
State of affect: definition, signs, causes and types

In life, there are situations when a person’s emotions overwhelm. It’s good if they are positive, but they can be negative. The person is annoyed, goes to scream, can behave aggressively, use force. All these are signs of manifestation of affect. Often in such states crimes are committed. Consider how to recognize affect, what are its signs, types and causes.

What does "state of passion" mean?

If you translate the word "affect" from the Latin language, this term will mean passion, emotional excitement.

Also affect can be characterized as a form of manifestation of human emotions. This condition does not last long, but at the same time the person experiences rather strong emotions. As a rule, this occurs in stressful or traumatic situations when a person cannot find the right solution to the problem. It seems to him that he is in a hopeless situation or the situation is critical, causes any threat.

The state of affect is this kind of emotional outburst, which is characterized by:

  • short duration;
  • brightness;
  • strength.

the heat of passion

I would like to note that irritability to the world around a person can manifest itself not only because of his temperament, but also in certain mental states.

In a state of affect, a person cannot think rationally, and his actions are an explosive reaction.

Characteristic signs of affect

For a condition such as affect, there are some signs that distinguish it from ordinary nervous and mental stress. These include:

  • sudden impact of a traumatic event;
  • unexpected manifestation of affect;
  • explosive emotional reaction;
  • partial perception of the situation and their actions;
  • incomplete control over their actions, behavior;
  • mental and physical exhaustion.

And also there are signs that are optional:

  • feeling of hopelessness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • mental illness;
  • distorted perception of reality;
  • violation of motor, speech functions or the appearance of some features;
  • partial understanding of what is happening.

External and internal signs are also distinguished:

  1. External include:
  • facial expressions;

passion killing

  • gestures;
  • timbre of voice;
  • intonation;
  • pose.

2. To internal:

  • feeling of anxiety;
  • feeling of fear;
  • loss in time;
  • no sense of space;
  • no connection with consciousness;
  • feeling of isolation from reality.

The state of affect affects the entire psyche of a person, disrupting mental, emotional and volitional processes, accompanied by a motor disorder. The condition is very rapidly manifested, which is a weakening factor for vital resources.

Signs of affect in criminal law

I would like to note that most often I have to deal with the state of affect in criminal cases.

There are a number of signs. Murder committed in the state of passion refers to less dangerous types of crimes against life. Inadequate reactions are expressed. If the crime is committed in the state of affect, its presence or absence can only be judged by objective data.

Also in criminal law, the signs of affect include:

  • irascible temperament;
  • mental change;
  • sharp manifestation;
  • expression of discontent;
  • changes in the psyche, accompanied by autonomic, somatic, hormonal and secretory manifestations;
  • intuitive desires and their realization;
  • signal excitation without discharge;
  • release of mental energy.

passion killing

Types of affect

We examined the general signs of affect, but in many respects they depend on its variety. There are such types of this condition:

  • Physiological. A person is responsible and reports on his actions, which he can control. Occurs in an isolated case, as a result of a traumatic effect.
  • Pathological. A person is insane and cannot control his actions. Total loss of control.
  • Cumulative. An explosive reaction to a prolonged traumatic psyche effect.
  • Interrupted. The state of affect is interrupted by external influence.
  • Positive. A decrease in activity in the analytical processing of information is observed. Simple decisions, a simplified strategy of behavior, and stereotyping are characteristic.
  • Negative. It causes disturbances in the emotional sphere, leading to a decrease in mental activity.
  • The affect of inadequacy. A very vivid reaction to failure. It is expressed in aggressive behavior, anger, in a strong emotional stress.

Crime committed in a state of passion

As we noted earlier, affect is often studied and dealt with in the Criminal Code.

Among those who commit a crime in a state of passion, 89% are men and only 10% are women. Although the fair sex is considered more emotional, they are more able to control dangerous explosive reactions. And such a large percentage of men suggests that they tend to disguise committed violent acts as a state of affect.committed murder in a state of passion

I would also like to note that 16% of such killings are committed by minors, where 6% are teenagers under 16 years of age.

