
Subsidy to large families: which and to whom are due

The Russian Constitution states that the Russian Federation is a state with a social system. This means that the policy is carried out in the direction of the priority of the citizens of the country, that is, to achieve the maximum level of well-being of each of the citizens, opportunities for social realization, as well as to create an accessible living environment. The state supports large families at various state levels, while various state programs, quotas and subsidies are created.

One of the main areas is subsidizing large families in various areas. Consider what subsidies to large families exist in 2018.

The large family

Large family: definition

State legislation does not give a clear definition of a large family, but this is what the regional authorities do - it is they who determine the composition of the family. In most constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a large family is considered to be a family that contains three or more children. Moreover, children must live with their parents, be minors and study full-time full-time education or be drafted into the army for service.

As for parents, both father and mother can obtain the status of a large family. The main thing is to be legally married to each other. If one parent brings up three children, he has the right to apply for the status of a large parent.

Benefits for large families

The presidential decree of 1992 of the year represents the minimum list of benefits for large families. This decree has federal significance.

Available subsidies to large families in 2018:

  • Discount privilege of 30% and higher for utility bills. This also includes heating and water bills.
  • Children under 6 years of age are provided with free medicines with a prescription.
  • The possibility of free use of urban public and regional transport within the region of residence.
  • Seats in kindergartens and other kindergartens are provided without a queue.
  • The possibility of free meals for children in the process of training in schools and other professional educational institutions.
  • The possibility of free school uniforms, sports uniforms for the entire time the child is in school.
  • Once a month, large families can visit the museum, park or exhibition for free.
  • Financial assistance to parents in the formation of a farm, preferential taxation, interest-free loans to replenish the money spent.
  • Provision of land out of turn.
  • Lending under state preferential programs for the purchase of building materials and during the construction of a residential building.
  • Other benefits associated with the reduced working hours of parents, as well as with a job.
List of required documents

Minimum discount package

The package of benefits described above is the minimum for all constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Regional legislation provides for additional subsidies to large families and benefits that are implemented at the local level and are valid only in a particular region. This may be additional or increased benefits, material assistance for the purchase of products, etc.

The Russian state provides a wide range of various benefits, it is important to know which of them are available in the required region.


To confirm the identity of parents, children and the fact of having many children, you will need to provide the following documents for a subsidy to a large family:

  • passport of parents;
  • birth certificate of each of the available children;
  • certificate of family composition from the place of residence;
  • extract from the house book;
  • a certificate stating that the family has no arrears in paying for utilities;
  • certificate that the family is large;
  • income statements of each of the parents;
  • documents for residential property held by the family;
  • application for a subsidy.
Land plot


When filling out the application, it is important to know that it is compiled in free form, but there are some nuances that are mandatory for this document:

  • details of the administrative authority to which the application will be submitted;
  • personal data of the applicant;
  • passport details of the applicant;
  • an overview of the housing in which the family lives at the time of application;
  • personal data of all family members;
  • family income information.

Terms of issue

An application for a subsidy to a large family is being processed for one month. At this point in time, the authorized bodies calculate the material amounts that a large family can claim.

After that, a notification is sent to the applicant that the application has been reviewed and what decision has been made. If the decision is positive, the applicant receives a certificate of subsidy.

If a citizen has already built a house, and he wants to return the funds spent on construction, then he needs to contact the relevant local authorities no later than two months from the date of registration of the apartment building in the property. Otherwise, a subsidy may be refused.

The large family

Validity of certificate

After a citizen has received a certificate for the necessary subsidies, he must contact the bank. Typically, the contact details of a financial institution are indicated by the authority that issued the certificate. A bank account will be opened in the bank in the name of the applicant. Such an account is targeted, and money from it can be spent only on payment for the work of contracting enterprises.

Home improvement

Housing subsidy is one of the most sought after subsidies in Russia. The housing problem is most acute in large families, since the income of such families is much lower than that of the average citizen. Therefore, the state subsidy program for large families includes the acquisition of residential property.

To receive this subsidy, it is not enough just to be a large family, you still need to observe a number of conditions:

  • the family does not own residential property;
  • the total area of ​​housing is less than the required footage per person (the footage is set by regional authorities);
  • the family lives in a house or in an apartment that is considered unsuitable for living;
  • in the family there is a person who is a carrier of a dangerous disease (it can be tuberculosis, for example);
  • all family members must be citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • parents must be officially employed by citizens;
  • the family must be recognized as poor.

