
Restaurant manager: job description, rights and obligations, personal qualities

The position that we want to introduce to the reader further is among the most responsible, but at the same time interesting and promising. We will talk about the restaurant manager. We consider in detail the job description, dwell on the necessary personal qualities of a specialist, the requirements of an employer, a list of daily work tasks.

Document header

The heading of the job description indicates:

  • When the document takes effect.
  • Who developed the draft job description.
  • With whom the document was agreed.
  • How often is the re-examination of the job description. The maximum term is three years.

General provisions of the job description

We begin to analyze the job description of the restaurant manager. In the first place in it are "General Provisions":

  1. The position belongs to the category of managers.
  2. An official shall be appointed to the workplace and relieved of labor duties by order of the owner of the establishment.
  3. The clause prescribes to whom the official is directly subordinate.
  4. The section indicates who submits to the restaurant manager in the institution.
  5. The clause prescribes who replaces the official during his absence from the workplace. It is important to note that this employee temporarily acquires the fullness of the rights and responsibilities of the manager.
restaurant manager

Applicant Requirements

For readers who are looking for work as restaurant managers in Moscow and other Russian cities, it is important to pay attention to the universal requirements that employers impose on the applicant (as part of job descriptions):

  • Higher professional education (bachelor, specialist, master) in the field of "Food Technology and Engineering", "Food Technology".
  • The presence of postgraduate training in the direction of "Human Resource Management".
  • Work experience in catering organizations. As a rule, for masters and specialists - at least 1.5 years, for bachelors - at least 2 years.

What should a manager know?

For a restaurant manager, the job description implies that the responsible person not only knows, but also successfully applies the following:

  • The current legislation of the Russian Federation governing entrepreneurship.
  • Normative and legal state acts regulating the activity of the food sector.
  • The rules of customer service facilities.
  • Tasks and functions of restaurant complex divisions, individual employees, employee rights.
  • Organization of goods supply, as well as documentation accompanying the products.
  • The basics of organizing a rational and dietary menu.
  • Rules for using reference books on the recipe of dishes.
  • Rules for compiling the menu.
  • Rules for the design of price tags, labels, price lists for alcoholic beverages.
  • Modern forms of customer service.
  • Modern varieties of refrigeration and technological equipment. Actual requirements for it, as well as for inventory, furniture, utensils, measuring instruments, cash registers.
  • Modern Russian and foreign experience in cooking, serving dishes, customer service.
  • Requirements for the design of bars and restaurant halls, advertising, signs of the institution, information for consumers.
  • Fundamentals of ethics and psychology in the field of service, communication with customers.
  • Fundamentals of economics, payroll.
  • Russian labor legislation.
  • The procedure for processing and maintaining reporting and other forms of documentation.
  • Rules for the inventory of material values ​​in the warehouse of the institution.
  • Categories and types of standards and other normative documentation for certification of product quality.
  • Competition rules.
  • Forms, methods of organizing labor, its payment, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of the work activities of restaurant employees.
  • Standards and rules for labor protection, sanitation at work, fire safety, personal hygiene.
restaurant manager responsibilities

Everyday tasks in the workplace

The daily work of a restaurant manager can be divided into three main categories:

  • Personnel Management.
  • Management of the financial sphere of activity.
  • Organization of the institution, control over the labor process.

We will consider each of the categories below in detail.

Team management

In this range of work tasks, the restaurant manager does the following:

  • Establishment of basic labor rules for the team, control over their implementation.
  • Holding regular meetings to discuss working issues.
  • Organization of periodic training of staff, advanced training - trainings, courses, tastings, etc. Monitoring the learning process.
  • Formation of both a system of material incentives and a complex of penalties for violations.
  • Formation of corporate culture of the institution.
  • Direct control over personnel changes, hiring new employees, layoffs.
  • Ensuring the correct and effective interaction between employees of various restaurant divisions.
  • Independent conduct (or only control) of briefings on safety measures at the workplace, labor protection. Acquaintance of personnel with current sanitary requirements, the rules of the internal working schedule and labor discipline in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
restaurant manager

Financial management

One of the most responsible areas of activity of the restaurant manager. This component of his job responsibilities includes the following:

