
Is internships included in medical experience for retirement?

Students often wonder if the internship is part of the medical experience, including work experience. Individual responsibility for finding an answer includes people who plan to retire early, but at the same time make maximum payments “for old age”. It’s no secret that the career of a doctor in Russia often forces one to postpone official employment. Students study from 6-10 years, and only then they have the opportunity to work fully. Of course, this phenomenon is not considered good for seniority. Will an internship be counted as official student employment?

Is an internship included in medical experience

The concept of seniority

To begin with, we will understand what a seniority is. This is the total duration of all periods in which a citizen officially worked. This component is extremely important for retirement.

Experience is different. Namely:

  • special (in our case - medical);
  • continuous
  • insurance.

In any case, each medical student must figure out whether the internship is part of the medical experience.

Retirement Impact

The first step is to deal with the work experience as a whole. Until recently, it was extremely important. But for some time now there have been changes in Russia. The pension system has completely changed. This has led to the fact that now for retirement the length of insurance type will be necessary.

What it is? This includes all the periods in which a citizen made contributions to the FIU. In fact, this is what all labor and unearned time periods are called, which are closer to retirement.

Is an internship a part of medical experience for retirement

Without work, but with experience

Is the internship part of the general medical experience? It’s hard to answer. The current legislation of the Russian Federation has many controversial issues.

Therefore, we will start by considering the issue from afar. For pension, as already mentioned, the length of service is important. It will increase not only due to official employment. Other options are possible.

Unearned periods approaching retirement, consider:

  • military service;
  • employment in public service and community service;
  • decree;
  • caring for a small child;
  • supervision of a disabled person or citizen over the age of 80 years.

In addition, entrepreneurial activity can be attributed here. She actually is not considered official employment, but is included in the experience.

Studying and getting closer to retirement

Does the internship include medical experience? And in the labor?

Is an internship a part of a medical record for a category?

It is worth paying attention to the fact that periods of study in Russia are not considered labor as such. The time spent on getting a higher or secondary education will not bring you closer to retirement. Therefore, you will have to have formal employment. The only way to get closer to retirement.

An internship is ...

Now you can find out what an internship is. A similar term describes the training of a future doctor after high school. In simple words - this is practice and theory together. A person will work, gain knowledge and experience, and also learn.

Is internships included in medical experience for retirement? It’s hard to answer. Based on the previously proposed information, we can conclude that the study period will not affect the career of the future doctor. But is it really so?

Work, experience, interns

If you carefully study the current legislation, it will turn out to answer whether the internship is part of the medical experience.

After entering the internship, an employment contract is concluded with the student. Labor relations arise, for a student deductions will be made to the FIU. So, the internship will bring closer to retirement.If it is not considered work, then such insurance is included in insurance periods.

Doctor's career

Is the internship part of the general medical experience? Based on the fact that an official labor contract is concluded with the intern, it follows that the studied period will affect the student's career. And in a positive sense.

Is the internship part of the general medical experience

The period of stay in an internship in Russia is counted in the medical experience. Accordingly, if after training you immediately go to work independently, the citizen will have continuous experience. And this, as a rule, brings you closer to retirement. Some health workers may go on a well-deserved rest ahead of schedule or claim pension benefits.

Category and internship

Health workers are divided into categories. The higher this indicator, the more experienced the doctor is. To advance through the career ladder in the field of medicine, one or another period will have to be worked out. It depends on the category claimed by the employee.

Does the internship include medical experience? This period does not play any role in obtaining a category. It is not taken into account in professional development. Only the next 3 years of independent work in the field of medicine will be taken into account.


Is the internship included in the medical experience of the future doctor? As you can already see, often the answer is yes.

Medical workers of the Russian Federation are entitled to salary increases. They depend on the duration of labor in the chosen direction, as well as on the continuity of experience.

Internship is taken into account when calculating allowances and other medical benefits. And this is despite the fact that in fact a person is a student who learns to work under the guidance of more experienced colleagues.

An exception

But that is not all. Internship is part of the medical experience. That is what many citizens say. And, oddly enough, they are right.

But everywhere you can find exceptions. The thing is that an important role in the answer to the question under study is played by the type of contract with a medical institution when executed as an intern.

Is an internship included in the medical experience of a doctor

Sometimes an agreement is drawn up as an educational service. In this situation, you can clearly answer whether the internship is included in the medical experience of the doctor - no. Why? All this is due to the fact that the medical institution will actually train a person, and the intern will not be listed as an employee.

This leads to a lack of salary, as well as deductions to the PRF. Accordingly, the internship in retirement will not be affected in this situation. More precisely, a citizen will not be close to her.

On accounting for seniority and retirement

We found out whether the internship is part of the medical experience, including labor. The mentioned period is indeed included in the career of the future doctor with rare exceptions.

Upon retirement from a citizen may require:

  • education document;
  • work book;
  • other documents confirming work in the medical field.

Usually an intern concludes an employment contract, and then draws up a work book for him. If the latter took place, simply make the appropriate entry in the paper. Confirming the fact of employment during the internship is easier than it seems.

Is the internship included in the medical experience of the future doctor

Has an agreement been concluded with a person to provide educational services? In such circumstances, there is no need to confirm the fact of labor in medical institutions. After all, as has already been said, these periods of time will not affect either the retirement or the medical experience of the future doctor.

Career features

What is generally included in the medical record? And how does it affect retirement?

The medical experience includes an internship, residency and all periods of official employment as a health worker. Citizens are entitled to a seniority pension.

How much will you have to work out? 25 years - if a person works in villages, 30 - if in cities. For this reason, it is important to understand whether the internship is part of the medical record. Sometimes you can retire at the age of 45-50. This is a completely legal phenomenon.


We have studied all the features related to medical experience, internship and retirement. Now it’s clear in what situations postgraduate education will positively affect the career of a doctor of any specialty.

In fact, everything is simpler than it seems. Accounting internship depends entirely on the type of contract signed with the medical institution. This rule should be remembered by every medical student.

internship is part of the medical experience

You can usually use an internship to receive allowances. And when you receive a category, this period, unfortunately, is never taken into account.

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