
Dismissal of a large father: on the initiative of the employer, to reduce, for absenteeism. Father with many children (children from different marriages): benefits

Previously, the law established that mothers with many children should be protected from termination of the employment contract. The factor under which the law allowed dismissal was only the liquidation of the company. But the popes who raised their children alone did not have such superiorities. However, now not the whole family can be recognized as having many children, but a separate guardian. Only the mother or only the father of the family can get the status.

large father children from different marriages benefits

So, in the legislation of the Russian Federation a new category of people was noted - fathers with many children. Now they have rights similar to mothers with many children. The benefits of working fathers with many children are limited to the generally accepted list, according to which the dismissal of a father with many children is impossible, with the exception of a number of cases. In addition, a guardian who brings up three or more children has an advantage in a variety of conflicting circumstances.

Benefits to large fathers

Mothers with many children are a fairly common status, today there are 25% more such women than in 2010. This category of mothers receives certain benefits from the state. It should be noted, in fact, that the education and upbringing of three or more children is already encouraged - such families are considered to be large.

A large guardian receives the following benefits:

  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • the right to trips to health centers for children, if the guardian is employed;
  • free travel for children in public transport;
  • free meals in primary school;
  • tax incentives for entrepreneurs, credit benefits;
  • support in improving living conditions (if necessary);
  • additional ten days of leave for employed guardians;
  • benefits for employment (at the labor exchange of large fathers they will be employed in the first place);
  • sending on business trips or overtime work only with the consent of the father of many children;
  • if a disabled child is being raised, a father with many children can count on 4 additional days off per month;
  • part-time work for father;
  • priority enrollment of children in kindergartens;
  • free visits to museums once a month;
  • priority allocation of land;
  • reduction of the transport tax rate;
  • the employer must provide leave to large fathers at a convenient time;
  • providing children with free medicines as prescribed by the doctor if necessary (some drugs may be given at a reduced price).

Social support for a large family, and in particular large dads, has a wide list of subsidies that are aimed at reducing family expenses.

privileges for large families in Moscow

Registration of the status "father of many children"

To belong to any category of people, it is necessary to have documentary evidence for this. To obtain the status of a father with many children, you must:

  • Confirm accommodation with children;
  • have three or more minor children (or if adult children are dependent on: are disabled, disabled or study full-time in a higher educational institution);
  • confirm kinship with children or guardianship.

It is necessary to provide the following package of documents:

  • certificate of family composition;
  • birth certificates of children (originals only);
  • TIN (copy and original);
  • father's identity card (copy and original).

These papers make up the smallest list of documents that need to be prepared in order to receive social support for large families, but state bodies may request additional documents from an individual. In the event that all the documents are in order, the guardian is assigned the status of "father with many children."

voluntary dismissal of a large father

If the father brings up three or more children and is one breadwinner, he has the right to receive additional benefits (as a rule, they are associated with labor activity). To confirm that the only breadwinner in the family, the following documents must be presented:

  1. A certificate from the employment center stating that the mother is registered there as unemployed.
  2. Certificate from the university that the mother is studying full-time.
  3. Conclusion on the disability of the child (such a document gives the right to the mother or father not to work, but only to care for the child)
  4. Other papers.

A father with many children raising their own or adopted children alone can receive the status of a “single father with many children”. It is necessary to prepare documents such as:

  1. The court ruling that the mother is deprived of parental rights.
  2. The verdict of the court that the mother was taken into custody.
  3. Death certificate of mother.
  4. Court decision confirming the transfer of children to the education of his father.

In what cases are benefits not eligible?

There are a number of cases when benefits to a large father are not laid. Here is a list of the main reasons:

  1. Father is deprived of parental rights.
  2. If the family has 3 children, but one or more of them have already reached the age of majority, then the benefits will stop. If there are four or more children, then all privileges remain in effect.

Benefits for children from different marriages

Although the number of divorces in Russia has been decreasing recently (73% of divorces in 2003, 60% in 2008, 55% in 2013), family breakdown is still common. Both parents, as a rule, find new life companions and have common children. In this regard, the question arises: can a large father (children from different marriages) receive benefits?

parental leave

Here the right to benefits is established by living together with children, which is confirmed by a certificate of the guardian registered at the place of residence. So, if the father and children have the same place of residence, then the guardian is recognized as having many children. If children also appeared in the new family, then only one of the guardians has the right to receive benefits.

There are cases when a child is registered in one apartment, but in fact lives in another place. In this case, the place of residence is specified in a judicial proceeding and, accordingly, is confirmed by a court decision. With this document, a father with many children (children from different marriages) can already receive benefits.

Reduction of large fathers

Many mothers raising three or more children do not work, because household chores and raising offspring take too much time. Then the only breadwinner is the father of many children. How can such an employee save a job? Does the employer have the right to dismiss a father with many children?

dismissal of a large father

What does the law say?

The rights of large guardians: both mothers and fathers, are spelled out in Art. 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Here are detailed categories of employees who are not subject to dismissal. So, the dismissal of a father with many children at the initiative of the employer is impossible, except in a number of cases.

In the event that we are talking about an employee who, due to certain circumstances, is one breadwinner in the family, then the provisions of Art. 179 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The legislative act stipulates that parents who raise three or more children have priority in the reduction. In addition, a single breadwinner in the family also enjoys the auxiliary benefits listed in Art. 256-264 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The retirement of the founder of a large family, as well as a mother with many children, is quite likely only in appropriate cases:

  • the legal entity is in a state of liquidation;
  • entrepreneur closes activity.

large father benefits

Termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer

There is a list of reasons why a father with many children can be legally deprived of work:

  • inconsistency of the position - is determined, for example, according to the results of certification;
  • the employee does not fulfill his duties;
  • the guardian skips work without good reason;
  • the employee appears at work in an inappropriate condition (the fact of alcohol or drug intoxication must be officially established);
  • the employee has made public information considered to be a trade secret;
  • gross violation of discipline, theft of funds or deliberate harm.

Regional father support programs

Of course, it is impossible to stipulate all the benefits for fathers with many children in one normative act. In addition, in any constituent entity of the Russian Federation there are certain features, material benefits and benefits for large families in Moscow and other regions also vary. Thus, regional regulations can provide large guardians with a number of additional benefits. For example, in accordance with current legislation, benefits to large families in Moscow include the right to receive every month:

  • compensatory payment of a rise in the price of products;
  • compensatory payment of the price of living in the city;
  • compensation for certain goods purchased for children;
  • privilege when paying for a landline phone.


So, a father with many children can lose his job in such cases:

  1. Company closure. Upon liquidation of the organization, all employees, regardless of their social status, may lose their jobs.
  2. Dismissal at will of a large father.
  3. With gross violations of labor discipline - alcoholism, constant lateness, theft of property and funds.
  4. Causing damage to the property of the company or other employees.

social support for large families

For the dismissal of a large father for the above reasons, the employer will not be held responsible.

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