
Card insurance in Sberbank: features, conditions and reviews

Sberbank customers can save funds on a plastic card using the product “Protection of funds on a bank card”. Sberbank card insurance is a paid policy. Cardholders can purchase it at offices or on the website of a financial institution.

Security features

Why insure money on debit and credit cards? Buying a policy helps Sberbank customers forget about the possible risks of storing cash on plastic cards. In contrast to deposits and savings accounts, fraudsters have several ways to access money on cards. Not always careful use of credit cards allows you to protect yourself from intruders.

Sberbank card insurance

With the help of Sberbank's insurance “Protection of funds on bank cards”, a client can compensate for stolen funds in the amount of up to 100% of the amount. Insurance involves the reimbursement of lost cash to the holder of a plastic card.

The amount of compensation depends on the stolen amount and insurance coverage. The higher the cost of the insurance premium, the higher the insurance amount.

What does the policy protect against?

Sberbank card insurance allows you to protect funds from:

  1. Cash withdrawals by third parties.
  2. Loss of plastic carrier.

Cash withdrawal by third parties means any means of stealing funds from a credit card. The reason for this may be:

  • cash withdrawal from ATMs as a result of theft or theft of a card;
  • issuance of a card as a result of violence or threat to the owner of a plastic carrier;
  • use of a copy of a plastic carrier;
  • theft of funds withdrawn by the cardholder at an ATM within 2 hours from the moment they are received;
  • phishing and skimming.

Modern methods of stealing funds from Sberbank cards

Phishing and skimming, unlike card theft, are modern methods of fraud. Sberbank cardholders do not always know what it is and how to deal with cybercriminals.

Phishing refers to gaining access to map data through sites on the Internet or sending out e-mails. Example of phishing: the cardholder of Sberbank receives an e-mail notification that his card has been blocked by bailiffs. To unlock it, he must follow the link (supposedly to the site of the FSSP of the Russian Federation) and enter its data (number, expiration date and code on the back). After the transition, the client’s card can be really blocked as a result of fraudulent actions, and funds can be stolen by attackers.

Sberbank insurance cards how to refuse

Skimming is an overlay on an ATM or terminal that "reads" the client’s PIN code or his card information. After that, scammers can gain access to a credit card by making a copy of a payment instrument or steal a card and withdraw cash, having learned its code.

Both theft options are prosecuted. Card protection in Sberbank insurance allows you to reimburse funds to the policy holder.

The principle of the policy

Sberbank card insurance is a voluntary service. It is drawn up at the initiative of the client. The presence of the policy allows you to minimize the risks of using a bank card.

How protection works:

  • the client purchases insurance at the bank office or on the website;
  • as a result of an insured event, funds are illegally debited from the card of the policy holder;
  • the client contacts Sberbank Insurance for a refund of the stolen funds;
  • Having considered the application, the company reimburses the client for the loss.

Rates and conditions of insurance

The cost of insurance depends on the amount of compensation. The client of Sberbank himself chooses how much to issue the policy.When buying a policy at the bank office, there are 3 protection options:

  1. Insurance for 1900 rubles with coverage up to 120 thousand rubles.
  2. The policy for 3900 rubles. Insurance coverage is 250 thousand rubles.
  3. Insurance for 5900 rubles. In this case, customer cards are protected for 350 thousand rubles.
Sberbank credit card insurance

Buying an online policy will cost customers less. Sberbank Insurance tariffs for protecting bank cards online:

  • 1161 rubles per policy with a coverage of 60 thousand rubles.
  • 1710 rubles are insurance that protects cards for 120 thousand rubles.
  • 3,510 rubles will have to be paid for a policy with insurance coverage of 250 thousand rubles.
  • 5310 costs insurance in the amount of 350 thousand rubles.

The policy is valid for 1 year from the date of purchase. Protection becomes active on the 15th day after the purchase of a banking product.

Buying a policy at the office of Sberbank

More than 2/3 of policyholders purchase an insurance product at bank offices. Sberbank card insurance can be bought by both the owner of the plastic carrier and the policyholder. In the second case, it is necessary to provide data of the one in whose name the policy will be written.

