
Market promotion strategies

In what ways and through whom to promote your product on the market? All entrepreneurs who want to occupy a certain niche and receive good business profits are certainly familiar with concepts such as marketing and strategic planning. What do these terms mean? What are the rules for promoting goods and services to the market?

Let's try to reveal the secrets of the most effective ways to promote them, which for half a century have been considered the most effective.

What is promotion?

How to sell goods in the market as efficiently as possible? To do this, you will need to carry out a whole range of measures that will increase the demand for products manufactured by the manufacturer and the services offered.

people are attracted by a magnet

Promotion of goods on the market is a certain action, the purpose of which is to increase the effectiveness of sales due to the communicative impact on consumers, partners and staff. The tasks of such steps are twofold. On the one hand, the promotion of goods and services on the market is necessary to activate consumer demand. In addition, such events should support a favorable attitude towards the company.

Product Promotion Features

This concept is one of the main elements of marketing. This is confirmed by a number of very important functions assigned to it. Among them:

  1. Bringing to consumers information about the product, as well as about its parameters. Indeed, even with the obvious competitive advantages of the products and the presence of related innovations, the release of products will be absolutely meaningless if customers do not know about it. To convey such information to the right audience is especially important if a new product is being marketed. For example, ultrasonic washing machines offered for sale will be in demand by customers if the manufacturer clarifies their advantage by comparing them with conventional washing appliances. A prerequisite for this is the confirmation of such information by enthusiastic owners.
  2. Formation of the image of innovation, low prices and prestige. The promotion of goods on the market aims to create among buyers an idea of ​​a particular thing, often surpassing its real consumer sense. For example, plastic windows produced “lead free” or shampoo with a pH of 5.5.
  3. Supporting the popularity of goods or services offered on the market. A similar function is performed by reminding consumers of the need and importance of a particular product. For example, buyers should always remember that in their life a holiday comes only with Coca-Cola.
  4. Change in certain stereotypes in the perception of the product. Not always the idea of ​​this or that thing meets the expectations of the supplier and manufacturer. In order to change the negative trend, it is necessary to conduct a special campaign to promote goods on the market. For example, in due time the South Korean corporation Samsung extended the warranty period for equipment up to three years. It was on this that the campaign for promoting goods on the market was built. Thus, potential buyers were convinced that the products of this company are not inferior in quality to those manufactured by Japanese competitors, and the prices for it are lower, and the service is better.
  5. Stimulation of sales entities. Development of product promotion on the market is taking into account the fact that a company can sell its products not through direct sales channels, but through intermediaries.In this case, to increase purchases, it will be necessary to stimulate final demand, using various promotion strategies.
  6. The implementation of expensive goods. The price of a product or service is sometimes not a decisive factor in choosing a client. This occurs in cases where a unique quality is assigned to a product in the eyes of consumers. So, during the ongoing promotion campaign, it is explained to potential buyers that the Tafal pan, although expensive, has a removable handle and can be compactly placed in a kitchen cabinet. Moreover, similar products of competitors do not have such properties.
  7. Favorable reviews about the company. Such a function of promoting goods on sales markets is sometimes called nothing more than hidden advertising. It is achieved by the actions of sponsors, the implementation of social projects, etc. And although recently such an organization promoting goods on the market has become very popular, it is still the last in importance. After all, low-quality goods sold at a high price will certainly cause a negative perception of the consumer. Sponsorship will not help in any way to sell products in this case.

Increase in consumer demand

Marketing product promotion on the market provides four options for ways to increase consumer demand. Let's consider them in more detail.

people gathered together

Among all types of product promotion on the market, this is considered an impersonal form of communication, carried out with the participation of paid funds that disseminate information.

The main function of advertising is to bring to people the main consumer properties of the goods. In addition, it is designed to provide favorable information to the client about the activities of the manufacturer.

From this point of view, advertising should be considered. After all, you can pay as much as you want for information about the product, but if it is not in demand on the market, then the level of its sales is unlikely to rise.

Ad performance

Methods of promoting a product to the market through the media will only bear fruit if the information submitted to the consumer contains an assessment of a particular item, as well as arguments in its favor.

sales mechanism

If these points are absent, then advertising is ineffective. Arguments put forward in favor of the goods are classified into two groups:

  1. Objective. In this case, the promotion of goods on the market contains the logically clear features of the product.
  2. Subjective. They are designed to form certain associations and emotions in the consumer.

