
What is the work of the investigator: reviews. Should I go to work as a police investigator?

As one well-known children's poem says: “All professions are needed, all professions are important!” And even if this profession is associated with the eradication of crime, then it does not have a price at all. Today we’ll try to figure out what the work of an investigator consists of, reviews about which are contradictory, what skills you need to have, what makes up the routine of such an employee, and much more.

The level of education

The paramount requirement that an investigator presents to candidates (feedback from real people will be presented below) is the level and, no less important, the quality of education. It must necessarily be higher, obtained at the law faculty of a military or ordinary higher (public or private) educational institution. The best option would be to choose a specialty related to criminal law.

At the same time, a potential applicant for an investigator's position also needs deep and specific knowledge in such areas as criminalistics, civil and administrative law, criminology, psychology, philosophy, introduction to jurisprudence and a number of other disciplines. By the way, you can start training already at the police school, but this still does not remove the need for subsequent higher legal education.

Why is it necessary that the work of an investigator of the investigative committee necessarily requires it? Reviews and stories of real people indicate that the investigator is the person on whom fate depends. Incompetence can simply break someone’s life.

job investigator reviews

Today, the proper level of training is carried out by many universities and institutes, among which the Academy of the Prosecutor's Office and the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can be highlighted, where there are specialized faculties, after the completion of the full course of which graduates will be offered jobs by profession with the possibility of further career growth in the chosen field.

Job responsibilities

The work of an investigator, reviews of which, as will be seen later, are sometimes contradictory, provides for a certain functional activity. Which one?

An investigator is an employee of the investigative committee involved in the investigation of criminal offenses of varying severity: from theft to murder. He is the guarantor of the stability of the law, as well as a person who preserves the inviolability of justice.

The more local and narrowly focused tasks of the investigator include the following:

  • A preliminary investigation of the case entrusted to him.
  • Processing of incoming information, its analysis, collection and synthesis of available information, resolution of tactical tasks arising during the investigation.
  • Disclosure of crimes of various specifics, which include not only criminal, but also economic and political offenses.
  • Leading a task force, coordinating its actions.
  • Organization of interaction with the criminal police service in order to detain suspected persons.
  • The establishment of truth.
  • Transfer of all information received during the investigation to the court for passing a fair sentence to the accused.

police investigator work reviews

In addition, the essence of the work of the investigator provides for the independent adoption by a person of important and responsible decisions. They are associated with the initiation of a criminal case or refusal to conduct an investigation based on the data available to the employee.It becomes obvious that upon closer examination, the work of the investigator, reviews of which will still be discussed in this article, is qualitatively different from what is broadcast on TV screens.

Is the profession in demand?

If what the investigator’s work consists of has become clear, the question of how this profession is perceived today by the mature generation and youth becomes relevant. For those who have always dreamed of wearing epaulettes and helping their native country investigate crimes, there is good information - today this specialty is in demand, and how!

The demand for qualified investigators, despite the widespread prevalence of people with this type of profession in the labor market, still does not pass. Investigators can work not only in the prosecutor's office, but also in the security organs, and in the investigative bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Therefore, today, for example, the work of an investigator in Moscow, the reviews of which are mostly positive, provides not only comfortable conditions, a decent level of remuneration in the range of 40 to 50 thousand rubles and above, but also the possibility of rapid career growth (taking into account the presence of personal interest and diligence) to the post of prosecutor or adviser to justice. In society, investigators are respected, and their case is considered prestigious.

Necessary personality traits

In general, the work of the Investigative Committee, reviews of which are recommended for acquaintance with all those who want to dive into this area, is a difficult task. It assumes the presence of persistence and strength of character in a person. Of course, the profession of an investigator is no exception to the rule. Anyone who opted for it should be prepared to face a variety of life situations. You must have a sense of duty and responsibility for every action committed. Psychological stability and physical endurance, impartiality, the ability not to blame a person in the first second - all these features are integral companions of a good investigator.

police investigator work reviews

What else does the job of an investigator in the police require from an applicant? Reviews about her, as well as about work in other authorities, can open a person a lot of new things. So, based on them, we can conclude that this specialty is suitable only for widely erudite people who can think analytically, have communication skills with others. In this case, plasticity and flexibility of thinking, the ability to get rid of cliches, formalism, patterns, haste and superficiality during the investigation are required.

