
Housing improvement subsidy: who should get it, how to get it?

Many people live in conditions that do not meet sanitary standards or safety requirements. Therefore, they are easily recognized as needing to improve living conditions. They can count on a special subsidy to improve housing conditions. To do this, you must initially obtain the appropriate status, issue a certificate, choose a home and make the purchase of the optimal property.

Home Improvement Concept

This process suggests that citizens can improve their quality of life to improve their living comfort. To determine the conditions in which a particular citizen lives, several points are taken into account:

  • real estate area;
  • its technical and sanitary condition;
  • the number of citizens living in one territory;
  • the presence of residents with chronic diseases;
  • living in real estate of minors.

Under difficult conditions, you can count on support from the state. To do this, it is possible to receive a subsidy for improving housing conditions. In this case, a certain amount of funds allocated for the purchase of new housing is provided from the budget.

Housing improvement subsidies Moscow

Rules for the needy

Only people who meet certain requirements and are registered as needy can count on receiving subsidies for improving their living conditions. Therefore, they must have official confirmation of status, presented by a special document received by the social protection authorities.

Before applying for a subsidy, a citizen must be registered. This process is carried out at the place of registration. For this, an application is submitted to the local administration, namely to the housing department of the authorities. The following information shall be indicated in the application:

  • address of the apartment in which the applicant resides;
  • number of residents in real estate;
  • area of ​​the object;
  • features of its technical and sanitary condition are given;
  • other nuances of the object are listed;
  • at the end, indicate the request to register the family as needy.

The procedure for registering a family or an individual citizen is regulated by the provisions of Art. 49 LCD In Art. 51 LCD provides a list of citizens who can count on help from the state.

What kind of support is provided?

If the family was indeed registered, then it can count on several types of assistance:

  • provision of a housing improvement subsidy that can be used to purchase new real estate;
  • allocation of housing represented by a separate apartment or room.

To obtain the status of those in need, it is necessary not only to relate to vulnerable categories of the population, but also to live in an apartment whose area is too small, therefore, housing standards per tenant are violated.

gratuitous housing subsidy

Concept of norm

A housing subsidy is offered to citizens who live in a facility where too few square meters are allocated for each registered person. Standards may vary by region. They are calculated per person.

For example, in MO the following values ​​are used:

  • if the family lives in an apartment or house, then for one person the sanitary norm is 10 square meters. m .;
  • if citizens live in a communal apartment, then the area of ​​the premises used cannot be less than 15 square meters. m

If after calculations it turns out that there is less than 10 square meters per personm., the family is really recognized as needy. Registration is carried out only if, during the previous five years, the family has not worsened their living conditions by any transactions or other means. For example, unauthorized persons were not registered in the object or real estate objects were not sold.

Rules for the provision of public funds

The government offers needy families free grants to improve housing conditions. The nuances of obtaining such support include:

  • funds spent are not returned to the state;
  • money is used exclusively for the purchase of a residential property;
  • a subsidy is provided in the form of a special certificate that can be used only for its intended purpose, therefore it will not be possible to cash it out or use it for other purposes;
  • if some part of the subsidy is not used, then the funds will be returned to the regional budget;
  • money is allocated from the federal and regional budgets.

Due to this unique support, it is possible to provide optimal housing for a large number of citizens.

housing subsidy

Who can count?

Only a few people in the preferential category can receive a subsidy for improving their living conditions. These include citizens:

  • veterans and participants of the Second World War;
  • relatives of the dead WWII veterans;
  • people who survived the siege of Leningrad;
  • liquidators of the Chernobyl consequences;
  • young families in which at least one child is brought up, but parents should not be older than 35 years;
  • military personnel and combatants;
  • civil servants;
  • large families;
  • disabled people and orphans;
  • medical workers and young specialists working in the village;
  • people living and working in the Far North.

The above list may be expanded by local authorities, for which regional regulations are issued. In addition to being included in the preferential category, other conditions must be satisfied.