But be that as it may, the information submitted to the potential buyer should contain some unique offer. At the same time, the consumer must understand that if he purchases the offered thing or service, he will receive some specific benefit from this.

Ad Perception

The advertising that will be remembered by consumers will be effective. And this, in turn, will depend on its information content and value. In marketing, it is customary to distinguish three types of perception of advertising:

  1. The necessary information that is understandable, accessible and very quickly remembered. For such advertising, you will not need impressive investments. Just a few lines in the newspaper. An example of this is an advertisement about writing term papers and dissertations for students.
  2. Random information. It is usually not remembered at all or remembered with difficulty. In this case, the information should be tied to the media - the advertising medium. A potential consumer will find the advertisement he needs if necessary. For example, if you want to install plastic windows in the house, he will open a free advertising publication. The main task of the seller at the same time is that his proposal caught the eye of the client.
  3. Unnecessary information. Sometimes advertising is ignored by the consumer or simply annoying him.This is always taken into account by marketing the promotion of goods on the market. Unnecessary information always takes place. The goods cannot be claimed by absolutely everyone. The main question in this case is what is the part of the audience for which advertising is unnecessary?

After the consumer understands the need to purchase the advertised product, he will decide on its purchase. The task of marketing in this case is to correctly determine the target audience and means of promoting goods on the market, which will increase sales.

Direct (personal) sales

Among the ways to promote the product on the market there is one in which the sale becomes possible thanks to a conversation with a potential buyer. The second name for such an activity is “direct marketing”. When implementing such a strategy of promoting a product on the market, significant financial investments will not be required. Moreover, this method relates to a higher level of business organization in comparison with banal retail trade or the provision of domestic services.

silhouettes of managers planning sales growth

This type of promotion is impossible without the knowledge of the company employees of the particulars of the goods sold, including their quality and operational aspects. This allows for more qualified customer service.

Especially important point

If you ignore the direct sales method, sales volumes can be significantly reduced. This is observed even when all other marketing conditions by the company have been met. For example, when offering high-quality and cheap goods, with an ideal store location, a huge assortment and an effective advertising campaign, the rudeness and disinterest of sellers in communicating with customers is unlikely to allow the outlet to make a profit.

The advantage of personal sales

When using this strategy of promoting a product on the market, the following is positive:

- An individual approach that applies to each buyer;

- the ability to transfer to the consumer a large amount of information about the product;

- less than when using advertising, the amount of costs that do not bring financial results;

gadget ideas

- the presence of feedback with the consumer, which allows you to quickly adjust the production process and advertising campaign.

Disadvantages of Personal Sales

The negative side of such a marketing strategy is a high level of working costs. After all, those relationships that take place in the organization of a trading network are often built on the principle of a pyramid. Personal sales are most effective when the seller offers an exclusive product on the market. If such trade is carried out simultaneously by retail outlets and salespeople, then personal sales will be uncompetitive. In this case, the buyer’s exclusivity is lost in the eyes of the buyer.


This type of strategy for promoting goods on the market is one of the varieties of public relations. This is an incentive that is not paid by the sponsor. Propaganda aims to attract the attention of potential buyers. In this case, you do not need to incur advertising costs.

Propaganda tools

The main tools of this promotion of a new product on the market are:

people think

- speeches in which representatives of the company participate with a welcoming speech;

- events in the form of press conferences or online meetings, holding anniversaries and seminars, etc .;

- news in the media informing about the products of the enterprise and its employees;

- publication of annual reports, brochures, newsletters and other printed materials;

- sponsorship in the form of allocation of financial resources and time for sports, charity and other significant events;

- means of identification in the form of using the logo (emblem) of the enterprise, business cards, uniforms for employees, etc.

Sales promotion

Under this term is understood a set of measures that promote the promotion of products. This may include various marketing elements related to relationships in marketing systems.

people are planning

Sales promotion measures are directly related to the price of products, their consumer properties and sales channels. Such a marketing move involves influencing three recipients. Among them:

  1. Buyers To encourage them to buy, the trading organization organizes lottery contests, promotions, loyalty programs, etc.
  2. Counterparties. To increase the volume of trade transactions and focus on sales of the supplier’s products, campaign materials can be provided, tenders are held based on sales results, assistance is provided in training employees, etc.
  3. Sales staff. Among the forms of incentives for such employees are: competition in terms of sales between employees, payment of vouchers for recovery at the expense of the company, accrual of material bonuses, etc.


The importance of the topic discussed by us for the successful development of the business is extremely high. Without the promotion of goods, it is unlikely that a profitable business will be organized.

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