
VIAM - reviews of employees about the work

Employees reviews about VIAM will interest everyone who expects to work in this company. This is the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials, which requires high-level specialists on an ongoing basis. What opinion has developed about this federal state unitary enterprise for those who already work or previously worked for this company, we will describe in this article.

About the enterprise

Emblem VIAM

Employee reviews about VIAM come in very contradictory. To begin with, it is the largest state-owned material science company, operating since 1932.

Its specialists carry out a full innovation cycle, from applied and basic research, to the creation of high-tech science-intensive industries for the production of new-generation materials, as well as unique technological equipment and semi-finished products.


Employee reviews about VIAM

The company is engaged in the direct development and supply of non-metallic and metallic materials, technological processes, coatings and equipment, as well as protection against biodeterioration and corrosion damage.

The All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Materials constantly enters the market with its own developments aimed at solving problems in the field of machine and aircraft building, energy, space industry, medicine, construction and many other areas.


In the reviews of employees about FSUE "VIAM" it is noted that this is an enterprise with a long and glorious history. It was here that materials science was created, on the basis of the institute the main resource and raw material factories and factories working in the industry developed.

Based on applied and fundamental research, new materials used in industry were mastered. They had to meet the highest requirements for resource, durability and reliability. All this allowed the Soviet Union to take, and then for a long time to maintain a leading position in the global aerospace community.

The institute was established in the summer of 1932. The corresponding Order was issued by the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry of the Soviet Union. In the same year, a laboratory for the corrosion of metals and general metal science appeared, and chromansil steel was introduced into mass industrial production, which made it possible to avoid export in this area.

Shortly before the start of World War II, the latest aviation armor was created, and in 1942-1943, the design of camouflage non-decipherable coatings was introduced into combat aircraft.

The end of the 40s was devoted to the creation of a whole complex of materials, methods and technologies intended for nuclear energy. At the end of World War II, the institute was awarded the Order of Lenin for its contribution to the victory.

After the war

By 1950, the foundations of theories of reliability and strength of metal alloys, multi-electrode corrosion of metals were developed. In 1951, the first titanium alloy laboratory appeared on the territory of the Soviet Union on the basis of the institute. It is believed that from this moment the era of titanium began to develop.

Since the 1970s, fireproof materials for helicopters and airplanes have been developed on the basis of the enterprise. All appeared about a hundred of these options. Since then, the institute has been the only organization on the territory of the entire former Soviet Union that has the entire range of testing equipment designed to evaluate the fire safety of materials.

Since the 1980s, adaptive and intelligent composite polymer materials have been developed. Polymer composites are being widely introduced in aircraft and helicopter manufacturing.

Where is?

The Federal State Unitary Enterprise is located in Moscow at 17, Radio Street.

On personal vehicles it is best to get along the Third Transport Ring, and then turn onto Zolotorozhskaya Embankment.

If you make a choice in favor of public transport, the most preferred option is the metro. You need to get to the station "Chkalovskaya" or "Kurskaya".


Evgeny Nikolaevich Kablov

Currently, the All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials is headed by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Evgeny Nikolaevich Kablov. He holds the position of CEO.

This is one of the most famous scientists in the field of materials science. In 1995 he received a doctorate in technical sciences. This company has been continuously managing since 1996.

Evgeny Nikolaevich is a graduate of the Tsiolkovsky Institute of Aviation and Technology in the capital. He worked at the institute for almost his entire conscious life, starting with the position of an ordinary engineer.

He developed experimental methods and theoretical foundations for controlling surface modification processes. These technologies have allowed several times to increase the life of gas turbine engines. Under his direct supervision, technological and scientific foundations for the production of composite metal and polymer materials, as well as many other alloys, have been created. For example, the development of the fourth and fifth generation of heat-resistant nickel-based alloys is widely known.


Career at FSUE VIAM

The post of the first deputy general director of the institute is held by the doctor of technical sciences Olga Gennadievna Ospennikova.

Also in the structure of the enterprise are four deputy general managers. Candidate of Technical Sciences Vladislav Valerievich Antipov oversees work with metal materials. Another candidate of technical sciences Denis Vyacheslavovich Grashchenkov - with non-metallic. Alexander Igorevich Chizhov is responsible for safety, the solution of general issues is entrusted to Yuri Nikolaevich Shevchenko.

