
Installation of a barrier in the courtyard of a residential building: law, rules

Quite often, citizens need to install a barrier in the courtyard of a residential building. This is due to the fact that often unauthorized persons constantly call into the yard and leave their cars in the parking lot. Residents of a residential building themselves cannot park their cars near the entrance, which creates a certain discomfort for them. Therefore, the installation of the barrier is required, but this process must be carried out on the basis of numerous rules, since you need to get permission, choose the design correctly, and also optimally serve it.

Legality of the process

Unauthorized restrictions on entry into the territory located next to the apartment building are not allowed, as this creates an obstacle to the fire service or ambulance. Additionally, many resource organizations will not be able to repair or maintain communication networks.

Therefore, according to the law, the installation of a barrier in the courtyard of a residential building is allowed only if there are permits from numerous authorities. Otherwise, such installation acts as an unauthorized action of residents, so they will be forced to pay significant fines under Art. 20.4 Administrative Code.

installation of a barrier in the courtyard of a residential building

When is installation possible?

There is no specific law to be guided by when installing the structure. But at the same time, the rules for using the local area are taken into account. Therefore, to install a barrier in the courtyard of a residential building is allowed when the conditions are met:

  • the presence of a decision adopted by the owners of apartments in the building at the general meeting, which is indicated in Art. 44 LCD;
  • Vote should be more than 2/3 of the residents of the house;
  • the house territory is competently executed and assigned to the building;
  • all residents of the house are dumped on the acquisition and installation of the structure, even those who were against this decision;
  • you either need to buy an expensive automatic barrier, or use the round-the-clock help of a dispatcher who regulates the process of raising and lowering the structure;
  • will have to coordinate the procedure with local authorities;
  • It is necessary to obtain permission from various government authorities.

Only when these conditions are met can a design be officially and competently mounted. The illegal installation of a barrier in the courtyard of a residential building entails the need for dismantling it and charging significant fines for residents of the building.

illegal installation of a barrier in the courtyard of a residential building

What requirements are taken into account?

Before installing the structure, it is necessary to study the basic requirements for the operation and use of the local area. These include the following:

  • the fire service and other emergency services should be able to access the territory unhindered;
  • the barrier should work properly;
  • the fence should be at a distance of 5 to 8 m from the house;
  • the fire service must be notified of the installation of such a structure, and permission will be obtained if the fire engine can drive to the house even if there is a barrier;
  • a service point can be installed next to the structure, which should work around the clock, and the dispatching of the barrier in the courtyard of a residential building can also be used.

Directly next to the structure there should be a sign containing information on the telephone numbers of persons who, using the control panel, can raise the barrier.

barrier in the courtyard of a residential building

Decision making and preparation of documents

Initially, you need to decide on the need for installation of the structure. For this, a meeting of apartment owners in the house is held.A vote is taken at it, according to the results of which a decision is made on the need to install the structure.

Next, it is decided which particular barrier will be selected and installed. The optimal location for this process is selected. A project is being drawn up, for which it is important to contact a specialized design organization. Additionally, a company is selected that will be engaged in installation work.

After you need to do the coordination. According to the law, the installation of a barrier in the courtyard of a residential building must be carried out exclusively with the permission of numerous authorities. Each such government agency is required to prepare and transmit a package of documents, including papers:

  • protocol of the meeting of residents, where it was decided on the need to install the structure;
  • a project formed by the appropriate professional organization, and it is precisely in it that describes whether the barrier will be tied to a security post or control room;
  • a letter containing a request for permission to install a fence;
  • documents confirming that the owners of apartments in the building correctly registered the territory adjacent to the property, therefore taxes are paid for it, and citizens can independently decide on the need to enclose land;
  • land surveying plan.

If necessary, different state authorities may require other documentation, and without these papers it will be impossible to obtain permission.

Where to apply for approval?

Permission will have to be obtained at various state institutions. In Moscow, the installation of a barrier in the courtyard of a residential building requires contacting the authorities:

  • traffic police unit;
  • fire inspection;
  • local administration;
  • Department of Urban Development.

The most difficult thing is to obtain permission from the fire inspectorate, since the employees of this institution will carefully check the correctness and the possibility of installing the protective structure.

installation of an anti-vandal barrier in the courtyard of a residential building

How is negotiation done?

