
At 17 years old, how many can you walk on the street

Teenagers are often interested in how long you can walk at age 17. After all, at this age, children are almost adults, almost adults. Are there any restrictions regarding their stay on the street? And if so, which ones? How to avoid problems when walking? We have to answer all this further.

Teens outdoors

With no restrictions

How long can you walk at 17? Some believe that at this age, children have the right to move freely around the city or village. But it is not so. The absence of any restrictions on walking occurs only after reaching adulthood. So, until 18 years old you have to put up with some rules regarding walking.


But not always. It is allowed not to think about how long you can walk on the street at the age of 17 in Russia, if we are talking about a person with emancipation. This is how the process of recognizing a child as "full age" is called. It is possible from the age of 16. If a minor provides for himself, he can ask for emancipation or obtain it in a judicial proceeding.

Teenager on a winter walk

In this situation, full legal capacity begins, which cannot be canceled, only on legal grounds (insanity or severe illness with disability). So, a person will be able to independently answer for himself and his actions. He has the right to walk as long as he wants. The main thing is to comply with the established legislation regarding noise. But more on that later.

City or village

How many can you walk at the age of 17 in the village? And in the city? Some citizens think that there is a difference between the city and the village in the matter under study. But it is not so. The thing is that both the village and the city have the same restrictions on allowing children to walk. In some localities there are rules, but often in Russia the law "On night time for children" is everywhere in force. Next we will get to know him in more detail.

Spring walk

Spring and summer

It is important to remember that there are 2 periods in the question under study: "summer" time and winter. Let's start with the first one. How long can you walk in the spring at 17? The current law, adopted in 2009, indicates that minors should not walk from 23:00 to 6 in the morning. Such rules take place throughout Russia. And every teenager will have to come to terms with them. Daylight saving time is considered the period from April 1 to October 31 inclusive. The rest of the interval can be called winter. This is normal, despite the fact that it includes part of the autumn months.


And how long can you walk on the street at the age of 17 in the fall? As it’s not hard to guess, it all depends on what month we are talking about. In September and October, as we have said, it is not allowed to walk from 11 a.m. to 6 a.m. In November, other rules apply. The thing is that November is "recorded" in the winter. And therefore, walks to adolescents are allowed in smaller quantities. How long can you walk by law in 17 years in the fall? In November, you will have to return home before 22 hours. Curfew is open until 6am. That is an hour more than in the summer. And this is quite normal.


The features of the issue under study do not end there. Some people wonder how many years you can walk in the winter at 17 years old. As already mentioned, winter time is valid from November 1 to March 31 inclusive. So, a teenager can walk unaccompanied by adults only until 22:00 and from 6:00. There are no exceptions. Only cases of emancipation.

Time for a walk

Other rules

But that is not all. The thing is that in some cities there are slightly different rules. They are not very different from previously studied norms. Each city itself sets a curfew time.The most common limitations are:

  • children under 16 are allowed to walk until 10 in the evening;
  • from 17 years you can be on the street until 23 hours.

In addition, some regions allow children under 16 to walk during the summer holidays until 11 p.m. But no more than that. Based on the foregoing, it follows that adolescents are allowed to walk no longer than 23:00. After this hour, being in the street is considered a violation.

Punishment for violation

We found out how long you can walk in 17 years. What threatens the curfew violator? The teenager may be detained by law enforcement officials until the circumstances are clarified. In addition, parents will be notified of the event. And legal representatives can write an administrative fine. The size of the relevant payments today ranges from 300 to 50,000 rubles. Usually the penalty is not very high. Especially if this is the first violation committed by a child.

How many schoolchildren walk

In some cases, the guardianship authorities offer to understand the situation. Employees of this service will conduct a conversation with parents and children, after which they can register them. This often happens if the family is dysfunctional. Or, provided that the child already had serious problems with the law.

Avoiding consequences and punishments

Many are interested in: is it possible to somehow take a longer walk in adolescence and make it so that there are no problems in the future? In fact, there is one trick to which you should pay attention. To date, teenagers are not allowed to walk during curfews unaccompanied by adults. The last can be attributed to any competent person of 18 years. This means that it’s enough just to invite someone from the age of a walk. Teenagers have no problems with this.

In addition, it is recommended that the entire company carry identity cards with them. Without them, unaccompanied walkers may be detained for several hours until the circumstances are clarified. This event causes a lot of problems. It is recommended that you ask your parents for written permission to walk with an adult member of the company. This technique will protect you from future problems.

About detention

A few words about what happens when a teenager is detained at night without unaccompanied adults. Everyone should know about this. If the child is not yet 16 years old, then law enforcement officials will do everything to establish the identity of the minor. After this, a search is made for the place of residence of the child and his legal representatives. Further, the police must deliver the young intruder home safe and sound.

If it was not possible to contact the parents or other relatives of the child, the minor is detained. In this case, the offender is sent to the police station. It is allowed to keep it only 3 hours and no more. During this time, someone should come for the child. That did not happen? Then the teenager is sent to a special social rehabilitation center. But, as a rule, this does not come to this. And the maximum that meets is only detention and sending to the police station.

Curfew for children

Children 16 years old are always advised to carry a copy of their passport with them. Otherwise, they will face the previously described algorithm of actions. For emancipation, it is also recommended that you bring along a copy of the court order. After all, a teenager will have to prove his full legal capacity.

Where not to be

There is another nuance that has been ignored. Thinking about how long you can walk at 17, a teenager must understand what public places are subject to the restrictions. The thing is that you can not walk at night not only through the streets. The ban applies to any public places (with the exception of staying in hostels, hotels and so on).

That is, a teenager is forbidden to stay at night in:

  • educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, circles);
  • Cafe;
  • bars and restaurants;
  • vehicles
  • sports fields and so on.
Kids winter walk

But to sit away or at home is allowed. What to do if it’s already night, and a child of 17 years old needs to return home? In this case, either the parent of the friend must accompany the teenager, or other adults (legal representatives) should come for him. Not only parents, but also legal entities are responsible for finding children at night in the territory of various organizations. It is the latter who are usually assigned the maximum fines for the studied administrative violation.


We found out how long you can walk in 17 years. The listed restrictions have been in force in Russia since 2009. They do not please many parents - now you have to follow the teenagers more carefully. And this is not always possible. It is important to remember that a child should not walk outdoors alone at night, even if a teenager is working. Night shifts during employment are also prohibited.

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