It is necessary to be restrained, cold-blooded and persistent, to have a personal interest in what is happening and be able to reflect on completed matters in order not to stand still, to constantly develop and grow. If you saw your psychological portrait here, then, apparently, the time has come to think carefully about changing the type of activity - you can’t lose such native-born cadres to work as an investigator!


Today, investigators are mainly employed in the prosecutor's office, special police departments, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the bodies of the Federal Drug Control Service and the Federal Security Service. In addition, the investigator can become a private detective. To do this, he needs to acquire a special license. The investigator spends most of his working time in his office, piling over the collected evidence, building theories and versions, from which as a result it will be necessary to find the one and only one that is true.

investigator working hours

What does a typical day consist of?

The investigator’s working hours cover the daytime period from 7:30 in the morning until 20: 00-21: 00 at night. Moreover, in fact, the investigator can never completely relax: constant checks of the keys to the safe, where important documents and suspects' files are located, and thoughts about the timing of investigations never leave the employee’s head.

Every day, the investigator has to do tremendous mental work, analyze a lot. You don’t have to wait for chases, shootings, ambushes, as in blockbusters, but the employee, nevertheless, is involved in no less interesting operations, which are called investigative actions. These include:

  • Inspections to search for traces of crimes committed, including inspections of people (examination).
  • The processes of recovery of events that took place at the time the crime was committed (investigative experiment).
  • Inspection of premises, buildings and other places in order to find all kinds of traces of offenses (searches, seizure of papers; with the permission of the court - the arrest of documents belonging to the category of secret correspondence, wiretapping and recording of telephone conversations).
  • Organization and conduct of interrogations to obtain evidence, identifications, verification of examinations and confirmation of the information received.

what is the work of the investigator

It turns out that the routine life of the most ordinary investigator is very full of events and different types of actions! By the way, therefore, planning the work of the investigator is one of the necessary elements of productive activity in this area. To keep up with everything, it is better to start a special diary or at least a notebook, because even a person with a brilliant memory can not keep such a lot of heterogeneous information in his head. The organization of the work of the investigator is the key to his professional success.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, what does the investigator's workplace look like, what are the daily responsibilities, what a competent employee should be like - an exhaustive answer has already been found to all these points. The time has come to compare objective advantages and disadvantages of the profession.

Recently, an interview was published in the newspaper by an investigator, who attributed the lack of time for himself, rest, and spending time with his family to the most serious shortcomings of work. Nevertheless, in his opinion, these are the costs of the profession, which are everywhere. You need to be prepared for this yourself, and set up your near and dear ones, explain that although it’s rare to travel somewhere together and not spend full joint leisure time — this is emotionally difficult for everyone, but a good cause requires sacrifice.

In another interview, the senior investigator shared with her readers her views on her own profession. According to the woman, the investigator is a vocation. People who set themselves the wrong goals (desire for profit, interest to just try, etc.) quickly become disappointed and leave their posts. Of the minuses, the investigator identified difficulties in communicating with those who are in stressful situations, for example, relatives of the victims. You need to have the ability to empathy, the ability to find the right words and set up a person to talk in order to get evidence. It turns out that the investigator should also be a born psychologist, because not every specialist who has studied in this area will be able to do what the investigators regularly do.

investigator's place of work

In addition, this work is not suitable for overly compassionate people: so many situations in life pass through the employee’s mind that if you take a personal part in each case, you can go crazy as a result. It is necessary to be able to professionally deform and change, build a psychological barrier, abstract from what is happening so as to understand: this is only work, no more, no less.

