
Do weekend days go to sick leave? Sick leave rules

Human health is a delicate matter. The disease can overtake at any time, including on a weekend or holiday. And it also happens that a person may need medical help. It is at such moments most often the question arises, whether the weekend is on sick leave. What other nuances are there and how is the calculation made?

Does the weekend include sick days

Disability sheet opening on weekend

Suppose that a person became sharply ill on a weekend or holiday. He will not be able to go to work, which means that he needs to draw up a certificate of incapacity for work.

It’s worth immediately answering the question of whether the weekend is on sick leave. By law, there is nothing to worry about in this design. Moreover, the current legislation does not prohibit the issuance of sick leave on Saturday or Sunday. The patient has the right to go to the clinic at the place of residence, to a private hospital or call an ambulance.

Do not be afraid that on a weekend a sick leave is impossible. Even on a weekend or holiday in the clinic there is a therapist on duty, who has the right to draw up a document. That is, after contacting the on-call therapist, the patient will no longer have to come to the medical facility on a weekday.

Dates of sick leave

The term of the certificate of incapacity for work does not in any way affect the accrual of sick leave. Therefore, regardless of the diagnosis, an ordinary document is issued for a period not exceeding 15 days. If there is no improvement during this time, then the medical commission makes a decision to extend the sick leave. The maximum limit is set at 10 months, but under special circumstances, the period is extended to 12 months.

accrual of sick leave

It is worth noting that paramedics and dentists have the right to prescribe sick leave for a period of not more than 10 days. And ambulance workers, employees of the emergency room and blood transfusion stations do not have the right to send the patient to rest.

Any employee who goes on vacation due to illness should remember the answer to the question of how many days sick leave is paid. The bulletin of temporary incapacity for work is fully covered by the employer, as well as the weekends or holidays that have fallen.

Private sick leave

And if a person undergoes treatment in principle only in private clinics? What should he do in such a situation?

In fact, there is nothing complicated. The question of whether the weekend includes a sick leave, which was discharged in a private clinic, can only be answered in the affirmative. The fact is that the current legislation, again, does not regulate which organizations are entitled to issue a sick leave. And if the institution has a license, then the employer cannot refuse to accept the sick leave.

However, lawyers strongly recommend that you make sure in advance that a particular clinic has the right to write such documents. The fact is that the authorities do not have the right to refuse to take the sick leave, but it may well require a copy of the institution’s license.

It is worth noting that a private clinic also has the right to write sick leave and on a day off. At the same time, there are fewer problems with this than when contacting a government agency, as most private organizations work normally on Saturday and Sunday.

 Does the calculation of sick days off


So, as mentioned above, on average, sick leave is issued for up to 15 calendar days. However, if a person's health worsens, it is possible to extend the document by a medical commission.It is worth noting that this rule does not make any changes in the calculation of the sick-list.

The sheet of temporary disability in the clinic is extended, where it was opened initially. However, if during the illness the patient was sent to another medical institution, then they must close the document in the last hospital where he applied.

The extension of the sick leave occurs only after a full-time examination of the patient.

Renewal sick leave

In fact, there is no difference between extending sick leave on a weekday or a weekend. If the disability certificate was closed on Saturday or Sunday, then the sick leave accrual occurs in exactly the same way.

changes in the calculation of sick leave

On a day off, a therapist on duty can also close the sick leave. As a rule, district doctors do not prescribe weekends for their patients, however, there are exceptions. Reception on the day off can take place if the deadlines for the disability sheet are already "running out" and the patient is facing a medical commission.

Sick pay

So, now it's time to figure out if the weekend is on sick leave?

According to current legislation, the immediate employer of an employee from his own payroll is paid only the first 3 days of the sick leave. Other days, including holidays and weekends, are paid from the FSS, but only if the employee makes deductions there regularly. These are almost all people who work on a “white” salary.

As a result, the question of whether the weekend falls on sick leave can only be answered in the affirmative. The temporary disability sheet must be paid in full and all calendar days are taken into account, and not work shifts.

how many days paid sick leave


Each person wants to know in advance how much will be transferred to him after the closure of the temporary disability sheet.

In fact, the rules for calculating sick leave are quite simple. First, the accountant needs to determine the insurance experience of the employee and his average salary. Seniority can be found through the Social Insurance Fund, and average salary can be calculated. To do this, you need to take the employee’s income for the last year, including holidays and weekends there.

Also, when calculating it is important to take into account one more point. The first three days by bulletin are paid to the employee in full. Subsequent days are considered based on the existing insurance experience. For example:

  • if the work experience is less than 12 months, then the sick leave is calculated from 30% of the average wage;
  • if less than 5 years - 60% of the average salary;
  • if from 5 to 8 years - 80% of the average salary;
  • if more than 8 years - 100% of the average employee salary.

Does the calculation of sick leave include days off? Of course, therefore, sometimes it is even more profitable for an employee to go on sick leave than to lie down at home at his own expense for several days. In addition, it is especially beneficial to get sick on the weekend, so you can cover the costs of medicines with payments.

sick leave calculation rules

It is also worth noting that after recovery, the employee has the right to bring his sheet of temporary disability within six months from the date of its issue. The authorities have no right to dismiss an employee during this period, however, he may not close the timesheet for that period, since he was absent from his workplace due to unexplained circumstances. Payment of the sheet will take place only after its presentation to the personnel department.

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