
Top Universities in the World: Oxford University, Stanford University, Cambridge University

In the modern world, higher education is valued more than ever. The chance of getting a well-paid job increases if you graduate from one of the best universities in the world. In this article, we will take a closer look at the world's top universities.

top universities in the world

Cambridge university

Opens the University of Cambridge, UK. Cambridge is located in the east of England, just a couple of hours drive from London. The city is famous for one of the most famous universities in the world.

The history of a higher education institution dates back to 1209: scientists from Oxford were forced to leave their hometown, as a student of Oxford killed a woman. Gradually, they created a set of rules, and soon Cambridge University began work in the building of a regular monastery. If in ordinary monasteries they taught only writing, reading and writing, then in Cambridge they taught sciences, philosophy, logic and even mathematics.

There are a lot of strong faculties in this famous university in the following areas:

  • biology - biological anthropology, biochemistry, chemistry, biological and biomedical sciences, neurology, pathology, physiology, evolution, psychology, botany, zoology, behavioral sciences, systems biology, veterinary science, etc .;
  • philology, philosophy and sociology - English, history, politics and international relations, sociology, law, linguistics, philosophy;
  • mathematics and applied sciences - economics, computer sciences, mathematics, agricultural economics, as well as engineering technology.

Cambridge university united kingdom


Education at the university is incredibly expensive: for a year students pay from 18,000 to 25,000 euros. The price does not include annual university fees at Cambridge University. The UK provides grants to local and international students, which covers part of the cost of tuition. Of course, only a small percentage of applicants entering Cambridge University can receive such a grant.


This university is the most famous and scandalous university in the world. The university is also located in the UK and has been stubbornly rivaling Cambridge University for several centuries.

Unfortunately, the exact founding date of the institution remains unknown. An interesting fact is that it is forbidden to submit applications to the University of Oxford and Cambridge in the same year.

Recruitment of applicants takes place in October. For admission, it is necessary to present a certificate, certificate of knowledge of English, written works and pass an exam in the chosen direction. Education in a higher education institution is paid, but the prices are on average lower than in Cambridge: a year of study costs from 15,000 to 20,000 euros.

There are a lot of specialties and faculties at the university. The most popular faculties are the departments of mathematics, biochemistry, economics, management, politics and international relations, statistics, chemistry, psychiatry, pediatrics, surgery and clinical medicine.

Students at Oxford University devote a lot of time to sports.

Oxford University


The seemingly inconspicuous American state of Massachusetts is famous for its strongest higher education institution. The university is located in the city of Cambridge, United States of America.

It is impossible to imagine the top universities in the world without the famous Harvard. The university is one of the oldest in the United States.Famous personalities such as Barack Obama, David Rockefeller, Dmitry Nabokov, John F. Kennedy, Mark Zuckerberg, Natalie Portman, George W. Bush, David Lee and many other prominent people studied here.

The university was founded in the 17th century and named after the famous philanthropist and pastor John Harvard.

The Harvard University administration pays great attention to campuses - dormitories for nonresident students. For example, excellent students and gifted teens live in homes that are not at all like hostels.

The university includes several faculties, including departments of business, law, dentistry, pedagogical sciences, design, public administration, engineering, and public health.

Harvard University


The famous institution of higher education is located in the United States of America, in the high-profile state of New Jersey. Unlike other universities, Princeton University is private, not public. A higher educational institution does not have such faculties popular in modern society as business, law, and medicine.

The university was founded in the XVIII century, the first place for lectures was the house of priest Jonathan Dickinson.

Currently, the university, which is one of the top universities in the world, offers to graduate from undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programs. At the initial stage, students are invited to listen to lectures in the following areas: history, literature, science, art, ethics, sociology.

The master's program has such faculties as architecture, chemistry, humanities, politics, finance, public relations.

Princeton University

Cost of education

Along with other universities, education at Princeton costs a lot of money. A year of study at the institute will cost the student's parents an average of $ 63,420. This includes $ 45,150 for the chosen course of study and $ 8,285 for accommodation with meals.

Gifted students enter Princeton University through state and university grants, which sometimes not all geniuses receive.


A couple of hours drive from the huge and foggy San Francisco, in the US state of California, is Stanford University.

This ranking and very popular university is highly respected by Americans. The institute was founded by the popular tycoon and senator Leland Stanford. Great wife invested in the creation of the university and his wife Jane. The famous couple dedicated a higher education institution to their son, who died at the age of 15.

Many of the areas currently in demand are taught at Stanford University: foundations of business, music, law, medicine, technical specialties and applied sciences (mathematics, physics, computer science). Sergey Mikhailovich Brin, one of the creators of Google, was trained at this university.

The institute is a research one, therefore quite serious analyzes and large-scale experiments are often carried out on its territory. Of the most famous - the Stanford prison experiment, the author of which was the famous psychologist Philip Zimbardo. The essence of the experiment was to track a person’s reaction and behavior while restricting his freedom. The study showed very interesting results. Volunteers were put in stylized prison cells in the basement of the university, where volunteer guards watched them. The experience at Stanford University ended prematurely, several people were mentally injured, and sadistic inclinations unexpectedly appeared in the "guards".

Stanford University

University of Technology California

In the city of Pasadena, unknown to tourists, in the United States of America, there is one of the best universities of our time, which is more focused on technological specialties. This institution is not public, but private.

The university was founded by businessman and politician Amos Corpse.It is believed that this university is the most complex, since applicants need to master a huge amount of information in a fairly short period of time. The load, oddly enough, is much higher than at Princeton or Stanford.

The California Institute of Technology offers to start training in the following specialties: biology, chemistry, geology, geophysics, mathematics, computer science, engineering, construction, economics, management, English, history, astronomy, physics, biochemistry, geochemistry, electrical engineering, etc.

Students without fail write scientific papers, make up an offer to the professor to work in pairs. Excellent students and authors of the best works receive grants for education and free accommodation in a hostel.

The university has a very interesting hostel system. Students at the California Institute of Technology partly choose a campus in which they would be more comfortable living. Very active and noisy life always reigns in houses for students.

California Institute of Technology


All universities that are in the top 100 best deserve the attention of students. There have been cases when students from provincial cities managed to enter one of them. Education in a prestigious institution guarantees employment in a decent organization. Each talented and hardworking student has a chance to get into one of the top universities in the world.

High quality education is the best investment.

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