
Statute of limitations on traffic police fines - features, requirements and grounds

For a committed violation or crime, a person will definitely have to suffer a certain punishment. Especially if it is proven completely and irrevocably. For example, for most violations in the field of traffic rules, fines are issued to a citizen. They must be paid at a strictly defined time. Otherwise, there are a number of negative consequences of the resulting delay. Next, we will try to find out the limitation period of fines. How long can you not pay without consequences? After how long does the penalty payout burn out? And how to pay penalties in a particular case? Answers to all these questions will certainly help traffic violators.

Limit on fines through cameras

Repayment time

The statute of limitations is a significant component. Especially for those who decide not to pay for the violation.

In general, 60 days are allowed to close fines of the traffic police. Time begins its countdown from the moment the court order of the established form enters into legal force. After that, a citizen is in arrears. It leads to additional sanctions. We will talk about them later.

Case review

But that is not all. The thing is that in Russia everyone has the right to review a court case, with the results of which he does not agree. There is 10 days to file an appeal.

This means that a total of seventy days are given to close the fine of the traffic police. The countdown starts from the moment the relevant decision on the punishment of the citizen is made.

Claim Type - Definition

What is the statute of limitations of fines? Many modern citizens are interested in this term. We will focus on payments to the traffic police. They are slightly different from other payments.

The procedure for paying the traffic police fine

The statute of limitations for the payment of the fine is the time during which the violator is required to close the existing arrears of fines. During this period, various additional sanctions can be applied to a person in order to “knock out” the necessary amount of money from him.

The statute of limitations of administrative fines is of interest to the population in that, upon expiration of its accrued payment, it “burns out”. Man ceases to be a debtor.

Statute of limitations - how long does it last?

Expired fines? Then for those or other violations you can not pay. This is a normal and completely legal phenomenon.

How long to wait for the “burning” of penalties? The traffic police fines are subject to a limitation period of 2 years. If you wait 24 months to pay the invoice, you can completely forget about it. But in reality, everything is not as simple as it seems.

The total duration of the "life" of payments

For example, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the limitation period for fines of the traffic police, presented above, is not completely indicated. The thing is that 24 months is a limitation period without taking into account the appeal of the relevant court decision.

This means that in the end, a citizen should not pay on bills for 24 months and another 10 days. Only after this accrued payment "burns" legally.

Reference point

When does the countdown start in Russia? There is no definite answer. It all depends on how to consider the period of limitation.

Discount Payment Term

If we take into account the time without taking into account the appeal of the court ruling, the countdown of the limitation period of the claim type starts from the moment the relevant sanction enters into legal force. Otherwise - immediately after the decision on the imposition of a fine for violation of traffic rules.

Turned too late

But these are not all the features of the legislation that every modern driver should be aware of. The thing is that law enforcement officers must act promptly in order to attract a driver for his wrongful act.

What does it mean? If the statute of limitations has passed, you can not just not pay a fine, but also not worry about the responsibility for the violation.

The countdown of this time begins after an unlawful act has been identified. How much is allocated to the traffic police to file lawsuits to bring the population to justice?

Time to go to court

Unfortunately, giving a definite answer will not work. Moreover, the mentioned period has nothing to do with the statute of limitations of traffic police fines in Russia.

After how much the traffic police fine burns

Here are the time frames that traffic police officers should be guided by when going to court:

  • 2 months - if the traffic police wrote fines for exceeding the speed limit, ignoring signs or markings, and also unfastened seat belts;
  • 3 months - upon the entry into the case of justices of the peace (most often when deciding on the deprivation of HI);
  • 12 months - if traffic police officers filed a lawsuit against the driver of the vehicle driving drunk (or for transferring the steering wheel to such a person).

In reality, everything is not as scary as it seems. If the specified time frames are missed, a court order for a violation is not issued. So, you can not worry about the need to pay a fine for a particular act.