Assassination can only be recognized if several conditions are met:

  • the intention to commit a crime and a strong emotional outburst arose suddenly;
  • such actions are caused by the immoral and unlawful behavior of the victim.

Affect development

You can consider what stages the state of passion goes through in its development:

At the beginning, a person experiences a sense of hopelessness regarding the victim’s illegal or immoral actions.

  1. The phase of an emotional explosion sets in when a person does not understand everything that is happening, cannot correctly assess the situation, and does not control his actions. It is at this moment that the worst can happen - a murder committed in a state of passion.
  2. A sharp decline in emotional arousal, which is accompanied by severe fatigue, repentance, a feeling of pity for the victim may appear.

passion crime

Reasons for affect

There are several common causes of affect:

  • an extreme situation that poses a threat to human life;
  • heated, emotional conflict;
  • a person finds himself in a situation where there is a need to act, but feels helpless;
  • unexpected extraneous irritant;
  • regular recurrence of traumatic events;
  • the actions of people who have had traumatic effects on the psyche and on self-esteem of the person;
  • individual characteristics of the nervous system;
  • the person is too quick-tempered, emotional;
  • destroying difficult events in the past.

It is worth considering that the occurrence of a conflict situation is not a prerequisite for the development of affect.

Predisposing factors to affect development

Each person is individual, and what infuriates one, the other is not even annoying. Therefore, the Criminal Code and Psychology also take into account and highlight the psychological characteristics of the personality that contribute to the development of affect.

  • Weak nervous system: easily excitable, have increased sensitivity, and are weakly resistant to irritants.
  • Self-esteem of personality. Too overpriced, but not stable. Very vulnerable to the assessment of others.

passion crime

  • Age. Children and adolescents have an unstable psyche, and in those situations where an adult can restrain himself, children are not capable of this. Also in old age, resistance to emotional outbursts decreases.

Was there an affect?

If a person committed a murder in a state of affect, it is necessary to prove that such a state was. To do this, you must:

  • A certificate from a medical institution stating that the accused was in this state.
  • Evidence is needed that the affect was caused by immoral behavior or actions that violate the rights of the victim. There were bullying, insults or a rather prolonged heated emotional atmosphere.
  • There was a threat to the life or health of the accused or his family.
  • A man in a state of passion has committed a crime in a single impulse. If there was further concealment of evidence, then this is no longer considered an affect and is not considered as a mitigating circumstance.
  • The crime was committed immediately in an emotional impulse, following the conflict. Or after subsequent immoral, abusive actions of the victim.

If the conditions and actions of the accused do not fit at least one of the above items, then it can be easily proved that affect is a simulation and a desire to avoid punishment for his actions.

There was no affect

It is possible to admit in criminal law that there was harm in the state of affect, we talked about this earlier, but there are a number of signs that allow us to deny the existence of affect.

  • Irritation intensifies in direct proportion to the development of the conflict. Emotions are heating up. The strength of the action is equal to the strength of the reaction.
  • A person first shows a strong anger, and then abruptly switches to calm tones, then a flash of emotions follows again.
  • A sharp distraction to extraneous factors, uncontrolled emotional reactions are noticeable.
  • After an emotional outburst, actions are aimed at self-preservation, hiding evidence, traces.

If one of these signs occurs, the extenuating circumstance that the person committed the murder in a state of passion is invalid, and it will not work to avoid fair punishment.crime committed in the heat of passion

How not to succumb to affect

The heat of passion for a healthy person, the process is reversible. Only in mentally unhealthy people can affect be permanent.

If you know that you are very quick-tempered and can easily lose your temper, you need to train your mind to avoid this condition. In a situation where the conflict is brewing, the emotional situation is heating up, several recommendations may help:

  • try to get distracted and focus on something that does not cause emotional irritation;
  • change the environment or type of activity;
  • to keep control of your gestures, you can switch to breathing exercises or to the account.

However, if a person feels that in difficult emotional situations he cannot control himself, it is necessary to consult a psychotherapist. You may need medication. With the capabilities of modern medicine, it is quite possible to cope with mental problems, do not be afraid to visit a specialist if you have a feeling that a mental explosion will soon occur, and you are not able to cope with your emotions.

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