
Remote workplace is ... Definition, features of activity

The introduction of a virtual type office in the organization's IT infrastructure involves the introduction of remote workstations. This is a tool for all employees of a company or a specific group of employees. The second name of the system is the abbreviation DaaS (the full name is Desktop as a service, which means “desktop as a service”). The meaning of this service is that users carry out professional operations with certain desktops. Moreover, the storage of all programs, data and settings is carried out on a remote server. In our article, we will focus on the use of a remote workstation.

What is the main advantage of the tool?

Remote workstation is

Since the entire hardware, as a rule, focuses on the side of the provider of the provided service, users automatically get rid of problems associated with installation, subsequent support, as well as updating programs on the remote desktop. Moreover, the matter concerns not only specialized software, such as automation and accounting programs, but also standard office suites, instant messengers, email clients and other tools that are used in companies.

Creating a virtual workplace

Orion Remote Workstation

Remote workplace is a mechanism that is widely used today. How to create it? Two key virtualization technologies are currently known: RDS (remote desktop services) and VDI (virtual desktop infrastructure). The latter involves finding on a common server images of the operating systems of absolutely each of the users.

If we consider RDS, then the environment for user activity will be nothing more than the operating system of the server itself. In other words, in this case, programs are launched directly on the server. It is important to note that this technology consumes a much smaller amount of server hardware resources; moreover, this can significantly reduce the cost of licensed type programs. On the other hand, the user with this approach is not able to install their own virtual application.

Application area

Currently, the connection and subsequent setup of virtual (remote) workstations is an extremely popular service for small business executives, owners of online stores, owners of startup ideas, creative agencies, brokerage companies and many other areas that are common in the country. It is important to note that all of them are united by the desire to minimize the costs associated with maintaining software and hardware. Creating remote jobs is the best solution when a business lives and develops online. The main objective of the DaaS service is to turn the work with software into a safe, controlled and convenient.

Benefits of organizing remote locations

Work remote workplace

The obvious advantages of organizing virtual workplaces for the staff of any company should include the following points:

  • Transparency of the activities of each employee. It is necessary to clarify: from the point of view of security policy, a virtual workstation is much more reliable than stationary computers. In this case, it is impossible for an employee, for example, to "imperceptibly" download a customer database to his disk or accidentally delete important information.
  • Relatively quick virtual desktop setup for a new employee.Today, the deployment of such a desktop takes about several hours, even if you take into account individual settings.
  • Significant reduction in IT development costs. For example, if you connect a 1C virtual workstation, you don’t have to buy a powerful server, buy a license, or keep a system administrator in your staff. All costs in this case are equal to the DaaS service fee. And MFC remote workstations, for example, allow citizens to save time during paperwork and thereby provide maximum service comfort.

Virtual workplace "Orion Pro"

This server with a security key allows you to transfer information from the database to the system’s workstations. The remote workplace "Orion Pro" is a necessary part of the workstation. It is worth noting that the named software is intended for the full-fledged organization of automated workplaces in various areas during the operation of ISO. The Orion remote workstation involves its use with or without the C2000 / C2000M console.

He has four connection methods: 4, 10, 20 or 127 devices. The workstation includes the program modules “Report Generator”, “Operational Task”, “Time Attendance”, “Base Administrator”, “Personal Card”, as well as a wide range of utility utilities. It is necessary to add that Orion supports integration with software called the Orion Video Video System, as well as with video systems from other manufacturers in order to organize the video surveillance subsystem in the Orion ISO. The Orion workstation software works only in conjunction with the Guardant electronic security key, which is connected to the computer’s USB port.

It is important to know!

Intelligence Remote Workplace

It must be kept in mind that the considered remote workstation has analogues in a software package called AWP “Orion Pro”. That is why the category does not develop further in technical terms and is withdrawn from sale. Today, consultations related to previously acquired products are carried out by technical support of suppliers until the end of the software’s life.


MFC remote workplaces is a method that allows making services of national importance more convenient and closer for the population. In this case, citizens have the opportunity to get exactly the services that are needed at a certain point in time. For example, today, participants in some state-owned mortgage programs do not need to go to the MFC department or the registration chamber to submit documentation for processing a transaction related to the purchase and sale of residential real estate, as well as for obtaining certificates. All operations related to registration and subsequent issuance of securities are held at the office of the Mortgage Corporation. Such a mechanism makes the process of obtaining a mortgage loan much faster, respectively, it accelerates the process of acquiring real estate.

