
I got a job and found out that I was pregnant: what should I do?

The onset of pregnancy is a great joy for most women. Even if it is planned and long-awaited, all the same, this news rarely leaves anyone indifferent. Indeed, life will soon completely turn upside down. Yesterday you could completely control yourself and your life, and today a tiny little man begins to develop inside. This makes us reconsider our views on the mode of work and rest, plans for the next few years. And it happens that a woman only got a job and found out that she was pregnant. What should she do in this case?

got a job and found out that she is pregnant what to do

Only calm

Of course, now you have a complete mess in your head. Give yourself time to calm down and recover. Usually, by the time the euphoria passes, we begin to think about everyday activities. It is not uncommon for a woman to just get a job and find out that she is pregnant. In this regard, many questions arise. How will management react? Will they let me finish before maternity leave? Let us consider together with you what is said in the laws of our country.

First worries

As the expectant mother gets used to her condition, a sense of concern matures in the depths of her soul. It’s good if she has a strong and friendly family who are looking forward to adding more. Even better, if at work she is valued as an indispensable employee and she has worked there for at least several years. It is much more difficult for the woman who got a job and found out that she was pregnant.

Yesterday there was an interview at which the assurance was given that going on maternity leave over the next few years is not part of your professional plans. Of course, there is a risk that colleagues and management will not be happy to hear about your imminent departure. After all, the company spent time and money on posting vacancy announcements, interviewing candidates, training and taking office. If you got a job and found out that you are pregnant, you will have to prepare for an unpleasant conversation with management.

recently got a job and found out that she is pregnant

Colleagues reaction

It is very rare for anyone to be so lucky that at work everyone will be happy about the future replenishment of your family. Most likely, the CEO will call you and offer to leave. You can consider this as an option. Sitting at home, you can calmly deal with yourself and wait for the baby to appear.

But all social guarantees in our country are designed only for working women. Therefore, abandoning the workplace will be unreasonable. You need to hold on to him even if you got a job and found out that she was pregnant. What to do? Try to explain to the management that you still have 30 weeks ahead of which you will have time to bring a lot of benefit.

got a job and found out that she is pregnant on probation

Well-being of the future mother

This moment excites the employer the most. Nobody wants to face a situation when only a hired employee goes to the hospital for preservation and leaves there immediately on maternity leave. Or even worse, periodically appears in the workplace and again goes to the hospital. The boss can be easily understood, he cannot hire a new employee to this place, and work duties must be performed. In addition, he has the obligation to pay sick leave.

If a woman recently got a job and found out that she is pregnant, she needs to talk with her boss so that he does not have such thoughts. Refer to good health, the easy course of a previous pregnancy. Unfortunately, this does not guarantee anything, every time everything can be completely different. But talk about it is not worth it.

Rights and obligations

Of course, with employment it is best to be as honest as possible. It will play into your hands. But if a woman got a job and did not know that she was pregnant, then she involuntarily feels like a liar. And the employer often refers to this news just like that, because the subordinate did not tell the truth. In fact, there is nothing illegal in the employment of future mothers.

Russian law protects women. Today, the Labor Code gives so much attention to the rights of the expectant mother that it is rare for any employer to risk telling a woman that she will not be hired due to pregnancy, or dismissed for the same reason. You have every right to work in the same way as all other citizens, and not to indulge the whims of leadership. Therefore, if you feel normal and want to work throughout your pregnancy, then feel free to interview.

got a job and did not know that she was pregnant

Labor Code

This document needs to be studied before you come for an interview. But if a woman got a job and found out that she was pregnant on a probationary period, then she just needed to know her rights and obligations. The Labor Code for expectant mothers says the following:

  • A pregnant woman should be taken without a trial period. Therefore, if you are already working, you can go to the personnel department and, on the basis of a certificate from a doctor, you should be transferred to the state. But for those who are just getting a job and already know about their situation, a dilemma arises. If you say, they can simply reject your candidacy without explaining the reason. If not to say, then go for a trial period.
  • By law, a future mother cannot be cut or fired. If a woman had a really serious misconduct, then you can try to fire her, but there must be evidence for this. But even in this case, most likely, there will be a reprimand.
  • Expectant mother does not participate in reinforcement and does not go on business trips. This must be reminded firmly and clearly, but neatly. So that it does not sound like a mockery of a leader or colleagues.

Despite all this, if a woman got a job and found out that she was pregnant, on a trial period - this is not at all a reason to put her position on public display and demand benefits for herself. It is best to continue to fulfill your duties and demonstrate interest in your business. Against this background, carefully talk to the boss and gently, without emotion, explain your situation.

got a job and found out that she was pregnant at the test

Your actions

Every woman in this situation has a lot of thoughts. How to be I got a job and found out that I was pregnant, what should I do now? Well, do not rush to quit. It is possible that this will be an important stepping stone for your career. If you have to go to the hospital or you catch an elementary flu, you will receive payment on sick leave. But keep in mind that employment must be official. Get registered at the antenatal clinic, take a pregnancy certificate and inform the employer without fear.

Employment in position

Until now, we talked about the fact that a woman was just settled down and became pregnant. But it happens in life and a little differently. You decided to radically change your life, quit your previous job and decided to find yourself something more interesting. And only after leaving, you understand that you are expecting a baby. A completely natural desire is not to sit on the neck of the husband for all three years, but to work. And now you are in a position to go to get a job. Of course, no one has the right to refuse, personnel officers and managers are aware of this. Another thing is that the candidacy of the future mother can be rejected without voicing the reasons. To prove that your rights have been violated, in this case will fail.

got a job and found out that she is pregnant how to be

Key recommendations

Decide on the priorities. If your goal is to receive social guarantees, then answer questions about plans and pregnancy streamlined so that you can be understood ambiguously.If you want to maintain good relations with the employer and, possibly, return to your place after the decree, then your honesty will be of great importance. Do not forget that in most cases they will choose another candidate simply because he does not need to go on maternity leave in the near future.

  • If you did not report directly about your situation, then try to “soften” this blow a little. From the first day you need to establish yourself well in a new position. To do this, take a keen interest in the affairs of the company, conscientiously fulfill your duties and avoid conflicts.
  • Much depends on how to inform the leader about your pregnancy. Ask the general audience, demonstrate how sorry you are for how it happened, how you are interested in cooperation and want to continue working after the decree. The sooner this is done, the better. It will be much worse if the boss himself sees a growing belly or his colleagues report to him. In this case, the way back after the decree will be closed to you.

Do not abuse your position

Yes, the employer will almost never agree to dismiss a pregnant employee. Sometimes mothers, even after writing a letter of resignation, then dispute this action in court, convincing the judicial authorities that they were pressured. But these are extreme cases. Try to faithfully fulfill your duties, be friendly and adequate. Yes, you need to take care of yourself. Do not lift weights and stay on the second and third shift. Sometimes you can ask your colleagues for help, but you should not neglect your duties. You can provoke a reasonable question about why you went to work at all.

got a job and found out that she is pregnant how to be and what to do


So, life does not end at all if you got a job and found out that you are pregnant. What to do and what to do, we examined in detail. There is nothing illegal in finding a job in a position, but employment itself is fraught with certain difficulties. But if you have already been hired, then there is no reason to quit.

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