
Dubrovka clothing market: reviews

It is no secret that in any city there are trading places in which a good half of its residents prefer to shop. In the capital, after the Cherkizovsky market was closed, as well as its counterpart in Luzhniki, the attention of citizens switched to the Dubrovka market. In the reviews of his regulars assure that it is worth coming here exclusively to those who are well versed in the product, do not spare the time to look for it, can bargain well and are not embarrassed by the lack of special comfort on the trading floor.

Most visitors note that this place is very worthy, there are no unsanitary conditions, nor sellers, reminiscent of homeless people in their appearance. Many (both buyers and entrepreneurs) are completely satisfied with the created conditions on the Dubrovka market. Reviews and photos of the malls confirm this.


The Dubrovka market is proudly called the shopping center. In fact, it is an ordinary clothing bazaar. According to the authors of the reviews, the market itself, in comparison with most competitors, is quite neat and quite pleasant. There are not so many truckers snooping around with trolleys loaded with huge bags, there is no unpleasant smell from grocery stalls that is familiar in any market, and there is no special crush in the aisles.

baby clothes

According to the authors of the reviews on the Dubrovka clothing market, it cannot be argued that here, like company stores, maximum attention is paid to the convenience of customers. The visitor will have to carefully inspect any thing they like, as well as weigh how harmonious the price-quality ratio is.

And yet this market, as its regulars assure, is quite suitable for those who want in a calm environment to search for the necessary goods and find a completely high-quality product. However, it should be noted that prices at Dubrovka are significantly higher than in other places.

More about what the Dubrovka market in Moscow is

According to customer reviews, this place is a saving option for those who are catastrophically short of time or not able to stroll through fashion boutiques, choosing a new blouse or a new bag for shoes to match the trousers. After spending some time at Dubrovka, you can purchase pretty high-quality clothes or shoes for all family members. You can give the image a finished look, as well as add sophistication and sophistication to it, by purchasing the necessary accessories or haberdashery products. According to reviews, on the Dubrovka market, all this can be purchased in one place, since various departments are located in the neighborhood. Many consider this a great convenience.

clothing market

The authors of the reviews about the Dubrovka market note that this place includes hundreds of boutiques selling fashionable and high-quality clothes and shoes made from synthetic and natural materials. In addition, in this market there are many departments offering analogues of well-known brands at a fairly attractive price. Naturally, everyone chooses whether to visit a branded boutique or is it better to look for a budget option. Not always the latter means bad.

According to customer reviews, on the Dubrovka market you can dress quite stylishly and fashionably, and, importantly, completely inexpensively. Of course, here, as elsewhere, there are points at which they sell cheap and frankly low-quality goods. But after all, nothing prevents buyers from trying to soberly evaluate how much the quality of the products offered corresponds to its value.

About assortment

At Dubrovka, as buyers assure, you can buy clothes or shoes for any occasion in life. Here they trade:

  • winter and summer clothes;
  • jeans
  • T-shirts and t-shirts;
  • shoes;
  • jewelry;
  • wedding goods;
  • accessories (glasses, belts, watches);
  • bags and clutches;
  • bed linen;
  • hygiene products;
  • electronics and mobile equipment;
  • perfume;
  • toys.

A jewelry exhibition is opened on the territory of the shopping center, where you can see a variety of jewelry made of precious metal and stone. At the exit of the metro there is a second tier leading to rows with electrical goods. At the end of the corridor is a shop selling wedding accessories.

Clothing Pavilion

About pricing

Prices, according to customer reviews, are very different. In other words, according to the authors of the reviews, what quality, such and the price. Turkish-made jeans here cost about 3-5 thousand rubles, and then they can be given for binder (200 rubles. There is a usual fit in length, 300 - the cost of the "original", which preserves the bottom line).

The cost of women's bags made of polyurethane: 500-1500 rubles., Authentic Italian bags (from "Marino Orlandi", "Gilda Tonelli", "Arcadia", "Fabrizio Poker", etc.): from 7000 rubles. Temporary discounts and promotions are often offered. There are online stores.

Prices for Dubrovka.

According to customers, copies of well-known brands (95%) can often be found at Dubrovka: at the same time, the replica is almost no different from the original, but costs a lot cheaper. Many resellers are bought in bulk here and resell the goods, passing it off as original.

In the shopping center "Dubrovka" you can buy goods:

  • women's jeans - for 3 thousand rubles;
  • women's t-shirt - for 500 rubles .;
  • men's shirt - for 1,500 rubles;
  • men's suit - for 14 thousand rubles;
  • sheepskin coat - for 18 thousand rubles;
  • women's ankle boots - for 2500 rubles .;
  • men's sneakers - for 3 thousand rubles;
  • men's leather jackets - 7 thousand rubles;
  • men's shoes - for 35 thousand rubles;
  • women's hat - for 1,500 rubles;
  • men's hat - for 300 rubles .;
  • children's underpants - for 500 rubles .;
  • children's sweater - for 500 rubles.

