
Refugee status in the Russian Federation. How to get refugee status

In connection with military conflicts in different parts of the world, the protection of refugees remains an urgent topic today. How does the migration system in Russia? How can I get refugee status in the Russian Federation? For all these questions, detailed answers will be provided in the article.

Who are the refugees?

The word "refugee" often has the wrong associations. Many people confuse this concept with some others that have a completely different definition.

A refugee is a person who has decided to temporarily or permanently settle in another state. The reason for the resettlement is factors that impede safe life: military operations, repression, oppression or persecution on racial, religious, national or any other grounds.

In no case should refugee status in the Russian Federation be a reason for embarrassment. People who are ashamed of such a status can endanger both their lives and those of loved ones. Because of the pride of some citizens who claim that they are not refugees, their families may suffer. A refugee is, first and foremost, a legal, legal status that allows one to remain safe in the territory of another state.

Legal status

The legal status of refugees in Russia is always a combination of certain legal criteria and factors. It provides an opportunity not only to "hide" from problems in one's native country, but also to receive some benefits and privileges. What exactly is it about? If you open the law "On Refugees" (Federal Law No. 4528), then you can see the following provisions:

  • the status is granted for a period of 3 years, and not for 90 days, as for an ordinary guest;
  • a refugee has the right to receive quality medical care and medicines;

refugee status in rf

  • on social state protection;
  • for accommodation in temporary stay centers with free meals;
  • to assist in the carriage of baggage;
  • to engage in entrepreneurial or labor activities.

This status is not very easy to obtain. What features in acquiring the considered civil status exist in Russia?

Features of legal status

It is important to understand that not every citizen of a state is able to become a refugee. A person who is suddenly opposed by the current government is unlikely to be able to count on receiving an appropriate civil status in another state. In order to gain refugee status in the Russian Federation, it is necessary to fall under at least one of the following criteria by which oppression can be carried out:

  • by race.
  • by nationality.
  • by social affiliation.
  • by confession.

legal status of refugees

This is a prerequisite. Contrary to popular belief, obtaining refugee status in the Russian Federation is not so simple. Unlike the countries of Europe, where local authorities are ready to shelter even the most inveterate marginals, the Russian migration services conduct a very thorough and even meticulous check of each arriving person. The possible criminal record, education, former place of work and much more are taken into account.

Refugee status

State parliamentarians have long noticed the alarming mood of native Russians, concerned about the large number of non-Slavic people in the country. Especially noticeable is the accumulation of people of Asian appearance in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The Russian authorities decided to tighten their migration policies. This also affected the processes for granting refugee status.

how to get refugee status

In order to avoid confrontation between representatives of the local population and refugees, the authorities adopted a special law "On Refugees", which, in particular, enshrined the following points:

  • obtaining refugee status is relevant for people who do not have citizenship, but who are legally in the country;
  • for persons who have lost citizenship of their country, who have come to the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • for persons who have already arrived on the territory of the Russian Federation.

All the provisions presented have significantly tightened migration policy.

Refugee status

How to get refugee status? The question, I must say, is not simple. Obtaining status is a very difficult and long process. The applicant must apply to the State Directorate for Migration Policy of the Russian Federation with a corresponding application. All the necessary information is entered into the document: about the family, education, minor children, etc. If the application is submitted through the embassy or consulate, the process can take up to one month (the time the document is sent to the State Medical Department). The border control point will transmit the document in three days.

GUMP considers a document within five days. Next, one of the following decisions is made:

  • on further consideration of the application;
  • refusal to consider the application.

A person who is refused is entitled to temporary asylum. And the person whose application they agreed to receive receives an appropriate document for legal stay in the Russian Federation. In the temporary accommodation center, you need to undergo a medical examination and register for temporary registration at the place of registration. Later, a citizen receives a refugee certificate. What is important, the refugee gives the passport and the migration card to the GUMP (UFMS).

Refugee certificate

Refugees in Russia receive a special certificate at the GUMP (UFMS). This document will be valid for exactly three years. In the future, it can be extended once for a period of one year.

internally displaced persons

A refugee certificate may only be issued to an adult. Information about children is entered in the document of parents. If the minor is in Russia without adults, then he is also entitled to a certificate. But other options are also possible that regulate the order of stay in the territory of the state. For example, if a minor has no relatives in Russia who are ready to shelter him, then he may go to an orphanage (a place in a temporary stay center is unlikely to be provided to a child without representatives).