The benefits of organizing remote locations

You need to know that the organization of remote jobs is a project that is beneficial for each of the parties. So, citizens can save time in the preparation of documentation. Many companies today provide extremely comfortable service for their customers. The structures involved in this activity receive a partner in terms of ensuring the accessibility of municipal and state services provided in accordance with the “one-stop shop” principle.


Orion Pro Remote Workstation

Consider the Intellect software (remote workstation). URM is a software module used to connect a remote workstation to server-type software. The retail cost of the product is 12,700 rubles. It is worth noting that a program unit called “Remote Workstation (URM)” must be installed on all workstations of the common system.It provides remote video monitoring for operators in real time (for example, via a WEB browser or LAN), and also makes it possible to track records of the archive plan. Intellect software assumes access to both video server archives and specialized archiver servers.

Features of the Intellect platform

It should be borne in mind that the rights of URM operators today are controlled by the administrator of the surveillance system. The number of licenses for remote operator locations is unlimited. The Intellect platform itself is endowed with a modular structure, as well as a basic distribution that contains modules of basic and service functions and the kernel. It is important to add that the program blocks of an additional nature are designed to develop solutions that maximally meet the needs of objects with various industry affiliations and different scales.

1C tool

Intellect remote workstation

Further, it is advisable to consider the remote workstation "1C" and its features. Today, from anywhere in the world, the user has the opportunity to connect to the "1C" cloud and work without having to install certain programs. It must be borne in mind that the 1C: Ready Workplace solution is the organization of remote access for one user to a particular 1C: Enterprise 8 program, which is deployed in the cloud infrastructure.

Renting "1C" via the Internet involves the activities of users on a remote server, which, as a rule, is located in a special data center. So, from anywhere in the world, the user has the opportunity to connect to the 1C cloud and work without having to install any programs. It is worth noting that most of the "1C" providers provide demo access (in other words, a free trial period), which is 14 days.

What are the configurations of "1C"?

Today, you can connect to any of the following configurations through web access or thin client:

  • "1C: Accounting 8".
  • "1C: UP 8".
  • "1C: Management of a small company 8".
  • "1C: ZUP 8".
  • "1C: Retail 8".
  • "1C: CRM 8".
  • "1C: Workflow."

It is worth remembering that each module of the system "Ready workplace" involves user access to one of the above programs "1C: Enterprise 8", deployed in "1C: Cloud infrastructure."

The problem of removing places from the desktop

How to remove recent places from the desktop? Today, users ask this question quite often. People do not know how, but the Recent Places folder may suddenly appear on the desktop. Interestingly, it is often impossible to remove it using any standard method. When you select it and press the Del button, nothing happens. In addition, when you call the context menu in the folder (in other words, by clicking the right mouse button), it is found that there is no “Delete” option at all, as it happens if you follow the standard situation. And when I tried to drag the folder into the trash, it turned out to be just the “Recent Places” label, but the ill-fated object remains in place. The same thing happens when you try to drag a folder to another area.

Solution to the problem

IFC Remote Workstations

If you have a similar situation, do not despair. There is a way out of this situation. Moreover, it is not at all complicated. How to remove Recent Places from the desktop? First, openMy computer" (or "Computer", as indicated in Windows 7). Next, go to disk C and open the folder "Users" (Users). Further - Default If you do not find the Default folder in the folder Users you need to see how hidden folders or files are displayed: AppdataRoamingMicrosoftWindows It’s important here to delete the folder Recent after which you need to restart the computer. After that, the Recent Places folder disappears from the desktop.

Then it’s advisable to go back to "My computer" and follow the already known path, that is: "Users"DefaultAppdataRoamingMicrosoftWindows You must create a folder here Recent in case of her absence.


So, we examined in detail the category of a remote workstation, features and those tools that are the most popular today. In conclusion, it should be noted that an increasing number of companies today are transitioning precisely to this system, which can be explained by a decrease in the level of IT costs, the ability to quickly set up a new virtual workstation, as well as the transparency of each employee in the case of using technology.

A virtual workplace (in other words, DaaS) is an incredibly profitable and at the same time fast way to organize full-fledged places for staff to work. It is worth repeating that such places are endowed with the ability to access via the Internet from anywhere in the world from different devices. In the case of using the technology, you get the usual places to work in Windows with various applications for fulfilling business functions, the ability to work with tablets, laptops and smartphones with Mac OS X, iOS, Android and, of course, 100 percent information security.

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