravating circumstances available in the case. Factors that may affect leniency:

  • the presence of children, pregnancy;
  • if the crime was committed for the first time;
  • difficult life circumstances that pushed the child to commit an illegal act;
  • immoral behavior of the affected person;
  • assistance to the investigation and surrender;
  • assistance to the victim;
  • a crime committed under pressure from a third party.

Aggravating factors are:

  • repeated commission of a crime;
  • assault on a pregnant woman or small child;
  • special cruelty;
  • serious consequences of the crime;
  • the presence of a motive for racial, national or religious hatred;
  • crime committed as part of a group.

What parents should talk to their children

juvenile colony

The main problem is that the child does not always know how many years in Russia the law has criminal liability. Overstated ambitions and the opportunity to show their “steepness” make a teenager sometimes go to the most cruel acts without thinking about the consequences. Indeed, if, for example, a fifteen-year-old girl brutally beat her peer, it is unlikely that the court will decide to imprison her. However, parents will not be exonerated. The family is registered, it pays a fine for moral and physical harm to the injured party, and all this under certain circumstances can even lead to the deprivation of parental rights. Situations are different, and the punishment for them is also different. In the framework of the Criminal Code, of course.

The task of parents is to convey to the child what is good and what is bad. Education issues are a complex topic. However, if a teenager knows that one misconduct can deprive him of a normal bright future (in some cases, even career growth), perhaps he will think 100 times before doing something illegal.

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