Obtaining refugee status in Moscow

Why is it worth isolating the problem of obtaining refugee status in the capital of Russia? The answer is simple: the corresponding status there is very difficult to obtain. Ukrainians, Syrians, representatives of Asian countries should take one simple advice: submit a petition in the regions. Not only is it faster, it is also easier.

Moscow departments of state administration of migration policy very often refuse to register refugees. The reason is simple: the lack of a sufficient number of employees and the large influx of applicants.

And what should be advised to those who nevertheless decided to submit an application in Moscow, but who were refused? There are several options to extend your stay. In particular, it is worth highlighting:

  • The classic appeal to the GUMP for an extension. They definitely should not refuse a body.
  • Applying for temporary asylum.
  • Re-applying for refugee status.
  • Obtaining a patent, work permit, etc.

It is worth being prepared for the fact that the Moscow body will send the applicant to the regional office.

When refugee status may be refused

As already mentioned, it is not so easy to obtain Russian refugee status (for Ukrainians, Belarusians, representatives of Asian countries - it does not matter which state a person comes from). If a person does not fall under the relevant criteria, then do not see refugee status.

refugees in Russia

A categorical refusal to gain access to the territory of the Russian Federation awaits persons who have provided incorrect information about themselves. Fake passports, purchased identity cards - all this will immediately block the possibility of obtaining much-needed status.

The second category of visitors who will necessarily receive a formal refusal is a person hiding from criminal prosecution. It also should include military liable and suspected of committing a crime. However, there may be exceptions. So, if a person is persecuted for political or other other reasons, then the corresponding status may well be granted. A great example is the case of the notorious Edward Snowden.

Citizens of other countries who have close relatives in Russia, as well as those who have the right to work and live in the Russian Federation, will not be able to obtain refugee status.

Obtaining temporary asylum and obtaining refugee status: what is the difference

Foreign citizens can obtain both legal refugee status and temporary asylum. From a legal point of view, these are completely different concepts. What is the difference between the two?

According to the current legislation, the following persons can obtain temporary asylum in the territory of the Russian Federation:

  • people who have all legal grounds for obtaining refugee status, but do not want to apply for it;
  • people who do not have grounds for acquiring refugee status (due to the humanity of such people do not expel from Russia).

Refugee status differs from "temporary refugee" status in a large number of advantages. It is worth highlighting the duration of the stay, possible benefits, employment and much more. Housing is issued to refugees, but not for persons with temporary asylum.

Obtaining the status of a person temporarily located in the territory of the Russian Federation is not so difficult. It is enough to contact the unit of the GUMP (former FMS) with the corresponding request.

Temporary immigrants and refugees

Despite the significant number of differences between internally displaced persons and refugees, many perceive these two concepts as the same. The law states that internally displaced persons are persons who fall under the following criteria:

  • Russian citizens who left their place of residence in another country as a result of reprisals, persecution on any grounds, military operations, etc. (should not be confused with refugees who are not Russian citizens at the time of arrival in the country).

refugee law

  • Foreigners, as well as stateless persons, forced to change their place of residence in Russia for security reasons.
  • Russian citizens who arrived from one region of Russia to another. The reasons are the same, namely persecution and repression. A current example is the situation in 2017. We are talking about gay men from Chechnya who are forced to leave their native region due to persecution.

So how do refugees in Russia differ from internally displaced persons? In short, refugees are foreigners, and internally displaced persons are Russians.


Having dealt with the question of how to obtain refugee status in the Russian Federation, it is worth paying attention to an equally important problem - employment. First you need to prepare the documents. The package must include:

  • refugee certificate;
  • documents on the passage of training;
  • employment record (if any).

housing for refugees

When applying for a refugee job, the following nuances can be expected:

  • no patent required;
  • an employment contract is concluded according to general rules;
  • the employer notifies the migration and tax services of the employment of a citizen;
  • documents for work are translated into Russian.

Some benefits and privileges may be granted to a refugee. They will depend on the region in which the citizen is employed.

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