Support Recipient Requirements

Subsidies for improving housing conditions in Moscow and other regions are granted only on condition that the applicants meet certain requirements. These include:

  • the family belongs to the preferential category;
  • family members do not have their own real estate;
  • Citizens do not live in an apartment on the basis of a social loan agreement;
  • living conditions in an existing facility do not comply with household, sanitary or other standards, since only then will citizens be recognized as needing to improve their living conditions;
  • people live in the same territory as a person with a chronic disease;
  • the applicant or his family members have real estate, but its area does not comply with the standards.

The main factor is the lack of own housing or its small area. Standards are calculated by local authorities, so they may vary in different cities.

The applicant must live in a particular region for at least 10 years if he wishes to receive a subsidy for improving housing conditions. Assistance is offered exclusively to Russian citizens with a permanent residence permit.

subsidy to improve housing conditions in St. Petersburg

What documents are needed?

To issue a subsidy to those in need of better housing conditions, it is necessary to prepare a certain set of documents. It includes the following papers:

  • application for registration as needy;
  • applicant's passport;
  • passports and birth certificates of all persons living in the same property with the applicant;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • if property is owned, an extract from the USRN is issued;
  • extract from the home book, which includes information about all people registered at a particular address;
  • documents confirming that the family belongs to the preferential category, for example, a certificate of a large family, a disability certificate or other papers;
  • registration certificate for an existing apartment;
  • income statements of each adult family member;
  • statement from open bank accounts;
  • certificate from the personal account about the absence of debts for housing and communal services;
  • extract from the USRN containing information about all transactions completed over the past 5 years.

Employees of the housing department may require additional documents from a citizen.

If there are no problems, then the family is registered as needy, therefore a unique number is assigned to it. You can track the order on the official website of the local administration or on the portal "State Services".

Certificate Issue

A subsidy to improve housing conditions for young families is issued only after the family receives a special certificate. Usually this document contains information on how much a family can expect.

Spending funds from the state can only be for the purchase of housing. The subsidy is offered free of charge, but only once to one family. The amount of the subsidy for improving living conditions depends on the right of citizens to help, as well as on individual characteristics, for example, on the composition of the family.

get a housing subsidy

How to use the certificate?

To use public funds, it is important to correctly implement the certificate. To do this, the following actions are performed:

  • a credit institution is selected where an account is opened, to which funds will be received according to a certificate from the state;
  • information about the open account is transferred to the housing department of the local administration;
  • the optimal apartment or house for purchase is selected;
  • real estate must comply with sanitary, domestic and other standards;
  • its size should be optimal for a particular family;
  • a preliminary contract is drawn up with the seller;
  • documents for the selected property are transferred to the housing department of the administration;
  • upon receipt of a positive decision, the documentation is transferred to the bank employees, where there is an open account;
  • within a few days, the amount due under the certificate is transferred to the account;
  • the main contract is concluded;
  • an act of transfer and acceptance of real estate is formed
  • a receipt on the transfer of funds is drawn up;
  • the object is registered at the buyer in Rosreestr;
  • a report on the intended use of money is compiled and sent to the administration of the region.

Often, the funds offered by the state are not enough to buy an object, so the family has to use even their own savings.

housing subsidy

The nuances of disbursing funds

The subsidy for improving housing conditions in St. Petersburg or another region of the country is never provided in cash, therefore it is transferred only to a bank account, from where it is sent to the seller of the selected property.

The funds are used exclusively for the purchase of housing, therefore, if the local administration officials reveal that the beneficiary produced various gray and fraudulent schemes for cashing the certificate, the family will be deprived of help, so she will have to return the money received earlier.

The specifics of buying a home

Often, the amount provided by the state is not enough to purchase full-fledged real estate, so citizens can take advantage of the following options:

  • use of own savings;
  • registration of a mortgage loan;
  • the use of mothercapital.

If there is no opportunity to increase the amount, then when searching for real estate, you need to focus on the funds offered by the state. But the room must meet the requirements for standards and sanitary conditions.

housing subsidy for young families


Many people living in poor conditions can receive state support. To do this, they can get a housing certificate. It is issued only after the family is registered as needy.

You can use the certificate only for the purchase of real estate that meets numerous requirements and standards.

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