Housing subsidies for large families are considered in a general manner. They are not priority.

Mortgage Apartment

Mortgage subsidy

Mortgages are a good way to purchase housing for a large family, especially since the state helps and subsidizes a mortgage loan. The federal program "Housing for the Russian Family" includes in its list of citizens who have three children (some regions require 4 or 5 children).

What does a large family mortgage subsidy include?

  • The interest rate on a mortgage loan has been reduced - from 6% to 11%, depending on the type of residential property.
  • An opportunity to make a small initial payment, but not less than 10% of the total amount.
  • The ability to pay part of the down payment in cash maternity capital.
  • Mortgages do more than for ordinary citizens (the maximum term is 50 years).

If one of the parents in a large family has not reached the age of 35 years, then he can use the program "Young Family", which includes the following aspects:

  • the share of the mortgage is subsidized at the rate of 30% of the amount of the cost of residential property for the couple, 35% in the presence of minor children;
  • mortgage loan should not exceed the amount of 2 200 000 rubles;
  • The apartment must be purchased in a new house.

Housing subsidy

A large family can not only settle in the apartment, but also build their own home. In this case, there is also the possibility of receiving subsidies to a large family for construction. There are two directions for obtaining subsidies:

  1. Construction of a residential building with funds allocated by the state: after receiving the funds within the set time, it will be necessary to provide reports on the construction.
  2. Funds are compensated by the state for expenses already incurred by the family, payment documents, which are important to preserve, serve as evidence.

Regional authorities establish various programs of local importance, which provide for the acquisition of land for private housing.

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, families in which three or more children can receive land from the state with an area of ​​15 acres. Such a plot can be used not only for the construction of a residential building, but also for agricultural or livestock farming.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation, local authorized bodies are obliged to provide assistance and assistance to large families in the construction of houses, in the construction of households.

Apartment in a new building

Subsidies for housing and communal services

Large children can take advantage of the legal right to reduce utility costs. The discount is 30%. Regional authorities can vary this figure up, but not less.

A subsidy for utilities for large families is issued in the department of social protection. The following documents will be required to provide:

  • passport of the parent applying for the benefit;
  • birth certificates of all available children;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • payment documents for the payment of housing and communal services;
  • documents for the premises;
  • bank account details.

This benefit works like this:

  1. The family pays for utilities every month;
  2. Within the next month following payment, the state returns 30% of the funds deposited to the current account provided.

This method compensates for the money spent. In the payment document housing and communal services appears the usual amount without a reduced rate.

A car for a large family

A large family, like no other, needs a car. After all, with three or more children it is very difficult to use public transport. Therefore, the state created a subsidy for the purchase of a car in the form of the state program "A car for a large family."

The amount of material assistance equals 100,000 rubles, but the cost of the purchased car cannot exceed 1 million rubles.

To participate in this program, you must submit a written application to the guardianship authorities, as well as the original documents for each of the family members. After the car is purchased, you need to confirm the fact of buying the car with the necessary papers and put the car on the register in the traffic police.

A subsidy to large families for the purchase of a car is also provided by local authorities. In some regions (for example, in St. Petersburg), families with seven minor children are provided with minibuses or material means for their purchase (the fact of the purchase will also need to be documented). Assistance is provided to families in which there are children under guardianship.

You can apply for it in the department of social protection, you need to submit a written application and the required documentation:

  • passports of parents;
  • birth certificates of all available children;
  • driver's license;
  • documents confirming that the family is poor.
Minibus for family


With the correct submission to the state bodies of all necessary documents and the fact of confirmation that the family is indeed a large family, problems with the registration of any subsidy, as a rule, do not arise. The authorized bodies make a positive decision, and the citizen receives a subsidy.

  1. The status of a large family gives you the opportunity to get some benefits that can be aimed at improving the financial situation.
  2. Some programs are adopted at the regional level, which means that for each subject of the Russian Federation they may differ, for example, a housing subsidy. It is important to keep this in mind when designing.
  3. The state privilege granted for the purchase or construction of a residential property is measured in preferential credit conditions or in the provision of a part of material resources.
  4. Citizens can not only take advantage of the subsidy for improving the living conditions of a large family, but also purchase a car on favorable terms.
  5. At the federal level, there is a privilege of 30% on payment of housing and communal bills.

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