
Verification and validation: concept, differences and examples. Validation - what is it in simple words

Words such as “verification” and “validation” can often be heard in various television programs, but few people know what they mean. Their sound is quite similar, and those who pronounce these words often themselves get confused in them. From the context, the listener realizes that the matter is there and there is connected with checking something. What do these words really mean, what do they have in common, and how does validation differ from verification?

Origin of the term

The philosophical and scientific term “verification” came to our language from Latin (from Latin verus - “true”, and facere - “to do”). It means checking any assumption for compliance with predefined requirements, standards or specifications. The content of the term varies significantly depending on the context.

Verification in science

In science, verification is a test of a scientific hypothesis (assumption) for compliance with objective criteria that are currently recognized as true. The method of scientific knowledge consists in putting forward hypotheses explaining any phenomenon of the world around us. Further, the author of the hypothesis collects evidence that its provisions do not contradict the already known scientific facts and experimental data.

Verification as a process

To do this, a series of field or thought experiments are carried out, and if their results confirm the hypothesis, it is considered verified and becomes a scientific concept or even a theory.

Verification in the production of goods and in the provision of services

Unlike scientific verification, which leaves much room for interpretation of the results of full-scale, and especially - mental experiments, the concept of verification in the manufacture of products or the provision of services is clearly formalized and fixed in the standards of a quality management system.

The process was most widely used in the production of software and the development of complex technical systems. Of these industries, the method has spread to other industries.

Confirmation based on the presentation of objective evidence that the established requirements have been met. (ISO 9000: 2000)

Production verification consists in collecting documentary evidence that the designed and manufactured product (or service) meets all the requirements of the technical specifications, production specifications and industry standards at each stage of the production cycle. In the case of complex and lengthy production processes, it is important not to delay the collection of such certificates overnight before shipping products.

Evidence collection

The following verification methods are used in the production of complex systems and software products:

  • alternative calculations;
  • comparing the documentation for the current project with the documentation for the adopted and approved project;
  • testing according to the approved program;
  • analysis of project documents at different stages of readiness.

Testing and analysis of documents are the most widely and frequently used approaches. Comparison of scientific, technical and design documentation is also very popular, however, for many advanced developments it is difficult to choose a similar project.

Conducting alternative calculations by an independent algorithm allows you to get a basis for evaluating the accuracy of calculations performed by the algorithm being tested. One of the most commonly used alternative calculation methods is a calculator.

Verification of the service subject

In this case, the identification of the user’s identity, of any network service, such as Twitter. In this case, this means verifying the authenticity of the user and confirming his identity. Similar identifications are carried out by other social media, network trading platforms and payment systems.

verified account

Verification of the borrower in the bank consists not only in establishing his identity, but also in verifying his compliance with the requirements of the bank for the user of this product, such as:

  • a positive credit history;
  • verified income;
  • real estate used as collateral, etc.

In Russian-language media, the term is sometimes used to mean "verification of published facts." This is a purely Russian newspeak, the whole world uses the simple term “fact cheking,” or “fact checking”.


Validation (from lat. Validus - “healthy, strong, strong”) in technology or in the quality management system is the process of bringing evidence that the requirements of a particular user, product, service or system are satisfied. So validation - what are these simple words?

Transport validation

The validator (from the English. Valid - "valid, lawful") is also called a special device, with the help of which electronic travel documents are checked. Thus determine the eligibility of boarding a passenger in the public transport salon. Often the validator is combined with a turnstile. This allows you to save significant money on the organization and control of passenger fares. Such devices are also used to control the passage of employees to the enterprise.

User verification

Validation in a quality management system

The wording in the ISO standard is somewhat slurred and too similar to the definition of “verification”.

“Validation is confirmation based on the presentation of objective evidence that the requirements intended for a particular use or application are met.”

Too academic formulations and not very successful translation confuse the reader. To answer the question: “Validation - what is it?” In simple words, we again turn to the process of producing a product or providing a service. Validation is carried out in relation to a finished product that has already passed verification and meets all the pre-defined requirements. Its meaning is that in the process of validation of the finished product or service they receive confirmation from the consumer that the product or service meets its expectations in specific conditions.

what is the difference between validation and verification

Main difference

What is the main difference between verification and validation?

Verification is a mandatory internal process of checking a product or service for compliance with standards and specifications.

“-Do you have any complaints with buttons?

- Not.

- Do you have any complaints about lapels?


Are there any complaints about the sleeves?


Validation is the process of verifying applicability to the specific conditions of a finished product that has passed verification of compliance with standards and specifications.

“-Can I wear a suit?”

-No you can not".

Product Validation

The main task of verification and validation

The main task of verification is that it confirms the fact that it was possible to produce the right product that abstractly meets all the approved standards and specifications. The main task of validation is to confirm that a product can be successfully used by a specific consumer in such and such specific conditions.

Verification is always carried out, but validation may not be carried out.

Verification and Validation Examples

A drug manufacturing plant will always check whether they meet technical specifications and standards (verification), but there will be no check (whether validation) for these drugs for a particular patient with such a set of symptoms (validation).

The company produces boots designed for country walks.These boots are fully consistent with the specifications, and this is checked for each pair (verification). But whether this footwear is suitable for high-mountain climbing is to be determined separately (validation).

Another example related to almost any enterprise. The technical control department carries out verification, and auditors conduct validation.

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