
Average earnings in Russia by region

The Great Power of the Russian Federation differs from other countries not only in its large territory. Of course, wages vary in different regions here. In terms of average figures, it is quite high. This article should understand what is the average earnings in Russia?

average salary

Low salary

If we compare the level of monthly income of citizens in 2017 with 2018, then it will immediately become clear that it has greatly increased. The difference reaches 12%. However, it should be understood that the salary increased only in the amount calculated in Russian rubles.

In terms of foreign currency, average earnings in Russia decreased due to a sharp increase in the dollar. Therefore, if you count the domestic currency into dollars, then the income will be significantly lower than in countries such as Germany, the United States and others.


According to the data, the highest salaries per month were seen in the largest cities: Moscow and St. Petersburg. This is where people get a lot more money. However, you should not start to consider them very rich, prices in these cities are also higher than the national average.


There is a true fact that the difference between the province and the capital in wages is huge. Yes, that is right. And recently, this trend of the gap in average earnings in Russia has been increasing. Why is that? All because of a fairly long economic crisis, which began due to the appreciation of the dollar. And already because of this, the income of the citizens of a great power fell. As a result, unemployment has become a significant enough reason that should be addressed. In general, for this reason, many people are eager for the center of Russia to start making big money.

Now you need to answer the question, what is the average earnings in Russia? The answer is: 36 thousand Russian rubles.


Salary in a wallet

The largest average earnings in Russia, as we understand it, are among the residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg. In terms of currency, this amount is about a thousand dollars a month. At the same time, in all regions and provinces, the average salary for residents is 600 US dollars, of course, when counting. However, do not be upset, because there are countries and republics where the economy is even worse.


Ukraine has an average salary of only 300 US dollars. The Republic of Tajikistan is content with half of the Ukrainian monthly amount. Azerbaijan overtook Ukraine with its average monthly income of residents of $ 310. Kyrgyzstan has a payment size of about 210 US dollars.

What is the minimum wage

The minimum average monthly income by region is the minimum salary that an organization that has signed an employee acceptance contract must pay. At the moment (2018), the minimum minimum wage in the country is 9,489 rubles.

What are the pay limits?

The largest average earnings in Russia by years will be in the new 2019 year.

Salary, of course, it depends on the region and the work itself. The more prestigious the job and the city, the higher the pay, respectively.

In the Republic of Crimea, the minimum monthly wage for working citizens is approximately 6,200. And those people who work in extrabudgetary companies receive a minimum of seven thousand rubles.

In Sevastopol, the minimum monthly salary is also 6,200 rubles. However, this is only in state institutions. In private companies, this figure is slightly increasing, namely, by one thousand rubles, and the average monthly amount is equal to 7,200.

New law

Our salary

According to the new project, which is being considered by the State Duma at the time of two thousand eighteen, in the new year there will be an increase in our salaries.According to the law, a person cannot receive a salary less than the minimum wage. However, if the worker has not fulfilled his duties, was on vacation, or there are other reasons, the employer has the right to regulate his salary. There is a calculation of alimony for average earnings in Russia, and the percentage depends on the number of children for whom the maintenance is paid.

State employees

The average salary in Russia among state employees has increased since 2018. He became five thousand more. The salaries of teachers, doctors, military and lawyers also increased.

It is worth recalling that back in 2017, their salary was approximately 31 thousand rubles. At present, it has been increased by two thousand, and with the advent of two thousand and nineteen years, their salary will be twice as much as the current one. All this is due to the fact that, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, reforms should begin to work, which will make this increase possible. The average earnings in the regions of Russia is very different and can vary within reasonable limits.

Myth or truth?

Earnings of the middle class in Russia is 20 thousand rubles a month. However, it happens that they are not paid on time.

There is one big minus in Russia, with regard to pay for labor. This negative relates to a delay in salaries, which is common in many regions and in many jobs. However, most often this trend is noticeable in such a profession as a teacher. And regardless of whether you are teaching your lessons at the institute or at school.

How much do different structures get

The Accounts Chamber and its employees receive approximately 170 thousand rubles a month. This is quite a lot, and this figure does not change much depending on the region. The average salary of a teacher in Russia is approximately 20 thousand rubles.

The members of the Federation Council receive a little less than in the Accounts Chamber, namely, 150 thousand rubles a month. This is their average earnings.

Deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation receive 420 thousand rubles of net income per month. It is worth recalling that, compared with previous years, this figure has grown by as much as thirty percent.

