
Terms of car registration. You can put the car on the register without CTP insurance

Is it possible to register a car without insurance? This question is of interest to many new vehicle owners. The stage of registration of a vehicle is regulated by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 1001.

Registration of the car


In order to register a vehicle, you must provide the documents:

  • STS (if the car is not new);
  • Title
  • passport of the owner;
  • sales agreement;
  • statement;
  • CTP insurance policy.

The application form is issued by employees. It has a line in which it is necessary to enter the number of the insurance policy, as well as the name of the insurance company, date of issue. So is it possible to register a car without insurance? It becomes clear that the MTPL agreement is a binding document.

Car insurance

Electronic policies

Is it possible to register a car without compulsory motor third party liability insurance? In 2017, the opportunity arose to purchase CTP insurance policies. Therefore, now it is possible not to provide a paper version of the insurance contract. Employees cannot refuse to register a vehicle if an electronic policy has been issued. But they will check its availability in the database, and only then put it on record.

Electronic policies have become popular since you can purchase an insurance contract without leaving your home. But in order to register a car, information about the policy must go to the PCA database. Therefore, before proceeding with the registration, you must independently verify the information. Typically, the PCA system receives information about the purchase of an insurance contract within 3-5 days.

The need for insurance

Can I register a car without insurance? When registering a motor vehicle, it is mandatory to have an insurance. This obligation is regulated by law, it is indicated in three acts:

  • OSAGO insurance rules;
  • Federal Law "On CTP";
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 1001.

The law also obliges new owners to register vehicles within a maximum of ten days. And in order not to violate the law, you need to purchase a genuine insurance policy, and then register. If the owner does not have time to register the car within a given period of time, then a fine will follow. But the insurance policy is issued in a short time, so you can register a car in a day.

Registration of a car without insurance

Acquisition of the insured vehicle

Can I register a car without insurance if it is insured by the previous owner? Sometimes there are times when it is necessary to quickly sell a vehicle. But at the same time, the car has a valid insurance agreement. What can be done? Do I need to give my policy to a new owner?

You can not re-register the current policy for another person. According to the law, the first owner can terminate the contract due to the sale, and in two weeks receive the remaining funds. The following should be taken into account: the less time left before the end of the policy, the less money the policyholder will receive. Also, the insurance company will deduct 23% of the insurance premium on costs. The remaining amount will depend on the number of months. It is worth noting that after the conclusion of an agreement on the sale, the insurance contract loses its validity. The new owner of the vehicle acquires the insurance policy on its own.

Technical inspection

Can I register a car without insurance and inspection? It is not possible to register a motor vehicle without compulsory motor third-party liability insurance. But is it possible to do without a technical inspection? The list of required documents does not mention the diagnostic card. But the form of a diagnostic card is necessary when registering a CTP insurance contract. If the machine requires a technical inspection, then consultants of insurance companies will not draw up a policy. That is, when purchasing OSAGO, if necessary, the policyholder must provide a diagnostic card.

Car owners are required to inspect the tool and purchase a diagnostic card, if the age of the car is more than three years. For machines under three years of age, there is no need to purchase a diagnostic card.

But if the car already has a vehicle inspection from the previous owner, is it necessary to repeat this procedure again? Technical inspection can be omitted if the previous owner has a valid contract. The diagnostic card becomes a confirmation of permission to manage this tool. Therefore, the new owner can use the seller’s diagnostic card.

Technical inspection


The question “how can I register a car without insurance” can be answered unequivocally - no. It is not possible to register a motor vehicle without a compulsory insurance policy. CTP is regulated by three laws. It is not difficult to obtain a valid insurance contract, as there are many insurance companies operating in the country that have the appropriate license, which can provide a policy in a short time. Legislation has established a period during which new owners must register their funds. After this period (10 days), a fine will follow. Ten days is not a short time, during this time it is quite possible to make registration.

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