
SONKO - what is it? Decryption

The concept from the subtitle, most likely, you could hear if you were once interested in the topic of public procurement. However, it can often be found in news and reference sources both independently and in combination with another abbreviation - NSR. Let's see in detail what it is - SONKO. And also consider areas where the abbreviation may be popular.

SONKO - what is it?

Explanation of letter combination - "socially oriented non-profit organization (association)". According to the Federal Law No. 7 "On Non-Profit Organizations", the following entities have the right to be called:

  • Associations persons.
  • Religious organizations.
  • Autonomous non-profit associations.
  • Community organizations.
  • Cossack societies.
  • Nonprofit Partnership Funds.
  • Communities of small and indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation.
    sonko declaration

An important point of the SONCO declaration - the following organizations cannot be assigned to these associations:

  • State and municipal companies and corporations.
  • Public associations with the status of political parties.

What does SONCO do?

What is it - SONKO, we already know. Let's look at the statistics. Where such organizations are employed in our country:

  • 25.4% (more than 11 thousand institutions) - education, science, enlightenment.
  • 21.9% (about 9.6 thousand institutions) - social support and protection of the population.
  • 17.9% (more than 7.8 thousand institutions) - sports, physical education.
  • 14.7% (more than 6.4 thousand institutions) - patriotic, military-patriotic education.
    socially oriented nonprofit organizations sonko

In shares from 13% to 4%, the following activities are common:

  • Charity.
  • Health care, promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Art and culture.
  • Spiritual development of citizens.
  • Preferential or gratuitous legal assistance, legal protection of the population.
  • Improving the quality of life of senior citizens.
  • Social adaptation of the disabled.
  • Maternity support, prevention of orphans.

Activities of SONCO

Assistance to citizens from the SONCO municipal program is expressed mainly in the following:

  • Social services.
  • Charity in kind.
  • Charity in cash.
  • Preferential, free legal support.

Sources of budget replenishment and development of SONCO are as follows:

  • Profit from the sale of own goods, the provision of services, the performance of work.
  • Grants from individuals, non-profit organizations.
  • Revenues from commercial firms.
  • Allocations from the state treasury, off-budget funds of the Russian Federation.
  • Grants from foreign countries, foreign citizens, companies.
    sonko development

Help Sonko

According to Federal Law No. 7, assistance to socially oriented non-profit organizations for the population can be expressed in the following:

  • Consulting, property, information, cash support.
  • Assistance in education and training of SONCO employees.
  • Representation of the organization of a number of tax and other tax benefits.
  • Implementation of the procurement of goods, services, works for municipal and state needs.
  • Presentation of tax incentives to those who support SONCO.
  • From municipalities, constituent entities of the Russian Federation - subsidies, appropriations from the local, regional, federal budget.
  • Transfer to possession or use of municipal or state property. But only for use for certain purposes.
    sonko what is it

SONCO registry

If we turn to Art. 31.2 of the Federal Law "On Non-Profit Associations", we will see that the executive authorities of the Russian Federation are obliged to keep federal, local and regional registers of registration of persons providing support to SONCO.

The following information is entered into the document:

  • Names (full and abbreviated), legal address of SONCO.
  • Association activities.
  • Registration number of the registry item.
  • INN
  • Size and type of support.
  • Terms of assistance.
  • Name of the authority that provided the support.
  • Deciding on the beginning / termination of assistance.
  • Information about violations. For example, material support was spent on inappropriate activities.

All information from this registry is open, is in the public domain. Anyone can get acquainted with it.

smp and sonko decryption

SONCO pre-emptive right in public procurement

We list the requirements for SONCO for privileged participation in public procurement. They are enclosed in Federal Law No. 7 (Article 31.1, first paragraph), Federal Law No. 44. The organization should conduct the following activities in order to gain an advantage in tenders and public procurement auctions:

  • Preparing the population to overcome the consequences of a different plan of emergency, disasters, disasters - natural, man-made.
  • Social protection and support for citizens.
  • Assistance to victims of natural disasters, industrial accidents, religious, social, national conflicts.
  • Maintenance and protection of objects of cultural, natural, historical significance, burials.
  • Protection of the bioworld and the environment.
  • Providing preferential or free legal assistance to the population, conducting thematic educational programs.
  • Prevention of dangerous forms of social behavior.
  • Charity, promoting her.
  • Formation of intolerance towards corruption among citizens.
  • Both the development of interethnic dialogue and the preservation of Russian culture, identity, traditions, languages.
  • Patriotic, military-patriotic civic education.
  • Search work aimed at identifying unknown military graves, the unburied remains of soldiers, identifying the nameless fallen defenders of the Motherland.
  • Participation in emergency rescue activities, fire fighting and prevention.
  • Activities for the integration, social and cultural adaptation of migrants.
  • Rehabilitation (social and medical), assistance in finding jobs for people who had previously illegally used psychotropic substances, drugs.
  • Activities in the field of enlightenment, education, art, healthcare, culture, promotion of sports, healthy lifestyle, satisfactory mental state.
    Sonko Municipal Program

The Federal Law does not prohibit organizations from engaging in one or several types of listed activities.

About NSR

What is it - SONKO, we figured it out. Now is the time to learn more about another SMP - a small business. His subject is regulated by Federal Law No. 209.

According to this act, the NSR is:

  • Commercial firms and consumer cooperatives included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (except for unitary municipal and state enterprises).
  • Individual entrepreneurs included in the USRIP (without the formation of a legal entity).
  • Farm and peasant farms.

What can be called an SMP?

We continue to analyze the decoding of SONCO and NSR. To classify the above organizations as small businesses, they must meet, among other things, a number of conditions:

  • For legal entities - the total share of the Russian Federation, its constituent entities, as well as municipal, public, charitable, religious associations does not exceed 25%.
  • For legal entities - the total share of foreign firms, legal entities that are not subjects of medium and small business - no more than 49%.
  • The average number of employees for small enterprises is 100 people (for micro-enterprises - 25).
  • The average number of employees of a medium-sized business is 100-250 people.
  • The annual revenue of a microenterprise is not more than 60 million rubles.
  • The revenue for the year of a small enterprise is not more than 400 million rubles.
  • The annual revenue of a medium-sized enterprise is not more than 1,000 million rubles.

SONKO, SMP and public procurement

The procurement process for municipal and state needs in the Russian Federation is regulated by Federal Law No. 44. According to this act, the most privileged position among suppliers is occupied by the NSR (subject, small business entities) and socially oriented non-profit organizations (SONCO).The customer is obliged to purchase from them at least 15% of their annual order volume. Moreover, the size of the contract should not exceed 20 million rubles.

sonko requirements

Here are some important facts from Federal Law No. 44:

  • Purchasing from SONCO and SMP is a separate process. Notices of a tender, auction, request indicate the fact of limited participation. All applicants are required to declare their membership in these forms.
  • If purchases from SMP and SONKO did not take place, then the tender, auction can be expanded to participate in other forms of business, conducted on a common basis.
  • If the product supplier does not belong to these two forms, the customer is entitled to oblige him to be appointed co-executor, subcontractor of SONKO or SMP.
  • The last detail. In case of concluding an agreement with SONCO or SMP, the customer is obliged to pay for the goods delivered or the services rendered to him no later than 30 days from the date of acceptance.

Socially oriented non-profit organizations in our country are encouraged - both their creation and development. Associations exist not only on self-earned funds, but also thanks to the support of third parties. In response, they must implement the activities necessary, useful for the harmonious existence and development of society, to help citizens in difficult situations.

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