
Large family status - how to get it and what benefits it gives?

In the article, we will consider how to obtain the status of a large family.

This recognition guarantees and provides an opportunity to exercise the right to additional social support. Its minimum list has been consolidated at the federal level (this list at the regional level can only be increased).

Large Family Law

Often, parents generally do not know that they have a special status, which allows them to count on receiving numerous benefits approved by the law on large families. However, far from always awareness is a condition for their receipt.

Large family in the Russian Federation

This is how many children? Let's figure it out.

The executive power structures of each region independently determine the criteria, in the presence of which a family with many children can be recognized. The regional laws adopted in pursuance of the Decree of the President are most often similar in name and differ only in the territorial principle of functioning (that is, in action only in a specific subject of the Russian Federation).

A study of the law on large families allows us to see that in most cases a large family is recognized as the family where three or more children who have not reached the age of majority, including adopted children, are brought up. The number of children varies depending on the region (from two to five), and the age varies from sixteen to twenty-three years (if children study full-time).

So, how to get the status of a large family?

benefits for large families

Design Features

One or both large parents must obtain a special certificate to confirm their status or use the benefits, separate types of documents exist for residents of the Moscow Region and Moscow - for fathers and mothers with many children.

How to draw up a certificate of a large family? First of all, you need to collect all the documentation and make an appointment at the nearest MFC office. If, after reading this article, the parents still have questions, you can get preliminary consultation by toll-free phone or ask a lawyer a question online.

After getting to the specialist, an application form will be received, if necessary, you can ask for a sample of filling, current at the moment.

After handing over all the documents to the employee, the parent will be given a receipt, and by its number you can find out the status of your application.

How to get the status of a large family is interesting to many. What documents are needed?

List of required documents

The list of documentation required to obtain a certificate of a large family includes:

  • copies and originals of birth certificates of minor children in the family;
  • passports of father and mother, trustees and guardians, as well as children who are fourteen years old at the time of application;
  • black-and-white or color photographs of spouses, 3 by 4 cm in size (you can check with a specialist about the possibility of taking photos in the MFC itself);
  • original certificate of divorce or marriage;
  • confirmation of adoption or guardianship in the document;
  • for children from sixteen to eighteen, a document that confirms full-time education, in some regions - for children under twenty-three years of age (subject to full-time study);
  • certificate of family composition, which can be issued in the center;
  • When divorcing parents, a formal agreement of the spouses on the residence of children is required.

Documents to certify a large family must be collected in full.

documents for identification of a large family


The application is considered no more than ten working days from the time of its submission with the documents. If there are violations, the family is given thirty calendar days for correction. If you do not have time for this time, you will have to do it all over again.

What are the benefits for large families?

The minimum list of benefits provided to large families is prescribed in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 5, 1992 and enshrined federally.

In accordance with the first paragraph, large families have the right to such benefits:

  • 30% discount on utility bills, including water, heating, etc .;
  • providing children under six years of age with medicines free of charge (if there is a doctor’s prescription);
  • the opportunity to use free of charge suburban and city public transport (exclusively in their region);
  • the provision of out of turn places in kindergartens and other preschool institutions;
  • providing children with a school uniform or clothing that replaces it, as well as a sports uniform for the entire period of study at school;
  • providing free meals for children in vocational schools and schools, including breakfast and lunch;
  • the opportunity to visit various exhibitions, museums, leisure parks once a month for free;
  • assisting large parents in organizing peasant farming, including the provision of benefits and material assistance for tax payments, interest-free loans to cover expenses, etc .;
  • allocation of primarily garden plots;
  • lending for special programs for housing construction and for the purchase of building materials;
  • other benefits, including those related to the work schedule and employment of large spouses.
what privileges are given to large families

It was noted earlier that the above list is the minimum preferential package that is valid throughout our country. In addition, regional laws also imply additional benefits, including full reimbursement of family expenses for preschool institutions, providing it with a grocery basket that includes baby food, cereals, sugar and other food products, additional payments and children's allowances.

The state, therefore, guarantees a fairly wide range of benefits, although many people are not even aware of their existence. What benefits are provided to large families, it is better to find out in advance.

To do this, contact the regional department of social assistance.

Material assistance to large families

In addition to benefits, such parents can receive standard benefits for large families, designed for all citizens with children:

  • lump-sum payment to expectant mothers, registered at an early stage of pregnancy;
  • maternity;
  • cash payment monthly for baby care;
  • other payments that are fixed by law.

The size of these benefits and the right to them is determined in the Federal Law "On State Benefits for Citizens with Children", for large families, additional payments to the amounts indicated in the federal law may be provided at the regional level.

Additional measures of state support and social assistance for families with two or more children are fixed at the legislative level.

But the norms of this federal law imply only improving the living conditions of the family, raising the mother’s pension and getting a decent education for children.

a large family in Russia is how many children

Where to go

To exercise the right to additional support measures from the state, it is necessary to apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (territorial department) with a statement to obtain a state certificate for maternity capital. If the decision is positive and the application is satisfied, the family will receive a certificate in a month and will be able to implement it only for those purposes that are provided for at the legislative level.

Diplomas and diplomas

In addition to various payments and benefits, for large families in many regions there is the practice of conferring diplomas, diplomas and other honorary awards, as well as the payment of a one-time reward if certain criteria have been met, for example, the birth of a fifth child, good study of children from this family, participation in public life etc. Similar criteria may vary depending on a particular region, they are determined by the cultural and national characteristics of the Russian subject.

What else is provided by the program for large families?

Taxes and tax deductions

At the federal level, tax breaks and incentives are provided for large spouses, who organized small organizations and enterprises, peasant farms, as well as in case of individual entrepreneurial activity. But regional authorities in practice usually do not provide such a category of entrepreneurs with any tax benefits, or it is rather difficult to use them because of the large number of requirements for reporting documentation.

The most popular tax deductions and benefits that are provided for large families are their exemption from land and transport taxes (the property of one of the spouses is taken into account).

how to draw up a certificate of a large family

For example, in the fourth article of Law No. 33 of Moscow dated July 9, 2008 “On Transport Tax”, one of the parents is exempted from paying the transport tax for one of the vehicles in a large family.

In order for spouses with many children to be exempted from tax on land and transport, you must apply with the appropriate application to the local tax service department and attach documentation that confirms your special status.

Specialists will verify the legitimacy of the requirements of the parents and make a decision on the release of land or transport tax payments. Such a statement must be addressed every year.

Lawyers Note

It should be noted that such benefits are determined by regional authorities and may not work in some regions.

programs for large families

Among other things, a large family has the right to use standard tax deductions for children, calculated depending on the number. They are made on the basis of a written statement by the employee and are implemented by the employing organization.

We told how to get the status of a large family.

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