
Conducting personal files of employees: formation, rules of conduct

A personal file, as a rule, includes special documentation that reflects information about an employee and his work for a specific period of time, or about a student and his studies in a particular higher educational institution. Typically, the formation and conduct of personal files of employees is carried out over a long time period. One way or another, they are included in the number of documents on personnel. What is the order of this event today? What information does the employee record file contain? Why? Answers to these and other equally serious questions can be found in the process of reading this article.

personal records management

General issues

To begin with, however, it should be noted that the management of personal files of employees is not a mandatory process in relation to absolutely all categories of employers. In accordance with Russian law, personal affairs must be conducted only for citizens who fill public service positions. It is necessary to supplement that the corresponding procedure is regulated by the Presidential Decree “Concerning the Order Regarding the Management of the Affairs of Persons Who Fill the Russian State Positions in the Order of Appointment, as well as the State Position regarding the Federal Service” dated 01.06.1998.

The obligation, including the formation and maintenance of personal files of employees, may be assigned to the employer - a state enterprise (organization) also through an industry normative act. For example: the order of the Russian Consumer Supervision dated March 16, 2005, which approves the Rules of the Federal Civil Service, related to supervision in the field of protection of consumer rights and human well-being (according to clause 7.7 of this paper, personal affairs are entrusted with the management of affairs), as well as the resolution “ Regarding the Federal Customs Service ”dated August 21, 2004, through which the Regulation on the FCS is approved. On the basis of this document, the Regulation on the GUK (main personnel department) was formed and put into circulation. In accordance with paragraph fifteen of the Regulation, the FCS GUK is entrusted with the maintenance of personal files of all service employees.

In addition, the procedure for managing personal files of employees may be prescribed by the management company (in other words, by a higher organization). At other enterprises and organizations, management is vested with the right to make decisions regarding the need to carry out the process under review, and also (in the case of a decision in the positive direction) - to which categories of employees it is advisable to conduct personal affairs. The Regulation on the conduct of personal files of employees prescribes that the analyzed procedure, as a rule, applies to the following categories of citizens:

  • Employees working in senior positions (direct head of the structure, his assistants (deputies), management in relation to structural units, and so on).
  • Company employees for whom liability under the current Russian legislation is established (for example, chief accountant, his deputies, cashier, and so on).

The rules for the conduct of personal files of employees, as it turned out, do not imply a certain obligation. However, many private companies provide for the conduct of personal affairs in respect of absolutely all of its employees.This does not depend on status and rank, as well as on the work activities performed (by the way, that is why even technical personnel are included here). Why? The fact is that maintaining personal files of employees is a very convenient source of information. In addition, this provision applies to absolutely every employee. The single folder contains the most important copies of orders for the employee, his personal documentation, as well as other necessary papers. It is important to note that it is the instruction for the conduct of personal files of employees of a personal nature that serves as a tool for consolidating information.

the procedure for conducting personal files of employees

Creation of a personal file

Today, the creation of affairs of a personal nature is carried out for an organized grouping of documented data about the employee, transferred to him by the employer when transferring or hiring for a particular position. The instruction on the procedure for maintaining the personal files of employees suggests that all relevant operations, one way or another, are assigned to a specially authorized specialist or to a personnel body that is individually responsible for organizing the proper treatment of such documentation.

Creation of cases of a personal nature is carried out immediately after the reception or transfer of an employee to a leadership position or position, in accordance with which the establishment of liability is provided for by law. The procedure for maintaining the personal files of employees does not exclude another position when it is prescribed through instructions on the procedure for performing certain operations on the personal files of employees.

According to the methodological recommendations of the Moscow City Archive, as well as VNIIDAD FAS of the Russian Federation, personal files, one way or another, include documentation provided by employees during employment, as well as formed in the process of their subsequent professional activity at a particular enterprise or organization. So, this includes the following papers:

  • Personal sheet in accordance with the personnel or the corresponding profile.
  • Addition to the application form or personal sheet.
  • Employee autobiography.
  • Copies of education documentation.
  • The second copy of the employment contract.
  • Contract regarding liability.
  • Letters of recommendation from previous places of work (characteristics).
  • Application for employment (transfer to the appropriate position).
  • Copies of orders or extracts from them corresponding to hiring or moving to another position.
  • Extracts from the documentation (or copies of papers) regarding the award or disciplinary action of the employee.
  • Copies (extracts) of certification documentation (certification sheets, reviews and so on).

formation and management of personal files of employees

Security of personal files

The provision on the management of personal files of employees suggests that, in order to organize their absolute safety and ease of handling, they are placed (namely, sewn with a thread and a needle for four punctures) in a separate folder in the process of forming paper.