About the features of the territory

The Dubrovka market in Moscow covers an area of ​​180 thousand square meters. meters. This object could be considered the most ordinary clothing market, if not for its scale. The territory consists of nine shopping arcades, each of which has about one hundred and eighty pavilions. In total, as noted by buyers, about 1,600 trade pavilions operate on the market. Therefore, many reviewers call the Dubrovka shopping center grandiose.

A big plus of the Dubrovka clothing market in Moscow, according to regular customers, is that its entire territory is closed. In addition, the boutiques created relative comfort for choosing goods and trying on. The disadvantage in the reviews is that small outlets are located in a very close neighborhood. Due to the huge traffic of the market, there is a big crowd here on weekends and holidays.

Entrance to the shopping center.

For customers convenience

Visitors to any shopping center are always interested in how previous customers were satisfied with the service and quality of the goods. The Dubrovka market is no exception. Reviews of products presented in such a colossal assortment cannot be unambiguous.

Most often, market visitors are preoccupied with questions: how long did the acquired item please its owners, is there an opportunity for exchange, is there a hidden marriage, and how attractive is the service of the Dubrovka shopping center? Today, potential buyers should be aware that for their convenience a special service has been developed, which is a kind of virtual market double. If necessary, you can gather information on what products are offered by a particular boutique on it, find out prices and read reviews


Shopping center "Dubrovka" is a large complex in the southeast of the capital, including areas for retail and wholesale, warehouses, offices, etc. There are a huge number of shopping arcades with shops and pavilions selling a wide variety of goods.In the gallery of household appliances, you can purchase computers, accessories or other necessary devices. A driving school and a medical clinic are nearby.

Tenants have their own advertising agency offering outdoor advertising services, which in this competition is undoubtedly very important. The convenience of entrepreneurs is also ensured by the presence of warehouses equipped with areas where goods are unloaded and loaded.

Market Dubrovka: reviews.

In the market you can count on the services of a parking lot (guarded). Shopping for boutiques is tedious for many, therefore, in their reviews of the Dubrovka market (Moscow, Russia), visitors are pleased to note that there is a whole network of recreation areas where you can sit in a cafe or bar, dining room, restaurant or diner, wait for a partner, have a delicious and satisfying lunch or just a cup of coffee.

The developed market infrastructure also takes into account the possible needs of people for medical care. In the clinic located on the territory of Dubrovka, if necessary, visitors can expect to receive first aid. According to the authors of the reviews, sometimes it is quite convenient to combine the shopping of one family member with a visit to a doctor by another.

As in any other large shopping center, on the territory of Dubrovka there is a bank branch, an ATM and a payment terminal. According to market guests, this greatly facilitates the resolution of financial issues directly at the place of purchase of the selected product.

Market infrastructure

About operation mode

Opening hours of the trading platform (from 6 to 20), according to many buyers, are quite convenient. You can call here in the morning, while avoiding traffic jams and not being late by the beginning of the working day, or in the evening, before the market is closed. According to reviews, daily, without days off and breaks, buyers are met here by friendly and friendly sellers. On weekdays, the Dubrovka market is quite calm, but on holidays or weekends it is quite crowded.

One of the undoubted advantages

Buyers note as a huge advantage of Dubrovka the presence of a convenient parking lot located next to the market, which allows everyone who came shopping with their personal transport to easily park it. Wholesalers' buses are parked in a designated area.

About location convenience

Convenient location is called another plus of this shopping complex (address: Sharikopodshipnikovskaya St., 13/3).

It is not difficult to find the market by the metro station of the same name. Customers who prefer the subway of all types of movement around the city spend the least amount of time on the way to the market. Having left at the necessary station, they get directly to the main gate. Convenient location of the shopping complex is appreciated both by ordinary buyers and people involved in wholesale purchases.

How to get to the Dubrovka market?

In the reviews, many authors claim that Dubrovka is a market located simply surprisingly conveniently. No matter where the buyer goes, regardless of the type of transport, in any case, the road to the market will be short for him. Visitors to Moscow guests who want to save time on shopping, knowledgeable people recommend that they immediately go to Dubrovka upon arrival.

Dubrovka market

According to visitors, the most convenient way to get to the mall is by metro. Getting to the market by bus or any other public mode of transport (ground) is also easy. You can use buses No. 670, 186, 99, 9, trolleybus No. 26 or tram routes No. 43, 40, 20, 12.

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Reason for complaint
Nai Mike
It was 05/28/19 in the Dubrovka market.
The prices are simply breathtaking !!!
Now, even in stores there are no such prices.
Plus the same unpleasant smell as in the Cherkizovo market. (True, to a lesser extent)
Sellers quickly lose their temper when they realize that they cannot vparit product.
Moreover, most of the sellers, people are far from a pleasant nationality.
In short, tin.
After the market there are discomfort.
I'd rather go to regular clothing stores. Where there are seasonal discounts and sellers are not hucksters.


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