Sberbank insurance card protection

To purchase, you must provide a passport. The manager enters the following data into the policy:

  • F. I. O. beneficiary;
  • date of birth;
  • passport data.

Since when purchasing a policy all customer cards are insured, it is not necessary to list them.

After filling in the data, the client must pay the policy. Installment plan for payment of "Protection of bank cards" in the Savings Bank is not provided. The client can pay the policy by card, cash or from a personal account (deposit, savings book). Payment is free of charge.

After purchasing Sberbank card insurance, the client receives a copy of the payment receipt and the contract. If payment was made from the account, instead of the check, the depositor is issued an extract.

Buying a policy online

You can get insurance without visiting a branch of Sberbank. In this case, the policy will be cheaper.

When paying online, the client independently fills in the data in the policy form. How to purchase "Bank Card Protection" via the Internet:

  1. On the Sberbank website, find the "Insurance" tab, the "Travel and Shopping" section.
  2. In the section you should select the card protection and click on "Checkout online".
  3. Choose an insurance package, for example, with a coverage of 60 thousand rubles for 1161 rubles. If there is a promotional code for a discount, you must enter it in the appropriate field on the site.
  4. Fill in the information: citizenship, full name, date of birth, gender, passport details, registration address, contact information.
  5. Confirm the operation.
Sberbank insurance protection of funds on bank cards

The main condition for purchasing a policy on the site is online payment. A client can make a payment using a Sberbank credit card. After payment, the buyer receives the electronic version of the policy at the specified mail address. Online insurance is in no way inferior to the policy purchased at a branch of Sberbank.

If the client has insurance for debit cards, you do not need to purchase Sberbank credit card insurance. The insurance product allows you to protect all cards at the same time within the specified coverage amount.

What to do when an insured event occurs?

Sberbank card insurance allows you to receive reimbursement in case of withdrawal of cash from a credit card account by fraudsters. But not all policyholders are aware of what to do when an insured event occurs.

If the client was debited from the card or it was stolen, you must:

  • Immediately block the plastic carrier. The faster the lock, the greater the chance that the client will save at least part of the remaining funds.
  • Contact the police. Fraud is a criminal offense and is punishable by law.
  • Call the Sberbank Insurance contact center and report the incident.
  • Collect a package of documents for a refund and send it to the insurance company of Sberbank. The client can bring information to the office or send documents by registered mail by mail.
  • Wait for the decision of the insurance company.
Sberbank insurance bank card protection

If the insurance company decides in favor of the client, the money will be returned to the account indicated by the client within 10 days from the receipt of certificates to Sberbank Insurance.

When can they refuse to pay insurance?

According to reviews of Sberbank card insurance, in 9 out of 10 cases, an insurance indemnity is paid at the client’s request for funds. But not always the buyer of the policy can count on a refund.

Sberbank card insurance

Refusal to pay funds is possible if:

  • The amount of insurance coverage exceeded. For example, a client issued a policy with a coverage of 60 thousand rubles, and funds in the amount of 100 thousand rubles were stolen from the card. In this case, he can only rely on partial compensation in the amount of 60 thousand rubles. Compensation for the remaining amount will be refused.
  • The actions were committed as intended by the cardholder. Some customers believe that coverage will be paid anyway. It is possible that cardholders agreed with friends about the alleged theft of the card or funds from it in order to receive insurance compensation. This is also fraud and threatens not only with refusal to pay from Sberbank Insurance, but also with criminal or administrative punishment.
  • The client voluntarily transmitted the data to the scammers. Sometimes attackers receive information from the client itself. For example, a user tells them the codes from SMS to enter the Internet bank and login. Knowing the card details, scammers can easily use the client’s funds.

Termination of an agreement

If a client has purchased a policy and decided to return it, he has 14 days to terminate the contract. How to opt out of Sberbank card insurance:

  • Call support and provide data, send copies of documents to the specified address;
  • come to the bank office with documents (checks, agreement) and write a request for a refund.

The refund amount will be transferred within 10 days to the bank account specified by the client.

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