It is important to note that in addition to the documentation listed above, some other papers may be placed in personal files (for example, documents regarding the employee having passed a competition related to filling a vacant position; copies of papers regarding employee rewarding, assignment of honorary titles and so on). In addition, certified photographs of the employee’s certificate are placed in personal files, but they are not filed.

The procedure for conducting personal files of employees also includes their initial registration. In this way:

  • Each personal file is assigned an individual account number.
  • The relevant positions are filled in on the spine of the personal file and on the front cover.
  • An internal inventory is necessarily included in a personal file.

Maintaining work books and personal files of employees

It should be noted that conducting business of a personal nature does not stop throughout the entire period of work of each of the employees of a particular structure when its rules do not contradict this. Thus, the conduct of personal affairs in any case provides for the following points:

  • Keeping records in the necessary sections of the case.
  • The premises of the documentation to be stored as part of the personal file.
  • Seizure of documentation, the need for which has passed.
  • Periodic check of the state of the personal file in accordance with the subject of preservation of the papers included in it.

regulations on the conduct of personal files of employees

Maintaining a personal record of an employee in an organization assumes that entries are made in the documentation of a personal record on the basis of certain documents or their certified copies. It is important to add that the authorized official can clarify the necessary nuances for the execution of the procedure before making specific entries during a personal conversation with the employee. Absolutely all records that are relevant in relation to documentation when conducting personal files are made by hand with a ballpoint or fountain pen in blue, black or purple. The regulation on the conduct of personal files of employees implies the exclusion of corrections in the documentation, as well as the appropriateness of legible handwriting. Then, when a real need arises, these records are certified by the signature of an authorized official from the personnel management service. In addition, the company is stamped.

additional information

The presumptive order, the conduct of the personal file of the employee is ensured according to the following rule: when the documentation is accumulated, it must be distributed in the personal file in accordance with the sections. In addition, inside the paper sections are arranged in chronological order. It is important to note that individual documents filed in a personal file, one way or another, are subject to numbering. Information on these securities (taking into account page numbering), within the boundaries of which it is located in a personal file, in any case, reflects the internal inventory.

The standard instruction on the conduct of personal files of employees of the Republic of Belarus says that employees undertake to provide information to the personnel service in a timely manner. This information, as a rule, interprets changes in individual data, which are included in the composition of the personal file. This is usually written in writing as a statement. In addition, the documentation confirming the changes serves as an application. A little later, when all the entries are entered in the personal file, the documentation, one way or another, is returned to the employee. By the way, if necessary, copies of these documents are first made and certified, which are subsequently attached to the personal file.

conducting personal work of the employee in the organization

Storage and accounting of personal files

After the management of personal files of employees is fully studied, it is advisable to consider the issue of storage and accounting. So, these procedures are organized for an unmistakable and quick search for personal matters, ensuring their absolute safety, as well as the confidentiality of the information contained in the documentation from unauthorized access.

It is important to note that the personal files of the employees of a company are included in the nomenclature of the personnel unit in accordance with the general name “Personal files”. In addition, their storage periods are indicated there. As a rule, the storage period of securities reaches seventy-five years.

The decree on the conduct of personal files of employees prescribes that the documentation is stored in the personnel department (usually it is for such purposes that the premises are arranged there) separately from other papers. It must be added that the personnel service stores only the personal files of relevant employees. Cases of laid-off workers are transferred in accordance with the procedure established by law for storage to the structure’s archive or to the territorial archive.

