
Shelf life of documents in paperwork: features and rules

There are different periods of storage in paperwork of documents of a certain type. Some of them relate to those of unlimited informative value, while others lose relevance quickly enough. So what documents and how long do you need to keep? How should they be disposed of? All this is very clearly stated in the legislation.

storage periods of documents in paperwork

Three types of retention periods

The list of document storage periods in paperwork: temporary (up to 10 years), long-term (over 10 years) and permanent. If we talk about cases of long-term and permanent storage, then after their completion they are transferred to special departments for a period of 2 years, and then they are archived.

Does the appearance of the media affect storage time?

The type of information carrier (paper or electronic) does not affect the storage period. The information that it contains is important. Further use of a particular case is determined by a special examination. It classifies all documents, indicates whether they can be used in the interests (or against) science, the state, society, individuals, etc.

Why is an examination carried out to determine the value of documents?

It is impossible to do without this procedure in the field of office work, be it a state archive, organization or enterprise.

The objectives of the examination - to determine or change the shelf life of the document; to make a selection of those cases that are subject to disposal as they no longer carry value or have lost relevance; indicate the period of preservation of documents that do not have historical or scientific value, but have practical value. Also, the examination should determine what type of value other documentation relates to: political, scientific, economic, cultural, industrial, etc.

For information on the staffing, accounting, storage and further appointment of cases, you should refer to the Law on Archival Affairs.

The result of the examination should be a list containing 12 sections of documents resulting from the functioning of state structures, organizations, institutions and other companies. We will pay special attention to accounting and personnel matters, considering the conditions and terms of storage of documents at enterprises. Lightly touch on medical documents.

clerical work storage period of documents in the organization

Medical records

Medical papers, as well as other informatively important ones, have their own specific storage periods for documents in the clerical work of a medical organization. This period is regulated by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and ranges from 1 year to 50 years for various categories of documents.

Accounting records

For documentation produced by accounting departments, separate conditions and storage periods for documents in paperwork apply. After processing, the primary documentation, balances, data of accounting registers, reports are required to be stored either in a special room or in a closed cabinet - until they are transferred to the organization’s archive. Strict reporting forms should be kept in metal cabinets or safes. The chief accountant appoints a person authorized to monitor these issues.

If this type of document is lost, damaged, illegally transferred to third parties, then the organization’s management must inform the law enforcement authorities about this fact. Destruction or seizure of documentation should occur solely according to the requirements prescribed by law.

Period of storage of accounting documents

storage periods for HR records

Existing standards for the shelf life of accounting files:

  • primary documentation, forms - 3 years;
  • cash documents, information related to financial transactions - 5 years;
  • payment and settlement sheets (if there is no personal account) - 75 years.

It is forbidden to seize cases at the end of the storage period without verification by the tax authorities, and a specially appointed commission must make a decision on the destruction of documents in office work with an expired storage period.

HR administration

Personnel documentation has great social significance (first of all, it concerns the availability of personal data), therefore, their storage is determined by special rules. A significant part of them serves as an actual confirmation of the rights of workers to social security (in old age, disability, etc.), contains information about their seniority, etc. In this regard, most personnel documents relate to those with a long or permanent storage period and are used in archives where citizens contact for background information. They also have archaeographic and biographical value, serve as sources for statistical surveys or historical and social studies.

The main condition for storing documentation from the personnel department is the restriction of illegal access to personal information about employees, as well as the ability to quickly find the right things.

list of storage periods for documents in paperwork

Two types of storage can be distinguished in the organization of office work and the periods of storage of personnel documents: current and subsequent. The first type is divided into two subtypes: storage of documentation during execution and storage of executed documentation.

Cases during their execution are located at the person who deals with them in special folders with names (for example, "Urgent", "For signature"). The telephone number, surname, initials of the contractor must also be indicated here. After they are filed and stored in accordance with the nomenclature.


All orders must be kept in the originals, and their copies (for incentives, penalties, hiring, dismissal, etc.) are entered into the personal file of the employee. It is placed in a numbered folder, and its pages must be flashed. The cover of the personal file has its own serial number. The current storage period for HR records applies only to currently employed employees. After dismissal, the case must be removed from the folder and executed for transfer to the archive.