Moscow Kremlin employees receive 200 thousand rubles a month. However, their salary will increase by another 5% with the advent of the new year. And the figure of the average income of Kremlin employees depends on the sphere of activity.

With the advent of 2019, civil servants will receive up to 40% more income. And this figure also varies depending on the scope of work.

We count the salary

Police salaries rose by only 5%. Therefore, the district precinct in different regions of Russia receives about 10 thousand Russian rubles. Higher-ranking officers receive about 20 thousand rubles of net income. Majors and colonels can monthly receive from 30 thousand Russian rubles to their budget. How much is the average earnings in Russia? About 30 thousand rubles.

Representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations earn an average of twenty-five thousand Russian rubles, and this figure will grow by a dozen percent with the advent of 2019. Employees who participate in rescue operations receive an average of 60 thousand rubles per month. However, remember that this charge varies by region. In the province it is smaller, in the capital - more. That is, while in Moscow an EMERCOM employee will receive 25 thousand rubles, then an employee of the same organization, but in Nizhny Novgorod, will earn 17 thousand rubles. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, representatives of the same organization can receive 30 thousand Russian rubles each.

In 2019, the contractor of the Russian army will put 30 thousand rubles in his pocket, and his commanders will earn 40 thousand. Lieutenants in the army receive 40 thousand rubles each, and in subsequent years large increases are expected in their salaries. And all this will depend on many factors, such as experience, the availability of awards and merit. The more of them, the higher the salary level.

In 2019, the average monthly salary of a doctor is only 25 thousand rubles, and in Moscow and St. Petersburg it will grow to 40 thousand.

The salary of nurses in our country will increase by 15%. Now it is equal to about 15 thousand rubles in the capital. In the provinces, this figure is even less, about 8 thousand rubles.

It is worth mentioning the salaries of teachers. It depends entirely on the region. Somewhere a teacher can receive 100 thousand rubles, and somewhere 10 thousand.

It should specifically consider what the salary is in the province. We study salaries in Samara. There, the average wage is only 30 thousand rubles. In Norilsk, the salary is 45 thousand rubles, which is pretty good for the country.

The salary of postmen increased by 700 rubles with the advent of 2018. With the new 2019, he will grow even more, and they will receive approximately 15 thousand rubles, depending on the region.

Salary in Russia

Operators who work in post offices earn about 30 thousand rubles a month.

Educators receive very little, about 10 thousand rubles. Their assistants are even less, about 8 thousand rubles each. Happy New Year, their salary will increase by another 5%.

A janitor in Moscow will receive an average of 25 thousand rubles. In the province, the same position will be paid 10 thousand rubles less. In St. Petersburg at a similar job, you can get 20 thousand rubles.

By the way, there is a fact about salary arrears. In Russia at the time of 2017, it amounted to as many as four billion Russian rubles. Over the past year, it has decreased by only 5%.

And all this is due to the fact that it is necessary to index pension payments in 2019, so the issue of salaries should be suspended.

However, the most difficult situation has developed in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. There, as many as 8% of residents do not receive their well-deserved salary. In St. Petersburg, the number of such people is only 7%, but this is a lot.

In Crimea, 4% of residents do not pay wages for a month or more, in Khabarovsk - a little more than this number. Also, this debt was formed due to the lack of funds for the payment of salaries in the Russian Federation. The debt share is approximately eighteen million Russian rubles.

Webmasters on the Internet - this is a fairly profitable profession, it is in demand. For developing sites for other people, they can get quite a lot of money. This can be both the amount of 20 thousand rubles, and 150 thousand.

RF salary and comparison with other countries

An accountant receives an average of 60 thousand rubles, which also depends on the region. However, the chief accountant in the center of Russia can receive more than 300 thousand Russian rubles of net profit.

A dentist is a doctor who can earn from 50 thousand rubles, depending on the region, and ending with 200 thousand.

In the legal field, specialists earn from 30 to 200 thousand rubles a month. Lawyers receive a salary of about 50 thousand rubles, and if a connoisseur in this field also has extensive experience, then he can count on his salary in the amount of 200 thousand rubles or more.

Businessman salary

A cook is an activity where the salary depends directly on experience and skills. The better the cook, the more prestigious the place of work is chosen, and there the salary is already higher. The level of payment in this sector starts from 25 thousand rubles and can significantly exceed the minimum threshold.

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