It should be noted that the storage conditions, one way or another, should ensure the absolute safety of directly personal files, as well as the documentation (information) placed in them from disclosure or theft. That is why today it is recommended to ensure the storage of personal files through safes (cabinets), placing them in an upright position on the shelves (with the roots out).

maintaining work books and personal files of employees

What else?

By the way, inside the cabinet or safe on the door can be placed summary descriptions in relation to the stored personal files. It is important that access to information is exclusively authorized officials, as well as their leaders. Then, when the number of personal files exceeds the permissible, they are recorded in a specialized registry or journal. Systematization of cases is carried out by one of the following methods:

  • In accordance with the order of numbers.
  • In accordance with the direct alphabetical order.
  • In accordance with the sections according to the names of the structural units according to the staffing table, inside the sections, in the alphabetical order of the direct account or in the order of numbers.

In order to reduce the total number of accounting units, personal files can be stored as part of the so-called outfits - alphabetical groups for storage. Thus, absolutely every personal file that is included in the order is preceded by a sheet of paper with the name of the employee. It is necessary to add that personal affairs, consisting in the order, are also grouped in accordance with the alphabetical order. At the beginning of the outfit is a summary list of personal files included in it.

Issuance of personal files on time

The issuance of personal affairs to employees of a particular structure for temporary use so that they can familiarize themselves with the information entered there, is usually done only with the permission of the personnel department. An acquaintance of an employee with his own personal file on receipt is usually carried out directly in the presence of an official officer who is responsible for handling the documentation of such a plan.

It should be noted that employees are familiarized with personal matters at least once during the year, as well as in accordance with the request of these persons in other cases established by Russian law. When familiarizing oneself with the personal affairs of employees of an organization, it is strictly prohibited:

  • Carry out any corrections in already made records of personal files.
  • Make new entries in your personal files.
  • Extract from personal files the documentation there or put new ones in them.
  • Retain personal files beyond the period provided by authorized persons.

rules for conducting personal files of employees

Important Nuances

In the event that inaccuracies are found in the records or if outdated documentation is found in a personal matter, the employee is entitled to apply to the personnel service of the structure in this regard. It must be added that papers should be attached to the application, according to which it would be appropriate to make certain changes to previously made records, or copies of certain units of documentation in order to make a replacement.

It is important to know that the issuance of a personal matter for temporary use is carried out precisely for the period of time that is necessary to perform the necessary operations, according to the list of persons entitled to receive personal files, which is approved by the management of the structure. By the way, the fact of issuing a case of a personal nature, one way or another, is recorded in a control card (journal).

It is important to know that familiarization (work) with personal files is carried out in a room specially designed for these purposes. In addition, the time of familiarization (work), one way or another, is limited to the working day.So, at the end of the working day, the employee responsible for handling personal affairs must make sure that all personal files that were issued for temporary use were returned to the place of storage. If necessary, the official undertakes to take appropriate measures to return or search for documentation.

The transfer of personal files or individual papers in their composition for temporary use to other institutions (organizations, enterprises) is carried out exclusively in case of permission of the management of the structure on the basis of a properly executed request.

It is important to know that an act is being formed regarding the issue of a personal file, one copy of which, one way or another, is transmitted along with the personal file or a separate document to the authorized person of the requesting party. The second copy is stored in the affairs of the structure immediately before the return of the personal file or a separate document to its original place of storage.

Removal of papers from a personal file

It is important to note that the removal of certain units of documentation from a personal file is carried out exclusively after the permission of the management, provided that the corresponding record is placed in the “Note” column of the internal inventory. In case of temporary seizure of paper in its place (namely, between sheets of neighboring papers), according to the rules, a substitute card (in other words, a certificate of substitute) is inserted, which indicates the date and reason for the seizure with the signature of the person who issued the document, as well as the signature of that the employee who received it in accordance with the rules of temporary use relevant to the structure.

In order to ensure absolute control over the safety of personal files in a particular institution (organization, enterprise) annually (namely, no later than the first quarter that follows the reporting one), their status and availability are checked. You need to know that the shortcomings and deficiencies identified during the control process are recorded in any case in the act, which is immediately after approval by the chairman of the commission is submitted to the organization’s leadership for consideration and subsequent decision-making regarding lost or inaccurate documentation.

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