Storage conditions for labor books of employees, as well as seals, stamps, letterheads, keys to cabinets with documentation, mean that they are kept in the safe of the head of the personnel department. In addition, it is recommended that the personnel officer, leaving his office, clean all notes and documents in a closet and turn off the computer. At the end of the working day, it is necessary to place all the documentation in a metal cabinet and seal it. The key is handed over to the head of the department with a list in the corresponding journal. All drafts and rejected forms are destroyed, computers are disconnected from the network. If the employee has received a copy or an extract from the document, he must leave a signature on this in the journal.

paperwork destruction of documents with expired storage

Only documents whose storage period is more than 10 years fall into the archive fund. They have social, economic, political, historical and other value. The schedule by which documents are submitted to the archive is approved by the manager or employer. Documents should come here in the form of originals. If this is not possible, then a copy thereof shall be certified and handed over.

Regulates the term and procedure for storing personnel documentation "List of typical management documents", approved by the Federal Archive. The periods of storage of documents in paperwork and the procedure for storing labor books are approved in a special regulatory act - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On labor books".

Terms of storage of personnel documentation

So, for 5 years are stored:

  • Documents (certificates, information, statements, etc.) regarding the availability, acquisition or movement of workers.
  • Documents (lists, information, certificates) relating to the release or need for working staff, job creation, gender, age, and professional qualifications of employees.
  • Correspondence regarding employment issues.
  • Documents on the transfer of employees to a shorter working day or week.
  • Documents relating to labor disputes.
  • Reports regarding the status and verification of work with employees are stored on an ongoing basis, and applications (certificates) for the release and needs of employees are also kept for five years.

terms of storage of documents in the clerical work of a medical organization

For 3 years are stored:

  • Documents (information, working time balances, information, memos) relating to the recording of working time.
  • Acts (information, characteristics, messages, certificates, etc.), which contain information on labor discipline.
  • Acts (reports and other information) relating to the accounting of labor inserts and books.

Storage for one year applies to time sheets and time tracking books, as well as vacation schedules.

The personal file and personal card of the employee is stored for 75 years, and if we are talking about this documentation for managers, employees with state awards or ranks, members of the executive, governing or controlling structures of the organization, then permanently.

The staffing of the organization and changes to them are stored on an ongoing basis, and staffing arrangements - for 75 years.

A typical job description at the place of approval and development is stored permanently, personal (as part of personal files) - for 75 years.

The employer’s remaining copy of the employment contract, filed in the employee’s personal file, must be kept for 75 years and then archived. If personal files are not kept, then such contracts should be formed into a separate business on the same storage conditions.

storage periods of documents in office work table

Accounting cards, books, magazines also have their own terms for the storage of documents in paperwork:

  • Reception, relocation, dismissal of employees - 75 years.
  • Accounting for business travelers - 5 years from the date of dismissal.
  • Accounting for military service - 3 years.
  • Holiday information - 3 years.
  • Personal files, cards, employment contracts and agreements - 75 years.
  • Issuance of labor inserts and books - 50 years.
  • Issuance of certificates of salary (place or work experience) - 3 years.
  • issuance of travel certificates - 5 years.

Summing up all of the above, for the convenience of those who need information in assembled form, you can independently submit the storage periods for documents in paperwork in a table.

What to do if the document is damaged?

Such documents are subject to restoration. For example, if the timesheet is corrupted (its shelf life is seventy-five years), then information about it can be found on the computer of the accounting department. It is impossible to throw out a damaged report card, as this will be an unauthorized decrease in the storage periods prescribed by the norms, which may lead to punishment of the organization’s management. Thus, any document that has become unusable before the deadline has to be restored. Now all organizations use the software, which contains the necessary information for this.


So, storage periods in paperwork depend on the type and value of documents. A significant part of personnel documentation has an increased shelf life. On the part of the legislation of the Russian Federation, there are strict prescribed standards for this. The law also regulates the procedure and terms of storage of certain types of documents, as well as the disposal of documents: it should occur only after examination and accordingly.

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