
Cleaning the entrances in an apartment building. Who should clean the entrances

Any person wants to live in real estate that is comfortable and clean. Therefore, many people living in an apartment building are interested in the question of how to clean the entrances and other common rooms in this building. Under the law, management companies must monitor cleanliness. But citizens at the meeting can decide to independently clean the entrances in the apartment building. During the execution of this process, some sanitary standards must be taken into account, due to which it will always be clean at the entrance.

What are the standards?

The standards for cleaning entrances in apartment buildings are set at the state level. Several normative acts and regulations have been adopted on the basis of which the relations arising between the management companies and residents of the building are regulated.

It is in PP No. 290 that contains information on how to clean the premises, which are the common property of all apartment owners in the house. The cleaning standards for entrances in an apartment building should be taken into account by each UK, so the following requirements must be observed:

  • porches and staircases should be kept in optimal sanitary condition, therefore, the presence of dirty floors, window sills or other elements is not allowed;
  • both dry and wet cleaning is required, not only the porches, but even the surrounding area;
  • optimal ventilation should be provided on each floor of the house, for which special ventilation ducts are arranged or window panes are regularly opened.

The provisions of this Regulation were developed on the basis of GOSTs.

cleaning of entrances in an apartment building

Who should clean the entrances?

Almost all people living in MKD are confident that the cleaning of the common area should be carried out by the management company or the HOA, since it is with a particular organization that a house maintenance contract is concluded.

If there really is a line in the receipt indicating the payment for cleaning up the territory, then it is the Criminal Code, which is responsible for a particular building, that must organize the cleaning of the entrances in the apartment building. Residents of this building have the right to demand that this procedure be carried out on the basis of numerous provisions of the law.

Cleaning should be carried out not only on the landing, but also next to the house. For this, one person or several cleaners and janitors can be hired by the management company.

Features of cleaning the entrances of the Criminal Code

Usually included in the utilities cleaning services. For this service, the company designated as responsible for the house charges a fee to all owners of apartments in the building. The size of such a fee depends on the area of ​​the premises that the payer has.

More recently, the responsibility for cleaning common areas was assigned precisely to residents of the building. For this, the owners of the apartments independently made a special cleaning schedule for the entrances in the apartment building or hired a cleaner. But now this procedure must certainly be carried out by management companies.

Basic process rules

According to the law, it is the Criminal Code that they must ensure that the common house property is in optimal condition. This applies not only to the performance of various equipment, but also to maintaining cleanliness.The management of the appointed Criminal Code is required to monitor cleanliness on the basis of the provisions of the contract signed with the residents of the building.

Each apartment owner may require a special schedule from the management of the Criminal Code, based on which the territory is cleaned. Additionally, a list of services provided to residents is provided. The exact cost of a service is given.

If tenants do not like how cleaning is organized in the house or even they note that this service is not being provided properly, then they can contact the housing inspectorate to hold the Criminal Code accountable.

general meeting of apartment building owners

How often is it done?

The rules for cleaning the entrances are almost the same for all regions of the country. These rules are fixed in the internal documentation of the management company. They must not contradict the requirements of the law. According to the law, cleaning at the entrances of apartment buildings should be carried out taking into account the following requirements:

  • daily, all sites located in front of the porches are carefully removed from various debris;
  • garbage should be disposed of at special collection points;
  • the walls must be cleaned of dust, dirt or cobwebs, and this procedure can only be performed if the necessary need arises;
  • windows are washed twice a year;
  • doors, cabinets, electric meters, mailboxes and shades should be cleaned of dust and dirt twice a year;
  • stairwells should be swept twice a month, but garbage and dirt should be removed every week;
  • twice a month, elevators are cleaned of dirt;
  • wet cleaning is carried out twice a week in the summer, but in autumn and winter the process should be performed twice a week.

Each owner of the apartment in the house can contact their management company to get information on what schedule is cleaning the entrances.

apartment building cleaning schedule

Is the fee for this service included in the receipt?

The content of common property in an apartment building includes the need to clean property belonging to all residents of this building. Therefore, the cleaning fee is included in the house maintenance fee.

If the management company requires citizens to pay an additional cleaning fee, this is a violation of the law, so citizens can file a complaint with the prosecutor's office or the housing inspectorate. Cleaning of entrances in an apartment building should be carried out on the basis of a special contract drawn up with the Criminal Code.

How is the cost calculated?

The cost of cleaning the entrances in an apartment building should be calculated on the basis of certain regulations. Basic information about the rules of this process is given in Decree No. 535. This document states that maintaining cleanliness in the common areas of the house is a paid service, therefore every month, each owner of the dwelling in the house must transfer the amount of money to the management company.

