
Does the study include accrual of pension

Today we have to find out whether studies are part of the work experience. Indeed, in Russia it is very often almost impossible to study and work simultaneously. Therefore, you have to choose between training and career building. Work experience in itself is extremely important. He brings a citizen closer to retirement. That is why we will consider all its features.

does study include

About experience

Do years of study enter the work experience? The answer is not as simple as it seems. As we have already said, in Russia combining education with work can be problematic. And therefore, many students simply study, and by the retirement age they think about how learning affected their experience.

The experience in the Russian Federation is:

  • insurance;
  • labor.

The latter are found as ordinary discontinuous, continuous, professional (work in specific areas of activity).

All this is extremely important to understand when retiring. More precisely, long before this event. Otherwise, it will be possible to receive only insurance pension payments. And they, as a rule, are very small in Russia, and they are issued later than labor pensions.

About work experience

Does the time of study enter the work experience? To answer a similar question, a citizen must clearly understand what is at stake.

Under the seniority is the total amount of time worked out officially by each citizen. It is recorded in the work book. It is calculated in years, months and days.

During official employment, the employer makes contributions to the FIU for its employees. At the expense of these funds the future pension of the person will be formed.

Does study enter the general work experience?

Length of service

Does study include in the work experience? Some say no. This is due to the fact that during training a citizen does not make deductions to the FIU, and studies are not entered in the work book. Are people who think so right?

To understand this, you have to get acquainted with the insurance experience. Recently, it has become extremely important for all senior citizens.

The insurance period includes all labor and unearned periods in which deductions to extrabudgetary funds per person were made. For some time now, when assigning a pension in Russia, it is insurance experience that has been taken into account. After all, some prefer to work for themselves. Such people usually also make deductions and pay taxes. Accordingly, in the future they have the right to decent state support. But when doing business, for example, activity will not be entered in the work book.

About unearned periods

Does study include in the work experience? To begin with, there are unearned periods that are legally taken into account when retiring. They are offered to be actively used.

This may include:

  • caring for a child under 1.5 years of age or for a disabled person / citizen after 80 years;
  • military service (fixed-term or contractual);
  • detention is unlawful;
  • periods of receipt of benefits from employment centers;
  • living with a spouse-civil servant in areas where there are problems with employment.

This is also attributed to the decree. All this affects the length of service. So, without working, a person can get closer to retirement. Not a word has been said about study.

Do years of study enter the length of service

Study and experience

Does study (full-time) enter the work experience? Not. Such a statement today will be true.

According to the current legislation, the periods of training of a citizen in no way affect the length of service. Years spent in an educational institution can be entered in the work book only subject to official employment.

Exceptions to the Rules

However, this is not all. Does studying enter the work experience? Sometimes you can answer this question positively. When?

In case a person passes residency or graduate school.In fact, the student will learn and work, performing certain job descriptions. And these periods are taken into account when retiring.

As it’s not hard to guess, usually teachers, psychologists, educators and medical workers face such a bonus. They successfully combine their studies with a career, which allows them to approach retirement.

Does study time include work experience?

IP and experience

Now it’s clear whether studies are part of the work experience. For retirement, this issue is extremely important.

More and more often, citizens and even ordinary students decide to do business. This technique allows you to work and learn.

Does the period of study enter the length of service in such circumstances? Not. Only periods of doing business will be taken into account, but they are in no way connected with studies. A person can be an individual student and a student at the same time. Just like a student and an employee. And the periods of work combined with studies will be counted in the length of service.

About retirement

Now a few words about retirement. In Russia, the retirement age for men and women varies. Despite this, everyone thinks about whether studies are part of their work experience.

Women reach retirement age at 55 years, and men at 60. It is during these periods that a retirement pension is provided. Social benefits are issued at 60 and 65 years, respectively. They are laid to those who have not gained enough work experience for state support.

Does full-time study

New changes

Seniority in modern Russia is not as important as insurance. A few years ago, the pension system of the Russian Federation completely changed. Now, for each year of work or the use of unearned insurance periods, a person is accrued pension points. They are needed to obtain a retirement pension.

By 2020, it is planned to raise the bar of insurance for up to 15 years, and the number of pension points to 30-35. At the moment, you must have 7 years and 15 points, respectively.

Despite the fact that the pension system of the Russian Federation has changed, the answer to the question of whether the years of study are part of the work experience has remained the same. This period in most cases does not overlap with retirement age. Therefore, it is worth thinking about official employment as early as possible.

About informal work

Unofficial labor flourishes in Russia. And this is despite the fact that in order to get closer to retirement you have to work only officially.

Does study include work experience?

It is easy to guess that informal employment does not affect employment experience. But they learned to use it for the good.

The thing is that when using unearned insurance periods, it is usually forbidden to work. And do business too. Therefore, some citizens, in order to have at least some wealth, go to work informally. This is a serious violation, but in real life it is very common.

Does the time of study enter the working experience in such circumstances? Not. Even if a person has informal employment, periods of study will not affect future retirement.


A few words about how to properly apply for a pension. Not every future pensioner knows how to bring the idea to life.

In fact, everything is extremely simple. Having reached retirement age, a person must go to the regional FIU and submit an application for the appointment of a pension. Certain documents are attached to it. It is their collection that causes a lot of trouble.

Citizens of Russia upon retirement bring:

  • passport;
  • work book;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • documents on the adoption of newborns;
  • military ID (if available);
  • health certificates;
  • SNILS;
  • statement;
  • statements confirming the use of non-insurance periods (for example, on conducting business).

It's enough. State and military officials additionally present their certificates. They will help to receive an increased pension in the future.

