
Certificate of family composition. Validity of form 9

In the Russian Federation, citizens are faced with a huge variety of documents and certificates. For example, with form 9. The validity period of this extract, its application and the rules for processing will be presented below. In fact, such an extract is used in practice quite often. Only for individuals the corresponding form turns into enormous difficulties. Fortunately, there is nothing supernatural in the procedure for obtaining it with proper preparation. And even the student will be able to achieve the desired result.


What is form 9? The validity period of this paper is not so important if a person does not know what he is dealing with.

Documents for the design of form 9

Form 9 is called a certificate of family composition. Information on those who live in this or that territory will be written in the form of the established sample. It is issued at the request of a citizen. Some people call such documentation an extract from a house-building apartment book.


The validity period of the form 9 certificate is of interest to many. But first you have to understand what kind of document a person encounters as a whole. We figured out the definition. Below you can see a sample statement.

Validity of the statement in form 9

It is worth noting that this is a form printed on white sheets "for the printer." It indicates information about the customer of the certificate, as well as about those who live with him within the chosen housing. Labels are usually printed. After that, on the form 9 form they put the stamp of the Criminal Code and the signature of the head of the relevant organization. Without these marks, the document may be invalidated.

Who can request

Interesting is the validity period of form 9? Deciding on this issue is extremely problematic. And there are reasons for that. We will talk about them later.

Who can issue an extract on family composition? Usually this:

  • tenant of an apartment or house;
  • homeowner;
  • representatives of these persons.

Public services very rarely apply for the corresponding service, but they have such powers. As a rule, with timely preparation, achieving the desired goal will not be difficult.

Where do they give out

Knowing the validity period of form 9 is not so important as understanding how to draw up this paper. The thing is that until a person has learned the instructions for ordering an extract on the composition of the family, you can not think about the reality of this. It is just useless.

Citizens can request a certificate of family composition:

  • through the MFC;
  • in the management company;
  • through passport offices;
  • in passport and visa centers;
  • through the migration departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • by the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation.

The main thing is to contact the service at the place of registration. Otherwise, the service will be denied. And such an act will be considered fully justified and legal.

If you wish, you can request a certificate on the composition of the family at the State Service, but in practice such situations are very rare. We will not dwell on them.

Instructions on request

How to get a certificate of family composition? The validity period of form 9 raises a lot of questions, but first you will have to get the appropriate statement. Until it is issued, the countdown of the validity of the data does not begin.

Form 9 for MFC

To request form 9, you will have to follow these instructions:

  1. Generate a package of statements provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for further maintenance.
  2. Contact the authorized bodies with a request for a certificate of family composition.
  3. Receive a standard form on hand.

That's all. Now you can use the documentation for the purpose. And the scope of the certificate form 9, the validity of which is discussed below, is very much.

Statements for the service

But before clarifying such moments, we finish the study of the procedure for filling out a form of an established form. There is nothing special about her. The main thing is to prepare in advance for the upcoming service.

To take a certificate of family composition, a person needs:

  • statement;
  • passport or birth certificate;
  • certificates from the place of residence (optional);
  • statements of ownership of real estate (if any).

As a rule, even a statement is not required. Some passport desks and management companies draw up forms of family composition upon oral request. The main thing is to inform the purpose of ordering the document.

Terms of issue

The validity period of form 9 is a pretty important point. The thing is that invalid or old certificates can not be used in real life for certain services. And how quickly does the standard form fill out?

If a person applies for the service to the passport office directly, he will have to wait from a couple of minutes to 3 days. Otherwise, the process may drag on for up to a week.

Where to request form 9

Areas of use

The validity periods of certificates of forms 7 and 9 are of interest to many. Especially those who plan to make a deal with property. But why?

This is due to the fact that an extract with data on family composition in the Russian Federation can be useful for various purposes. For example, if:

  • a divorce is planned with a spouse in the presence of young children;
  • need to determine the place of residence of minors;
  • judicial debate;
  • I want to write out this or that person;
  • a person requires state support (benefits, payments, compensation);
  • need to obtain the status of a person in need of better housing conditions;
  • a minor is registered with one of the parents;
  • any legally significant property transaction is planned.

These are the main operations in which a certificate of family composition is useful. Now you can consider its validity. Help form 9 raises many questions among the modern population.


And there are reasons for that. One of them is the lack of a clear time frame for the validity of extracts on family composition at the legislative level. What does it mean?

It is impossible to say exactly how valid Form 9 is. This issue is resolved individually. Next, we will try to consider the most common scenarios. All of them will be considered legal. And this despite the fact that the reality of one document will be different. This is sometimes found in Russia. And although this is unusual, it’s normal.

How long does the certificate of family composition apply?

For benefits

Quite often, an extract of an established form in the Russian Federation is issued upon request for state support and benefits. The validity period of Form 9 for MFCs and government agencies is of concern to many.

Unfortunately, it cannot be unambiguously determined. Many claim that for benefits it is best to order new extracts about family composition. The fresher, the better. But documents issued no more than 1 month ago may work.

Real Estate Transactions

Validity of form 9 for a notary may also come in handy. This is due to the fact that citizens conduct legally important transactions in notaries. The main thing is to have valid documents with you and adhere to a certain package of certificates.

The validity period of form 9 (including 7) is limited to one month. But, as practice shows, citizens trust fresh information more. For example, made a few days before a real estate transaction.

Banking services

The next version of the development of events is the application with an extract on family composition to financial companies. For example, when applying for a mortgage or for other services. What should a person do under such circumstances?

It is better, as in all these situations, to order a form of the established form on the composition of the family shortly before contacting the authorized services. This will protect against unnecessary problems.

Form 9 for notary public

In practice, banks without question accept certificates of family composition issued no more than 14 days ago.Forms issued beyond the indicated deadline may be rejected. This is a completely legal phenomenon, because the authorized services themselves establish the validity of the said extract.

Early invalidity

The validity period of the form 9 certificate has already been reviewed. Authorized bodies themselves dictate how old the samples of documentation they accept. In practice, the validity of the statement of family composition exceeding the period of 30 days is not found. But, the fresher the sample, the less likely it is to refuse to accept it.

It is worth paying attention also to the fact that the validity period of form 9 may expire ahead of schedule. What is this about?

On changing data on residents in the territory. If someone registers, writes out or changes personal data, you will have to be puzzled by drawing up a new copy of the certificate of family composition. The old form will simply lose its validity; it will not be possible to restore it.

If the territory of the owner changes, it is better to re-order the statement in form 9. Otherwise, the authorized bodies will have questions to the applicant. Any irrelevant information in the studied documentation leads to its invalidity.

Possible difficulties

The validity period of form 9 (certificates of family composition) we studied. What difficulties can citizens face in the process of presenting a form of an established sample or when ordering it?

First, with invalidity. As already mentioned, it is necessary to clarify in a specific authorized body how old copies of extracts on family composition they accept. Most often, it is recommended to navigate for a period of 14 to 30 days. A longer "period of life" of documentation does not occur in practice, except as an exception.

Secondly, the applicant may be refused a statement on the composition of the family in the presence of debt for the "communal". They have no right to do so. If this happens, you need to complain about the employees of a company.

Thirdly, some do not know exactly where to apply for the document being studied. We have already dealt with this issue. It is best to apply for a certificate of family composition to the management company serving the house at the applicant’s registration.

Sample Form 9

It is worth remembering that for children the legal form is requested by legal representatives. Persons after 14 years old can independently fill out form 9, especially if they are registered separately from their parents.

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