All common rooms, represented by basements, porches or attics, are shared by the residents. Therefore, the size of the fee depends on the area of ​​the existing apartment.

If a citizen owns a three-room apartment, then he will pay a larger amount for cleaning than the person who owns a one-room apartment.

This rule applies not only when calculating cleaning fees, but also for some other utilities, such as house maintenance or elevator repairs.

cleaning of entrances in an apartment building management company

What information will be included in the job description of a cleaning lady?

The maintenance of common property in an apartment building in optimal sanitary condition is the immediate responsibility of any management company. To do this, a cleaner is hired by the organization’s staff to clean the common property from dirt and dust.For her, the company is certainly developing a suitable job description. Only people who are welcoming and hardworking should be selected for this position.

Based on the job description, the cleaning lady should have the following responsibilities:

  • carrying out wet cleaning of landings and the area in front of the elevator, and the frequency of such cleaning is prescribed in the schedule;
  • sweeping floors;
  • washing of the elevator car and auxiliary rooms, represented by basements, attics or other similar areas;
  • cleaning walls from dust, cobwebs or dirt;
  • dry cleaning of all sites and technical premises.

In addition, the management company forms a special schedule for cleaning the entrances in an apartment building. It is studied by all employees of the organization, who must follow this official document. The owners of the apartments in the house can see if all the requirements of this schedule are really complied with. Only by observing these rules is it guaranteed that property belonging to the apartment building will be kept in a suitable sanitary condition.

the standard for cleaning entrances in an apartment building

What to do in the absence of a good cleaning?

Although the activities of management companies are regulated at the legislative level, they are still often violated by the requirements of the law, therefore they do not provide services for which a fee is paid from residents. If the management company does not clean the entrances in an apartment building, the owners of apartments in such a building can write complaints to different authorities. For this, applications are submitted to the following organizations:

  • Initially, a complaint is drawn up in the name of the head of the Criminal Code, which indicates the need to recalculate the fee and transfer compensation to the residents, and this statement should be accompanied by evidence that the cleaning was not really done on the basis of the existing schedule;
  • if the head of the company refuses to reimburse the funds or to establish the work of his cleaners, then a complaint is written to the housing inspection, and the statement must indicate that the tenants tried to resolve the issue in a peaceful way;
  • writing an application to the prosecutor;
  • filing a lawsuit.

All such applications are reviewed within 30 days, after which tenants receive official responses. If there really is evidence that the company is not coping with its duties, but at the same time charges a fee from the tenants, then the company will be held liable.

cleaning the entrance to apartment buildings law

Complaints Rules

At the time of processing the appeal, drawn up in the name of the head of the Criminal Code or the director of the housing inspection, some rules should be taken into account. These include:

  • the name of the official to whom the residents of the house are contacting is indicated;
  • information is provided that the Criminal Code, which is responsible for the maintenance of the building, does not cope with the tasks;
  • lists the evidence attached to the application and confirming that the house is not really cleaned on the basis of a previously established schedule;
  • Includes information on the need to hold the company accountable;
  • if a complaint is drawn up in the name of the head of the Criminal Code, then the need for recalculation and return to the residents of the funds paid for cleaning is prescribed, since the service was not actually provided.

The application can be submitted in person or by mail. As evidence that high-quality cleaning was not carried out, audio recordings of conversations with a cleaning lady, videos or photographs of dirty stairwells on the day when wet cleaning should be used can be used.

who should clean the entrances

Can tenants clean their entrances on their own?

If citizens are not satisfied with how the process is carried out by the Criminal Code, then they can independently clean the common property.For this, an appropriate decision is made at the general meeting of the owners of the apartment building. The management of the Criminal Code is acquainted with this decision.

Under these conditions, the director of the management company must eliminate the entrance cleaning fee from the receipt. Residents can make a schedule according to which they themselves will be engaged in cleaning. Additionally, they can sign a separate contract with a cleaning lady. All issues are resolved only at the general meeting of the owners of the apartment building.


The cleaning of the entrances is designed to optimally maintain the common property of the house in good sanitary condition. The procedure must be carried out by the cleaning staff employed by the management company. For such workers, optimal job descriptions are developed, and a special cleaning schedule is made.

If tenants do not like how cleaning is done by the Criminal Code, then they can decide to refuse such a service at a general meeting. Payment for it is excluded from receipts, but tenants must either clean the entrance themselves or hire a cleaner for these purposes.

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