The procedure is considered long and complicated. It should be carried out before the direct acquisition of the structure, since it is likely that permission will not be obtained even in the absence of violations of the law. Coordination of installing an anti-vandal barrier in the courtyard of a residential building requires the following steps:

  1. The application for approval, the minutes of the meeting and technical documents for the future design submitted by the project are submitted to the local administration. Usually a decision is made within one month. The applicant is notified in writing of the decision, and this process is carried out within 5 days after the decision is made. It is not always positive, so if there are certain obstacles to installing a barrier in the courtyard of a residential building, the administration will not give permission for installation.
  2. If the administration makes a positive decision, then it is necessary to contact the fire inspectorate further. Employees of this institution will definitely go to the site to assess the situation and determine whether there will be obstacles to the fire engine in the future. If there are no violations, as well as a security point or a control room is provided in the design documentation, a written permission is issued.
  3. Next, you will have to contact the traffic police to get permission. Employees of this state body also usually examine the local area and the location of the fence. They must make sure that traffic rules are not violated, since often the structures go onto the roadway or create an obstacle to the free movement of cars and pedestrians.

If any organization does not allow the installation of a barrier in the courtyard of a residential building, then there will always be a reason for such a decision in a written response.It is allowed to change certain information in the design documentation or choose another design to change such a decision. Therefore, you will have to re-submit the documentation to a specific organization.

installation of a barrier in the courtyard of a residential building

Management Rules

Permission for installation will be obtained solely in a situation where different services will have access to the local area around the clock. Owners of apartments independently choose a method of regulating the barrier:

  • construction next to the construction of a small security booth in which a guard will be on duty around the clock;
  • equipping the fence with a special warning device for a responsible citizen who will raise the barrier using remote control, and usually this button is located at the concierge’s in any entrance of the house;
  • Signing an agreement with a dispatch service that will remotely and using surveillance cameras control the structure.

Be sure to comply with these rules for installing a barrier in the courtyard of a residential building, since only under such conditions emergency services can gain access to any entrance, even at night. If the requirements are not met, then this is the basis for the refusal of various state bodies to issue a building permit.

Is a barrier in the courtyard of a residential building legal?

Barrier selection

Previously, you should take care of a competent choice of the design itself. You can choose both a mechanical barrier and an automatic one. In the first case, management requires citizens to exert physical effort. With an automatic design, you can control it remotely.

Typically, permission to install a barrier in the courtyard of a residential building is issued by various government agencies only with an automatic product. This is due to the ease of management and the ability to use the control room.

Almost all models are equipped with a signal, high-quality backlight and other additional elements. The choice depends on the available financial capabilities and the functionality of the fence.

installation instructions for the barrier

How is it installed?

Installation can only be done after obtaining permission for this process. Is it legal to install a barrier in the courtyard of an apartment building without approval? This process is prohibited, so if such violations are detected, this becomes the reason for bringing the residents of the house to administrative responsibility. If there are permissions from all the necessary checking authorities, then the installation is performed by sequential actions:

  • Search for a construction company;
  • an agreement is signed with her to install a fence;
  • funds are collected from all residents of the house;
  • paid services;
  • a barrier is being purchased;
  • the fence is installed by the company in the specified place.

Usually the process does not take more than one week. Difficulties most often arise with the collection of necessary funds, since many residents who vote at the meeting against the installation of the structure do not want to pay the funds for its installation.

Installation price

The installation cost depends on various factors, which include the type of barrier, installation location, the size of the fence and other features. Each tenant of the house is equipped with cards or key rings for management. Additionally, you will have to organize a control room or security point.

Therefore, the installation of a barrier in the courtyard of a residential building is considered an expensive process. Standard cost varies from 30 to 55 thousand rubles.

When can the structure be demolished?

If the barrier is installed without first obtaining permission from various inspection authorities, then it can be forcibly demolished.

This is additionally required if it interferes with the passage of the fire engine or the free movement of pedestrians.


Thus, the residents of the house can decide on the need to install a barrier next to the residential building, but for this numerous requirements must be observed. It is important to obtain permission for the process from various government agencies, and the design itself is also competently selected.

Installation should only be carried out by a specialized company. If there are no permits or the installation is performed with violations, this leads to the need to demolish the fence and pay tenants significant fines.

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