
Security and surveillance equipment

Security is not only the protection against criminal attacks. This is a warning of fires, explosions, gas leaks and other types of accidents. An effective solution to such a problem is only a comprehensive one. This is the best combination of technical, physical, organizational measures to prevent danger, the creation of an emergency response system to it. The key role here is played by the use of suitable technical means of protection, their proper design, installation, maintenance. We will consider their varieties, important characteristics.

What is the choice based on?

There is a tendency: more and more citizens and organizations prefer to use precisely the technical means of protection. Why? There are several important reasons for this:

  • The lack of commitment to the technique of inattention, illness, fatigue, weather conditions, momentary emotions, etc.
  • The integrity of the devices, the impossibility of blackmailing them, intimidation, and deception.
  • The instant reaction of the equipment, the accuracy of the tasks and functions.

Varieties of funds

Today, several varieties of technical means of protection stand out at once:

  • Warning and evacuation control systems.
  • Fire alarm systems.
  • Fire extinguishing systems.
  • Alarm systems.
  • CCTV systems.
  • Perimeter alarm systems.
  • Access control systems.

Consider in detail the characteristics of technical means of protection.

technical security requirements

Security alarm

Among the technical means of protecting objects, this is precisely what comes to the fore. The purpose of using the security alarm system: effective and timely detection of unauthorized access to protected spaces with a clear definition of the location of the violation, notification of the incident to the security unit employees.

To detect such unauthorized access, special sensors are used. In turn, they are divided into several types:

  • Magnetic contact. They are installed to control open windows, doors, gates.
  • Acoustic. Used to control the integrity of glazed spaces. This is a reaction to the sound of breaking glass.
  • Volumetric. Able to detect intruders in enclosed spaces.
  • Linear An intruder is detected that has crossed infrared invisible rays, which are sent from transmitters to receivers.
  • Vibrating. This is the integrity control of the building structure.
  • Capacitive. Control over small items - safes, cabinets, etc.
  • Ohmic. Control over the destruction of a variety of structures.
  • Disturbing. Alarm transmission to the guard post.
  • Combined. Sensors capable of monitoring several parameters at once.
security system

Perimeter alarm

The purpose of these engineering protection means is the same as the previous ones. The difference is that the perimeter alarm is installed already outdoors. Serves for early detection of the intruder.

It also uses special sensors that are divided according to their purpose into several categories:

  • Linear radio waves. This is the control of various rectilinear sections of gates and fences. The lack of such sensors in frequent false alarms. They are excluded by the preparation of an alienation strip with a width of at least 2 m. Vegetation, trees, bushes are removed on it.
  • Volumetric radio waves. Control of open areas of warehouses and hangars.
  • Active optoelectronic linear.Intruders crossing infrared invisible rays (or several such parallel rays) traveling from the transmitter to the receiver are detected.
  • Wirewave. Provide control over the fences of enterprises and organizations.
technical security equipment maintenance

Fire alarm

Another important engineering and technical means of guarding facilities. It is installed for timely and effective detection of a fire source. The system is able to accurately determine the place of the fire, to notify security officers, the city fire department about what happened. It is possible to initiate the shutdown of any systems (for example, power supply) in case of fire.

Here various types of detectors (fire sensors) are used:

  • Linear, radioisotope, smoke, ionization, optical. They respond to the appearance of gray or white smoke.
  • Magnetic, thermal, thermometric, made of alloy materials. They react to a rapid increase in ambient temperature (differential) or to an excess of any standard room temperature (threshold).
  • Manual (buttons protected by a glass or plastic cap). Located in smoking areas, near emergency fire entrances.
  • Flame sensors. React to the appearance of open flame.
  • Combined. These are mainly smoke and heat sensors that respond to several parameters.
engineering technical means of object security

Fire automatics

Speaking about the maintenance of technical means of protection, it is impossible not to mention this system. Its main purpose: the timely inclusion of engineering systems that directly contribute to extinguishing a fire, help to prevent human casualties.

The following are highlighted here:

  • Smoke exhaust and ventilation. The ventilation system is automatically turned off to prevent the flow of oxygen causing the spread of fire. At the same time, exhaust ventilation is activated to remove smoke.
  • Elevator management. In the event of a fire, the system stops all elevators in the building on the ground floor with doors open. It blocks their call and movement until the threat of fire is eliminated.
  • Emergency exit management. During an emergency, the system opens all the doors available in the building for quick evacuation of people.
  • Fire extinguishing systems.
  • Warning systems in case of fire.

Evacuation management, fire alert

The system of technical means of guarding the premises necessarily includes similar devices. The purpose of their application: timely and effective warning of people in case of fire. As a rule, this system is closely related to the previous two.

The following sirens are highlighted here:

  • Sirens (sound), lamps (light) and light-sound devices. They are used in small rooms where a small number of people are located. For example, in warehouses, in trade pavilions.
  • Light boards with various inscriptions - "Gas - go away", "Exit", "Fire" and so on. They attract attention, contain arrows indicating the direction of evacuation.
  • Sound speakers (speech). Such devices broadcast repeating prerecorded voice messages. This is usually a brief guide to actions during a particular emergency.
  • Sound broadcasting systems and alerts. The most powerful devices on this list. Applied in hotels, hotels, shopping malls, train stations, airports and so on. In normal mode, they are used to broadcast news, advertising, music. In case of an emergency, with their help, pre-recorded instructions for actions during emergency situations are transmitted. Also, such systems can be switched to manual control. Here, in real time, an employee of the complex notifies people through a microphone.
engineering security equipment

Fire extinguishing systems

An important component of the complex of technical security equipment.Its main purpose: effective and timely fire extinguishing. As a rule, the system starts automatically - when it triggers a fire alarm. Manual start-up of such devices is also possible.

The following fire extinguishing systems are distinguished:

  • Self-propelled powder modules. Fire extinguishing powder is scattered around it.
  • Gas installations containing fire extinguishing and non-burning gas.
  • Fire extinguishing aerosol generators.
  • Water extinguishing systems that are currently the most effective.
  • Foam fire extinguishing systems designed for hazardous facilities.
  • Manual fire extinguishers - powder, air-foam, carbon dioxide.
  • The means at hand are reservoirs with water, sand, etc.
technical security facilities

Access control, control systems

The technical means of protection requirements are quite stringent. After all, the life and safety of people, the safety of property, depend on these devices.

Access control systems are used for authorized unhindered access to the premises of residents, employees, etc. There are several types of devices:

  • Intercom (audio and video) systems. The visitor contacts the addressee, whose decision depends on whether access will be open to him. They may be the landlord, concierge, security post and so on.
  • Autonomous systems. The decision on visitor access to the object is made by the access controller, in the memory of which codes of access identifiers are placed.
  • Distribution network systems. The process is controlled by a computer with specific software, specialized databases.
security equipment

We examined the characteristics of some technical means of labor protection, ensuring the safety of residents and visitors. As you have seen, their use should guarantee the complete safety of a person, the safety of property.

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