As you can already see, documents on education for the implementation of ideas are not required. The presence of education in a person does not affect retirement.The state is obliged to support, to one degree or another, all disabled people.

Does study for retirement included in seniority


We found out whether studies are part of the work experience. In reality, everything turned out to be much simpler than it seemed.

Previously, training was counted in the experience, but now this rule has lost its significance. To get closer to a retirement pension, you have to combine education with official employment. And no other way. Does study go into the general work experience? Not!

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Reason for complaint
They write this whole LABUD for those who will begin to retire in 2029 or 2030, those who began their work in 2002, and now only those who lived and worked in the USSR retire, and they try to hang on to them Invented by grief by the reformers in 2002, new pension laws are carried out on people who have worked in the USSR from 3 years to 35 years old and carry out their new economic experiments, although the Constitution of the Russian Federation prohibits this, let them conduct it for those who work since 2002 ....... And in the Pension Fund judging by their actions (having worked against people their seniority is mainly in the USSR) fraudsters work because they try to steal part of the seniority earned by people in the USSR and worked according to the laws that were in the USSR, and they are intensely fraudulent trying to prove that the law is retroactive, when it is very necessary to steal part of the experience, and, accordingly, part of the pension ....... ARTHUR - 1.
Sergey Georgievich
The procedure for calculating the length of insurance is established in Art. 13 of Law No. 400-FZ: Why NEVER AND ANYWHERE is referred to in paragraph 8 of this article? And, meanwhile, this paragraph is VERY IMPORTANT for those who STUDY before the adoption of Law 340-FZ of 1990. These people are REFUSED to include TRAINING in the insurance period on the grounds that there is NO TRAINING in the list of “other periods” in Article 11. A, meanwhile, Clause 8 of Article 13 reads: “8. When calculating the length of insurance in order to determine the right to insurance periods of work and (or) other activities that took place before the day this Federal Law entered into force and are counted in the length of service when assigning a pension in accordance with the legislation in force during the period of performance of work (activity), may be included in the already using the corresponding time counting rules provided by such law (including taking into account the preferential order of calculation time), at the option of the insured person. " During the period of the Law from 1956 until the adoption of the Law of 1990, LEARNING WAS INCLUDED IN THE LABOR EXPERIENCE! the Regulation on the procedure for the appointment and payment of state pensions was approved, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 08.08.1956. No. 1044. Subparagraph "and" of paragraph 109 of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 08/04/1956. No. 1044 “On approval of the Regulation on the procedure for the appointment and payment of pensions”, it is stipulated that in addition to working as a worker or an employee, the total length of service also includes studies in higher educational institutions, secondary specialized educational institutions (technical schools, pedagogical and medical schools, etc. etc.), party schools, concurrent schools, trade union schools, labor schools; stay in graduate school, doctoral studies and clinical residency; When assigning old-age pensions, the periods specified in subparagraphs “and” shall be counted in the length of service provided that they have previously worked as a worker, employee or member of a cooperative fishing cooperative or cooperative artel of invalids or a service within the Armed Forces of the USSR or other service specified in subparagraph ” to".Since the period specified in subparagraph “and” is equivalent to the work that followed before and after the end of this period, and the work that preceded and followed the time of study was included in the length of service for the appointment of a pension, the period of study should also be included in the length of service for purpose of pension. Thus, for the period of study at the university, the current legal regulation provided for the inclusion of such activities in the work experience, and further changes in the law cannot serve as a basis for infringement of my rights in the field of pension provision. A different interpretation and application of the pension legislation entails a restriction of the Constitutional right to social security, which cannot be justified by the goals specified in part 3 of article 55 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, for the achievement of which restrictions on the federal laws of human and civil rights and freedoms are allowed. Moreover, EDUCATION before 1990 should be included in the INSURANCE EXPERIENCE! In accordance with Art. 6 of the USSR Law and clause 11 of the Regulation, the payment of pensions is provided by the state at the expense of funds allocated annually from the USSR state budget, including funds from the state social insurance budget, formed from contributions of enterprises, institutions and organizations without any deductions from wages. In accordance with Art. 100 of the Fundamentals of the legislation of the USSR and the Union republics on labor, state insurance of workers and employees is carried out at the expense of the state. That is, while studying at universities, state social insurance was also extended to students. Since the length of service, in accordance with subparagraph "and" paragraph 109 of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of 08/04/1956. No. 1044 “On approval of the Regulation on the procedure for the appointment and payment of pensions” should include a study period, then this period should be taken into account when calculating the length of insurance. The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, by Order of January 29, 2004, N 2-P, established that the norms of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" "in their constitutional and legal sense in the system of norms cannot serve as a basis for worsening the conditions for exercising the right to a pension collateral, including the amount of pension, which the insured person expected before the introduction of the new legal regulation (regardless of whether he has developed a general or special length of service in whole or in part). "
Let's sue! I am ready to fight this disgrace!
in the 70s, the 80s is included in part 8 of article 13 400-FZ, and then pp "and" p. 109 post of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 590
Sergey Georgievich
So far the above has been written no more than just scribble for the sake of scribble. No specifics! Dear writers, you SHOULD write that THOSE WHO STUDYED in the USSR and graduated from the USSR before such and such a year, while they worked BEFORE STUDY - THESE YEARS OF STUDY ARE INCLUDED IN THE EXPERIENCE! In this case, it is necessary to give LINKS to the Federal Law of the 90th year and 2001, the Federal Law of 173, etc. etc. AND IN RUSSIAN SAY that those who STARTED STUDY from such a year - this study is not included in the experience.


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