  • Control over the accrual and payment of salaries to employees, the procedure for writing bonuses, benefits and other incentive payments.
  • Sight of official documentation, invoices.
  • Control over the profit and expenses of the institution.
  • Monitoring the movement of finances on the bank accounts of the institution - receipts, transfers, etc.
  • A full report to investors: on the profitability of a restaurant, its profitability, the amount of maintenance costs, etc.
  • Interaction with state regulatory agencies: activity reports, conclusion of related agreements, work with official documentation.
  • Control over the pricing policy of the institution. Conducting marketing campaigns.
  • Verification of the validity of contracts, agreements, permits, licenses ensuring the smooth operation of the restaurant.
how to manage a restaurant

Organization of labor activity, control

The responsibilities of the restaurant manager include monitoring the following departments and activities of the institution:

  • The kitchen.
  • Purchase of products. This includes monitoring their freshness and quality.
  • By the bar.
  • The conclusion of contracts with suppliers.
  • Accounting organization.
  • The employees of the restaurant halls.
  • The leading link of the institution.
  • Employees of the technical spectrum - plumbers, supply manager, electrician and so on.
  • Security service (guard) institutions.
  • Banquet and catering services, if any.
  • Marketing department. This includes making operational and effective decisions about reducing / increasing the cost of promotions.
restaurant manager

Manager Rights

We figured out how to manage a restaurant. Now consider what the head of the institution has the right to in his work:

  • Take action to eliminate and prevent inconsistencies and violations.
  • Receive social guarantees provided by applicable law.
  • Require staff to assist in the exercise of their rights and obligations.
  • Demand the creation of technical and organizational conditions that are necessary for the implementation of his duties, the functioning of the entire institution.
  • Get acquainted with documents that directly affect his work.
  • Request and receive from structural units materials, documentation, data necessary for the performance of official duties.
  • Improve your own professional qualifications.
  • Report all inconsistencies and violations identified in the restaurant, make suggestions on their eradication.
  • Get acquainted with documents dictating his professional rights and obligations.
work as a restaurant manager in Moscow

Responsibility of an official

We know what a restaurant manager needs. Now we will list what this official is responsible for:

  • For non-fulfillment, incomplete or untimely fulfillment of duties stipulated by the job description.
  • For non-compliance with internal regulations, safety precautions, labor protection, fire safety and sanitary in the workplace.
  • For the disclosure of information about the institution related to trade secrets.
  • For improper fulfillment / non-fulfillment of requirements of regulatory documents, certificates and licenses, internal acts of the organization.
  • For offenses for which liability arises under the civil, administrative and criminal laws of the Russian Federation.
  • For causing material damage to the organization within the framework of civil, criminal and administrative Russian legislation.
  • For the unlawful use of their own official powers, the use of official position for personal purposes.
restaurant manager job description

Necessary personal qualities of an official

Want to find yourself in the restaurant business? How to successfully manage a restaurant? Certain personal qualities of an official are also important here:

  • Sociability. The work of the restaurant manager is an interaction with many people of a very different character warehouse. We need to build successful business relationships with them, and manage contentious issues.
  • Organizational skills. Quality must always be present in any manager. The manager's restaurant can be compared to the conductor of a large symphony orchestra. Only a brilliant organizer can build a harmonious and productive work of a restaurant.
  • Stress resistance. Again, it follows from the need to interact with a variety of people, pleasant and not very in communication. The leader should always control his feelings and emotions in order not to spoil his own business reputation.
  • Flexibility and loyalty. Invariable qualities that help resolve disputes, serious problems.
  • Analytical abilities, "technical" mindset. The duties of the restaurant manager include processing a huge amount of a variety of information, processing various documents. The official must also, in time-limited circumstances, make important and fundamental decisions, in all circumstances, ensure the smooth operation of the restaurant.
  • The tendency to continuous self-education, professional self-improvement. As you know, only the business that goes “ahead of the rest” is successful, it tries chips that are not yet known to competitors.

Thus, we have analyzed from all sides the multidimensional and responsible activities of the restaurant manager. In addition to the impressive requirements for his education, training and work experience, a specialist must possess the necessary set of personal qualities.

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