What kind of work is an investigator? Reviews (2016 and previous years)

Finally, it was time to get to know the opinions of people who, one way or another, were in contact with the specifics of the profession of an investigator. Once, the investigator and senior major of justice, whose unofficial profile is the investigation of crimes committed against minors, shared the intricacies of the work with the public (cases of this category are too common).We have to build contacts with both molesters and pedophiles, but the investigator must learn to communicate with the accused without manifesting to them actually human, personal feelings and emotions. In this case, the work of the investigator is comparable to the work of a doctor - you have to deal with everyone who comes across to you. Despite the fact that sometimes investigators have a desire to leave everything and leave (this was especially characteristic of the period of the reorganization of structures), they nevertheless understand that they love the profession, they are like fish in water, which means they are useful, they are needed and important to society.

The work of the investigator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, reviews of which is not the only thing that can be found on the numerous resources of the Internet network, requires a person to manifest similar character traits. Contemporary art even takes this sphere of activity and place of service as the basis of stories! For example, one of them, “Profession - Investigator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs” in 2 parts, was created by the author Yuri Litvak. To get acquainted with the work that has won the approval of the user audience, today you can electronically.

So, the activities of the investigator in the ordinary police and the work of the investigator in the investigative committee (there are a lot of reviews of 2016 today in the World Wide Web) - all this is equally important regardless of location. Valuable are the representatives of this type of activity, whose work should in no way be diminished!

Interesting Facts

The work of the investigator of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (the reviews are presented above) differs in its functionality from the activities of the FSKN, the FSB and the Investigative Committee in that in article 151 of the Code of Criminal Procedure it is characterized as “jurisdiction”. Today, about ¾ of all offenses are investigated by investigators of the internal affairs. This includes not only thefts, incidents of traffic accidents, robberies, attacks, acts of fraud, etc., but also frauds in the credit and financial (i.e., economic) sphere, cases involving the illicit trafficking of weapons, drugs, crimes in the technological field other. In other words, the investigative activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs cover an extremely wide range of crimes.

organization of work of the investigator

Investigators have unsolved cases, they are only called otherwise - “suspended”. Usually these include murders, sexual assaults and other offenses committed mainly in the period of the 90s of the last century, as well as at the beginning of the “zero”. Today, however, the investigation process is becoming more and more perfect: a unique genomic examination has appeared, and the development of auxiliary telecommunications continues. As a result, people have been and continue to be stumbling blocks. For example, in episodes when the testimony of a key witness can play a decisive role in the process, the person simply refuses to speak, guided by the unspoken principle of “my hut from the edge”.

The work of an investigator in the police, the reviews of which have already been demonstrated, is not always negative or digging in the "chernukha". Funny and funny situations also happen. For example, one day a task force went to call a citizen who saw a man in a loop in a window of a neighboring country house. It turned out that the doll was hanged! In such a non-standard way, the landlord decided to discourage thieves and robbers from the economy. Healthy cynicism is always invisible in the profession of an investigator.

Surprisingly, sometimes the accusation of a person suspected of murder is made even if the body of the murdered person was never found. In this case, the investigators have to work several times more thoroughly, but indirect evidence and evidence, expertise and a detailed restoration of the course of events usually allow you to find and install the killer accurately. This is a good example of what a huge step the investigative process took in its development, because if earlier criminals thought it was enough to get rid of the corpse and “lie low”, today it will not help to get away from the punishing hand of justice.


So, now the profession of an investigator has practically no pitfalls. Of course, its essential part, as in other areas, is known only with experience. Nevertheless, anyone who wants to try his hand as an investigator has the opportunity to weigh the pros and cons, and decide whether to search for something suitable further or stop his choice, plunging headlong into the world of data analysis and search.

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Thank you very much for the article! Very informative))
I think you helped me finally decide on a profession


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