
Owners - who is this? Definition

Family relations are always a rather difficult topic. Only their names may be more complicated. Let's look at this type of relationship, as a property. And also find out whether the relatives are relatives in general. And consider what position the legislation takes towards them.

Owners - who are they?

A similar name is not carried by blood relatives, but by those who join our family as a result of marriage.

the attendees are who they are

For example, the father-in-law and mother-in-law for the wife, father-in-law and mother-in-law for the husband, brothers or sisters of the second half for their spouse. All these are inherent.

By the way, the parents of the spouses (matchmakers) are also among themselves in the property.

But as far as Kumoviev is concerned, the question is very controversial. Are they inherent? There are two opinions.

Some attribute them to this category as relatives, acquired as a result of the church rite of baptism.

At the same time, others argue that nepotism is a special kind of relationship, and it differs from the property in that the godmothers do not have common blood relatives.

It is noteworthy that quite often the role of godparents is taken not by strangers, but by someone from distant relatives (for example, brother-in-law or brother-in-law). And in this case, a person can simultaneously be both a proprietor and a godfather.

Difference from relatives

Although a property means a certain kinship, however, the proprietors are not relatives. Since the second category provides for the presence of a common ancestor or a closer blood connection.

relatives are not always peculiar

For example, father and mother are relatives for their children, since they have a consanguinity.

At the same time, the stepfather or stepmother are not relatives for the stepson or stepdaughter. Because they have no genetic link. Therefore, despite the fact that they play the role of parents, both stepfather and stepmother are inherent in relation to the child.

stepdaughter and stepson, stepmother and stepfather

Paradoxically, sometimes the second parents may be more caring than the father or mother, who refused to raise their child. However, the degree of care and other moral qualities do not affect the name of the relationship.

Spouses: relatives or relatives?

Considering this topic, one must sooner or later have to face the question: “Husband and wife, who are each other?” After all, they have no consanguinity (such marriages between close relatives are prohibited by law in most countries of the world).

First of all, spouses are a family, and it is from this point of view that the law considers them. However, in different areas, the degree of their relationship is viewed differently.

So, in criminal law, the spouse is not a relative of the wife, but a member of the joint family created with her. In the Housing Code, their relationship is perceived in the same way.

But tax law treats spouses as close relatives, along with brothers and sisters, parents, grandparents.

But in the Labor Code, the name of the relationship between husband and wife is not precisely formulated. And then each employer chooses to consider them as close relatives or members of the same family.

Thus, it turns out that from whatever point of view to consider the relationship of the spouses, in any case, they will not be considered peculiar. By the way, they cannot become godfathers either. The fact is that, according to church rules, godparents cannot marry. And those who have already entered cannot baptize together.

How People Can Attribute

As already mentioned above, strangers become the property when one of their close relatives marries.Moreover, even if over time the spouses break up, their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and others continue to remain in a relationship of property.

way to become attach

However, if, for example, a woman married a second time, her relatives will become peculiar to her husband's relatives. However, the relatives of the first spouse will have nothing to do with them.

property through baptism

By the way, if you consider nepotism a property, then the second way to enter into such a relationship is to participate in the baptism of a child. However, in this case, only godparents and the parents of the baby become peculiar. And in relation to the rest of the relatives, no changes are happening.

Degrees of Property

As a rule, relations between property owners are divided into three degrees:

  1. A property between one of the spouse and the blood relatives of his half.
  2. The relationship between the brothers / sisters of the wife / husband in relation to the husband / wife.
  3. Relations between parents / siblings of a husband with a similar relative spouse.

Can marriages be between marriages?

Another question that sometimes still has to be confronted is: “Can those in the property marry?”

If in the case of blood relatives such a ban is understandable (degeneration of the breed and the occurrence of hereditary diseases), then in the case of relatives it is more likely a tribute to tradition.

Despite this, in many countries the law prohibits alliances between people in a property. However, this is not always justified. For example, if the divorced husband’s mother fell in love with his wife’s single father. Why don't they get married? Or, as is often shown in television series, the wife’s sister fell in love with her husband’s brother (a similar situation is described in Jane Austen’s novel Emma).

Another thing is if the stepfather is going to marry the stepdaughter. It really looks like incest, although technically they are not relatives. But then the ban is really justified.

By the way, only in Orthodox countries marriage between close relatives and relatives up to the fourth line is prohibited. At the same time, among Catholics and Protestants, such a ban applies only to close relatives and first-line properties.

Property and Family Law

Oddly enough, but the legislation does not consider property as objects of family law. Therefore, they do not have the same privileges and duties as relatives.

law and property

There are a number of nuances:

  • Judges cannot be accused.
  • Persons on the property until the fourth line cannot marry.
  • Property owners can become objects of family law when it comes to paying alimony to a stepdaughter / stepson of a stepfather or stepmother. However, each such case requires individual consideration.

The mystification of A.S. Pushkin

In conclusion, it is worth considering a short story by Alexander Pushkin, in which he examined with humor the property of the legendary French heroine Joan of Arc and her distant descendant.

This literary hoax is called "The Last of the Attributes of Joan of Arc." It briefly describes how a relative of the wife of the brother of the deceased Jeanne challenged Voltaire himself to a duel for his satirical poem Orleans Virgin (in this work, the great philosopher rather caustically ridiculed Jeanne and her exploit, and even hinted at sexual relations in the final Ark with one of her loyal followers).

In the story of Pushkin, the fearless Voltaire was scared and wrote to the peculiar Jeanne that in fact he was old and weak and was not the author of that seditious work.

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