Cameras & Camcorders

Today, traffic violators are actively identified with the help of special cameras and cameras. These devices automatically determine the commission of certain violations, after which a notification is generated on the assignment of penalties to a person.

The statute of limitations for traffic police fines issued using cameras of the "Safe City" type has no specific features. A total of 2 years are allocated for its closure. And another 10 days to appeal.

Time begins its countdown from the moment of issuing the corresponding penalty payment. And it doesn’t matter if a person received a notice or not. If the violator fails to pay the fine in 2 months, the case will be referred to court.

Statute of limitations for fines in the Russian Federation

Interruption of the limitation calculus

The expiration of the statute of limitations of the fine is the moment after which a citizen can not pay for a particular offense, a kind of panacea for responsibility for his actions. Only Russian legislation provides for calculus features of such a period.

For example, it can be reset and started from the very beginning. When is this possible? Under current legislation of the Russian Federation, zeroing of the statute of limitations of fines occurs when the bailiffs reveal the property of the debtor or his bank accounts.

What happens in such circumstances? The statute of limitations for the fine will be valid from the very beginning. And therefore, citizens are more often faced with the consequences of the resulting debt than with the "burning" of payments.

Delinquency Responsibility - Key Measures

Many are interested in what will happen if you do not pay for the fines issued. Usually late payments are a lot of trouble. Especially if a person needs to apply for one or another service in the traffic police.

As long as the statute of limitations is in effect, the offender may be in arrears. It begins if more than 70 days have passed from the date of the assignment of the relevant sanction. What does this event lead to?

Here is the responsibility to which the violator may be brought:

  • doubling the fine;
  • interest accrual;
  • appointment of public works (for fifty hours);
  • administrative arrest.

The limitation period will still be valid. The most common methods of punishing citizens for late fines of the traffic police are listed above.

Payment of a fine through public services

Other measures to deal with debtors

But they are not exhaustive.This is due to the fact that malicious deviators from fulfilling their duties are usually punished more seriously.

The statute of limitations has not expired? Then, if a citizen has not closed his debt to the traffic police in 80 days, he will have to face other sanctions. Namely:

  • restriction on leaving Russia;
  • seizure of property (if found);
  • blocking bank accounts and cards (if any).

Typically, under such circumstances, the accounts or property of the debtor are discovered. And this, as we have already said, nullifies the statute of limitations of the fine. That is, the allotted 2 years to close the debt will begin the countdown again.

Important: as long as a person has unpaid fines, he will not be able to register a vehicle or return / order a driver’s license.

To pay or not?

The expiration of the statute of limitations in modern realities is difficult to achieve. The thing is that a person can be easily detected. And his property too. So, it will take a long time to hide from law enforcement agencies, become a pedestrian and not make any transactions. All this makes the life of a modern person impossible. Therefore, it is better to pay the bills, but first you should try to defend your innocence in court.

Why is it not recommended to wait until the end of the statute of limitations of fines? Timely and quick payment of traffic police receipts allows you to get a 50% discount on basic violations of Article 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. If a person contributes funds to the state treasury within 20 days after the fine is imposed by the traffic police, he can count on the need to close half of the assigned amount. Very comfortably!

Payment methods

We found out the limitation period for fines of the traffic police. And how can I pay the penalty?

Internet banking and traffic police fines

In order to cope with this task, the citizen is invited to resort to the following methods of transferring money:

  • through the services of banks (including through ATMs, terminals and Internet banking);
  • through "Government services";
  • service "Payment of public services";
  • electronic wallets (any);
  • at the post offices.

You can check and pay the fines of the traffic police through special third-party services, but using them is highly discouraged. This is due to the high risks of collision with fraudsters.

To close the fine, the traffic police will have to prepare a payment of the established form, details of the recipient and payer, as well as cash. If the driver was assigned a double payment, you will have to apply for a new payment order to the State traffic inspectorate. Expiry of the statute of limitations is better not to wait!

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