
IP charter capital: formation procedure, features and size

The first question facing aspiring businessmen is: which way to conduct business to choose? There are two main options - IP and LLC. Everyone knows that without a certain amount of capital to establish a society will not work. What about IP? Is authorized capital also necessary in this case? In the article we will provide not only the answer to this question. We will also analyze all the features of IP registration, the procedure for the formation of the authorized capital of organizations.

Opening IP

Most novice businessmen eventually dwell on individual entrepreneurship. The reason is a simpler and more economical registration of activities, the delivery of simplified reporting to the tax service. In addition, IP registration is a much faster procedure than establishing an LLC. Individual entrepreneurship does not require large investments.

Recall that the procedure for registering IPs is several successive steps:

  1. Visit to the tax office to fill out an application for registration of business activities.
  2. The choice of activity code is the one that the entrepreneur intends to do in the future. The selection is made according to the all-Russian reference book of OKVED. It is recommended to review it in advance before visiting the tax office (the document is freely available on the Internet), write out the appropriate codes for yourself. It is not necessary that they are only from adjacent spheres and areas. It is recommended that you enter up to 30 such codes in one application for registration of IP. In the future, if necessary, you can change them. For example, when changing the vector of activity.
  3. Choose the taxation system that seems most successful for your future business.
  4. Pay the state fee for registration of IP.
  5. Provide the application and the necessary documentation to the tax officer.
  6. At the appointed time, come for a certificate of registration of your business. You can also receive it by registered mail by mail.

Is it necessary to resolve the issue of the charter capital of IP here? No, the legislation does not require this.

procedure for the formation of authorized capital

Choice of tax regime

There is also no question of the need to form an IP of authorized capital. But the entrepreneur needs to solve a very important problem - to choose the most suitable taxation regime for himself:

  • STS Simplified tax regime - that is, the submission of tax reports in a simplified form. Suitable for small enterprises, for a business that does not stand out for large profits.
  • UTII. It’s profitable to choose an IE engaged in specific types of activities. Which ones, in general, is rather difficult to say - each region has its own list. There are restrictions on the area of ​​business premises, the number of employees. This is a tax on the future income of an individual entrepreneur.
  • Patent. The tax system specifically for entrepreneurs. A patent can be purchased for a period of a month to a year.
  • BASIC. The main tax collection mode is a complex reporting system. Used only by large companies. Beginning IP is not at all profitable to be at OSNO.

The issue of choosing a tax regime should be resolved promptly. Best of all - immediately after applying for a business registration. If the entrepreneur does not make a choice within 30 days, he will automatically be at OSS.

minimum authorized capital un

State Duty

What is the size of the registered capital of IP? There is no need for domestic individual entrepreneurs to resolve this issue - they are authorized to start a business without its formation.

But the necessary expenses when registering an IP are the payment of a state duty. Today it is 800 rubles. Payment can be made both in the popular Sberbank, and in any other Russian bank. You can generate a receipt on the official website of the Federal Tax Service, and then print it for payment. Or get it at the tax office.

Do not forget to pick up the check attached to the receipt at the bank. Or check the confirmation of payment made by the cashier on the receipt itself. These documents must be submitted to the tax.

Required documents

What is the minimum registered capital of an individual entrepreneur? Russian law does not provide such figures. The reason is simple - in order to open a business, IP does not need to form a management company.

For registration, you only need to present the following documentation when visiting the tax:

  • Passport.
  • INN
  • Application for registration of IP.
  • A receipt that confirms the payment of state duty.

All of the above is presented to the department of the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration (registration) of the future entrepreneur. Today, there is also the possibility of applying for registration of IP in the MFC.

If everything is filled out correctly, and the documents are provided in the required volume, the citizen receives a receipt on receipt of documentation indicating the date on which it is necessary to appear for new papers. According to the law, the next visit is scheduled in no more than 3 working days.

Does IP have a registered capital

Registration Completion

Does SP have a charter capital? The answer to this question in the Russian Federation is negative. You do not need to form such a fund to open an individual business. It is enough to appear with the necessary documents in the tax, fill out an application and pay the fee.

If everything is done correctly on the day indicated in the receipt, you need to come to the department of the Federal Tax Service again. There, the employee will issue you the following new documents:

  • Extract from the USRIP. This is a certificate of registration of you as an individual entrepreneur.
  • INN In the event that when submitting the application you did not have this document yet.

Important questions

Do I need authorized capital for private entrepreneurs? No, it is optional. Limited liability reporting companies are required to form a criminal code in the Russian Federation.

In fact, with the tax documents received, the businessman can legally proceed with his planned activities. But before that, it is recommended to decide on the following:

  • With the timing of the provision of insurance premiums to extrabudgetary funds.
  • With the deadlines for tax reporting, standard forms of documents.
  • If an individual entrepreneur plans to involve employees in the activities, he must also register as an employer. Accordingly, he becomes obligated to pay tax and insurance contributions for his employees.
Do I need authorized capital for un

Final answer regarding the Criminal Code

Is there any minimum charter capital for an individual entrepreneur? No, its very existence is not necessary for the registration of individual entrepreneurship. To start a business here is not necessary any fixed initial cash amount.

But this does not mean that the business here will be able to build from scratch. Any business requires a certain share of investments at the start. Although the legislation does not determine their necessity for individual entrepreneurs, the entrepreneur always takes into account the initial costs.

But for LLCs, public and non-public joint-stock companies in the Russian Federation, the presence of a certain amount of authorized capital is strictly necessary.

authorized capital un

What is UK?

We will define what is meant by authorized capital in this context. This is a certain share of financial resources, cash accumulations, which is formed by the founder of LLC, PJSC, NPAO in order to start its activities. Several variants of names are allowed - both authorized and authorized capital.

This is the resource needed to run an enterprise. In the future, a businessman can spend money from the Criminal Code on paying a salary to his employees, renting premises, settling settlements with suppliers, etc.

minimum authorized capital un

UK as a difference

The presence of the Criminal Code is one of the key differences between IP and LLC. It has its own advantages and disadvantages.

For example, an entrepreneur needs less financial investment at the initial stage of business development. After all, the legislation does not oblige it to form authorized capital. But at the same time, the entrepreneur is liable for his obligations with personal property.

As for the founders of the LLC, they cannot start their activities without the formation of the Criminal Code. They may need to spend more time and resources to start a business. In comparison with the same IP. But the founders of the company will be liable for their obligations only to the extent of their share in the authorized capital. And not own property, like SP.

If a business “burns out”, in the case of an LLC it will be less painful than with an individual entrepreneur in the same situation. Any initial accumulations and investments do not change the essence of the matter. Responsible for failure, he will be his property.

share capital un

Once again, we remind you that when registering and starting a business, Russian law does not require the formation of registered capital. This is the responsibility of only OAO, PAO, NPAO. But at the same time, the individual entrepreneur is liable for his obligations with his personal property.

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