
The verdict is ... The final verdict: features and requirements

In judicial practice, there are several types of legal proceedings. One of them is a jury trial that renders its decision (verdict) on the case in writing.

A verdict is a frequently used word, derived from the Latin phrase vere dictum, which in translation into Russian means "truly spoken." Information from the dictionary of Latin legal terms is in the table below.

Translation of legal terms from Latin into Russian
quasi dictum veritatisas a statement of truth
ut judiciumas a court decision
quasi juris dictumsince article right

A verdict is a final decision (conclusion), adopted after a comprehensive objective study of any issue. This is the result of a deep analysis (conclusion) of the collected information in solving the problem.

Final verdict

The expression is often found in many by ear. As a rule, the phrase "final verdict" means something indestructible, in other words, this is the ultimate truth. If we consider this term in judicial practice, then it may not be final. But only in the case when the judge invites the jury (for some reason) to clarify the question sheet and issue its verdict again. The presiding judge has such a right, and it is regulated by certain peremptory prescriptions of the current procedural legislation.

A verdict is just an instrument of justice. The final decision rests with the judge. Only a judge pronounces a sentence, decides on the measure of restraint, establishes the term of punishment and the way of serving it, based on the decision made by the jury - the verdict.

the verdict is

The concept of “final verdict” is the subject of a separate discussion. In this case, the definition of "final", no doubt, has the right to exist in the meaning of "happened", "perfect", "finished", reinforcing and emphasizing the finality of the decision.

Jury trial

The word “verdict” is most often used precisely in judicial practice and is associated with a jury trial. This form of administration of justice originated in ancient society. The founders are the ancient Athenian helium and the Roman court - quest (court of standing commissions). The mention of the jury of ancient Rome dates back to the II-I centuries BC. In the Middle Ages, the popularity of jury trials was minimized, and subsequently they were completely forgotten.

final verdict

Only in the XIII century, this court again revived in England. The concepts of “court”, “final verdict” are gaining particular popularity at this time. In the eighteenth century, France joined such jurisprudence, and somewhat later, American society. The development of the jury in many civilized countries of that time was based on the English experience in legal proceedings, and their national legal traditions were partially applied (added or replaced).

The formation of the Russian jury

In Russia, this institution of the judiciary began its development since the reign of Catherine II the Great. As a result of judicial reform, approved by Alexander II (1864), this practice is moving to a new stage in its development. The revolutionary events of 1917 abolish this judicial institution. Only in the early 90s of the last century did Russia return to jury trials. And again the combination of the words “court, final verdict” sounded.

jury trial final verdict

In what cases is a jury trial: requirements

Not every case is considered by a jury. Jury participation is permissible only in criminal trials. There is a list of articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, according to which criminal proceedings against a person (group of persons) can be considered by jury. For example, criminal cases of murder, rape, banditry, taking a bribe, and others.

In Russia, a jury has the opportunity to become any competent person who has Russian citizenship, has reached 25 years, has no criminal record and knows the language of the proceedings. This is briefly. In order to become a jury, it is not necessary to have a law degree.

court final verdict


What does a jury mean, whose final verdict is required in criminal cases? The main task of the jury is to draw up a decision determining the guilt or innocence of the defendant. This is the main question the jury needs to give a clear answer. In general, the jury raises three key questions:

  • determine the evidence or lack of evidence that this criminal act took place;
  • Is it possible to consider as proven the fact that it was the defendant who committed this crime;
  • guilty person or not.

After completing the last word by the defendants, the jury is removed to the meeting room for the purpose of discussion and mandatory personal voting on each question raised. The foreman of the jury makes an answer (the wording must be clear: “yes”, “no”, “yes, guilty”, “no, not guilty”) of each jury on the questionnaire and counts the votes. On the basis of which an acquittal or guilty verdict is issued. After that, the official passes this sheet to the presiding judge. The verdict is announced by the foreman upon the return of the jury to the courtroom. This procedure is carried out by a jury, whose final verdict is sometimes crucial in a case. The final sentence is handed down by the judge.

money verdict

About the myths of cinema and real life

In 2003, G. Fleder's film “Money Verdict” appeared on large screens. Drama, thriller in the American spirit and the Hollywood style of creation. This film was shot based on the novel - D. Grisham's legal thriller "Verdict". But Hollywood could not help but contribute to the work, a portion of the "chernushka" to increase the box office. There is a message from the screen that for money you can buy everything and even such a "trifle" as justice. Everything is simple on the Hollywood movie conveyor - you can make 500 shots from one pistol, fall from a skyscraper, surviving at the same time, and manage to escape from the chase. Of course, this is exaggerated, but, undoubtedly, the viewer is already accustomed to such Hollywood tricks.

In real life, everything is much more complicated. The jury (although it consists of ordinary people) is reliably protected by a number of legal instruments and other security measures from any external pressure.

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