
The average salary in Russia by region: features and causes

The average earnings in the country is important for assigning various social benefits and determining their future future for senior pupils and students. In addition, many employees are interested in learning the degree of their income and comparing it with data from other regions or the whole country. According to the Federal State Statistics Service, the average salary in Russia is slightly more than 42 thousand rubles, but this data is nominal, that is, excluding the deduction of income tax. In reality, the same figure will be 36 thousand. What is hidden behind this data?

Conditions for determining the average

So, the average indicator in the country is pretty good, but income and the working class with the minimum salary, and the elite, where one salary can cover the monthly income of the entire private small enterprise, are taken into account. Such a huge gap in average wages in Russia gives serious errors, but at the same time, official statistics remain the only source that generally provides these data.

In order to get as close as possible to the real figure of interest, the average data for the country should not be taken into account. It is necessary to refer to the average wage in Russia by year, region or industry.

Rosstat average salary in Russia

It will be useful to consider even gender, as men often earn more women, even in similar positions. With such conditions, the errors will be minimal.

Statistics Data

In addition to the fact that averaging of fundamentally different indicators gives a high error, Rosstat also analyzes not all data. In reality, official statistics consider only “white” salaries, and in private enterprises almost everywhere the wages of workers are issued “in envelopes” to save the manager on taxes.

Also, the average salary in Russia does not take into account the income of citizens engaged in self-employment, that is, working only for themselves and not officially registered. All this introduces an even greater error into the result.

To get acquainted with the data of average earnings and get information as close as possible to reality, you need to consider the results of statistics for individual regions or professions. This significantly narrows the circle of respondents. Also, 13% - income tax - should be deducted from the provided figures to get the real salary received by the workers.

Capital averages

The average level of wages in Russia cannot be compared with similar incomes in Moscow and its region. Capital salaries are much higher than in all other regions, and give the greatest error in the formation of the average indicator in the country.

The average salary in Russia for alimony

According to the most recent statistics in the spring of 2018, the income in the capital averaged 68 thousand rubles. In St. Petersburg, by comparison, the same indicator was already 50 thousand rubles. As for the regions, the average income in the Moscow region is 42 thousand, and in the Leningrad region - 35 thousand.

Central District Average

If we separately consider the average wage in Russia by country’s districts, it should be borne in mind that these data, although closer to reality, are also formed from average indicators for individual regions. So, the salary in the Central District is on average 43 thousand rubles, but for its calculation data from Moscow and its region are taken into account, which is an overestimate. In other regions of the region, income does not exceed 32 thousand, and on average is only 24 thousand.At the same time, minimum wages are in Ivanovo and Tambov regions, where income on average does not exceed 21,000 rubles.

Northern regions

The Far Eastern and Siberian federal districts occupy the largest area of ​​the entire state, but their population is not so high. The average wage is also formed taking into account the data of individual areas. So, in Siberia, on average, they receive 30 thousand rubles, of which the Irkutsk and Tomsk regions have indicators of 35 000 rubles per month. The average figure is underestimated by the data of the Altai Republic and Altai Territory, where the income of citizens does not exceed 23 thousand rubles.

The average wage in Russia only in certain regions of the Far East can be compared with the capital.

Average salary in Russia by years

In the Chukotka District, on average, 80 thousand rubles are earned. Magadan and Sakhalin regions, Kamchatka and Yakutia are slightly behind and provide average salary data in the amount of 68-52 thousand. At the same time, the average indicator of the entire district is 43 thousand, since in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, the Amur Region and the Jewish Regions the income does not exceed 35 thousand rubles.

Southern regions

In the south, the average income is a little. In Kalmykia and Adygea, these figures do not exceed 21 thousand. Crimea earns only 2 thousand more, Rostov and Volgograd regions - an average of 24 thousand, but the Krasnodar Territory and Astrakhan already for 26 000 rubles. Moreover, the data for the entire district is 25 thousand average salaries.

Average salary in Russia

The North Caucasus Federal District has even less. There, the average income is 22 thousand rubles and practically does not differ in certain areas.

Geographical center of the state

On the map in the very center of the country is the Ural Federal District. Next to it is the Volga region and the North-Western district. Among them, the minimum average indicator belongs to the Volga region and amounts to 25 thousand. Only a little more than this level is received in the Perm Territory, the Republic of Tatarstan and the Samara Region, in other regions income is below average.

In the Urals District, the average income is determined by the figure of 38,000. At the same time, residents of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug earn 82 thousand rubles a month, and in the Kurgan region only 22 thousand.

The average salary in Russia for alimony is determined precisely by the data of the regions, and residents of the North-Western District can be counted on for good amounts.

Average salary by region in Russia

Here, the average income is also about 41 thousand rubles, but in the Nenets okrug the figure reaches 70 thousand. Only the Pskov, Novgorod, Vologda and Kaliningrad regions lag behind the average. Earnings of the rest are almost equal to the overall average.

Sectors of the economy

The average salary in the regions of Russia also cannot always accurately reflect the real picture. If we separately consider statistical data on industries, then data with regional indicators can vary significantly.

So, according to official figures, agricultural workers, junior medical workers and citizens involved in the production of clothing, furniture, receive an average of less than 20 thousand. At the same time, oil workers, gas industry workers and manufacturers of tobacco products earn 90-110 thousand rubles, which is significantly higher than any national average.

The average wage in Russia

Teachers, doctors and other social workers receive an average of 30 thousand in the country. Workers involved in the extraction of mineral resources can receive on average 60,000 rubles. Food and beverage production provides data on average wages in the amount of 28-32 thousand.

High income in the country has insurance, information and financial activities. In administrative institutions, hotels, catering, plastic, rubber and wood processing, counting on good earnings is not worth it.

Builders receive an average of 30 thousand, and a driver 30-40, depending on the category.Choosing a future or a good job right now, you need to analyze several data sources at once to get the most realistic result.

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