The chief engineer of the institute is Sergey Borisovich Trusov. FSUE branches are led by many young and promising specialists.


Reviews about FSUE VIAM

According to reviews, vacancies in VIAM are almost always there. After all, this is a large enterprise with a large number of employees. So a regular update of frames is required here.

Currently, the institute is waiting for applicants for several dozen positions. In particular, vacancies are open:

  • Deputy Production Manager;
  • quality engineer;
  • milling worker of the 5-6th category;
  • Leading Process Engineer;
  • Head of the workshop of heat-resistant alloys and castings;
  • the driver;
  • clerk;
  • public relations manager;
  • foundry machinery.

Working conditions

All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials

The specific conditions depend on the vacancy you choose. For example, a deputy head of production in the field of non-metallic materials must have a higher chemical-technological or chemical education. Necessarily he should have experience in the chemical industry associated with composite polymer materials.

A milling worker of the 5-6th category can count on a salary of 60 thousand rubles. He will have to process parts of various shapes, including those made of heat-resistant alloys. Five years of work experience on universal milling equipment is required.

Salary of the driver - by agreement. Experience of three years is required. Responsibilities include ensuring safe and comfortable movement of the Institute's employees in Moscow and the region, as well as the transportation of goods.The candidate for this position should have category B, C, D rights, accident-free driving experience of five years, good knowledge of the capital and the Moscow region.


Employee Reviews

You can find a lot of positive feedback from employees about FSUE "VIAM". This enterprise is especially suitable for beginner technical specialists and engineers.

The reviews of VIAM employees also emphasize that the institute has a large number of truly modern equipment, and gaining experience on it will be an invaluable advantage in the future.

The institute really does pay a "white" salary, draws it up in full accordance with labor legislation, since it is a state-owned enterprise.

Despite the existing bureaucratic obstacles, as in every major state institution, the institute is systematically developing. Hardworking employees have every chance of getting decent wages.

Also in reviews of employees about VIAM in 2017, it was especially often noted that there are real career prospects. Around the adequate and friendly staff, there is an opportunity to assist in the development of the modern domestic aviation industry. Workers are provided with a full range of social support.

Of great importance in the reviews of VIAM employees is the fact that the work is interesting and diverse. The team is constantly replenished with talented youth, so I want to develop and grow above ourselves. All this leads to a fairly large number of positive reviews about working at VIAM. Many technical experts dream of getting here, getting a permanent place.

Negative feedback

It should be recognized that there are negative reviews of employees about FSUE "VIAM". In 2017, there were more than ever. Those who have already got a job here, note that often have to deal with outright rudeness, unprofessionalism and bureaucracy.

Getting a decent salary here is really real, but it is not so easy to do it. In reviews of the FSUE “VIAM”, specialists who actually work at the institute argue that there is a system of allowances from which most of the salary is formed.

Almost any task is associated with the execution of a large number of documents, and always in emergency mode. This is the collection of signatures, execution of reports and special forms that are necessary to receive state funding. Moreover, in the case of the slightest mistake, the performer is blamed, who immediately becomes extreme.

The Institute is actively developing a management service, but in fact it has nothing to offer on the market, since all products are very outdated. At the same time, prices are high, and the terms of the contracts are too strict.

Bureaucracy in everything

Most of the negative reviews about the FSUE “VIAM” are connected with the prohibitive bureaucratization of the institute. Criticism is also caused by the fact that management disrespectfully treats personnel as being consumables.

The leadership of the institute is accused by some of nepotism, since the son of Yevgeny Nikolayevich Kablov, Dmitry, plays an increasingly important role in managing a state-owned enterprise. Many are sure that he expects to take his father's place when he retires.

The reviews about VIAM often criticize the leadership for the manner of holding meaningless and protracted meetings for several hours, which attract dozens of employees. At the same time, they are often humiliated by workers and threatened to deprive them of bonuses, which amount to 80 to 90 percent of their salary.

I do not like the fact that the labor contract is concluded urgent, which can be terminated if desired without any consequences. As a result, you can find a large number of negative reviews about VIAM. In 2017, their number increased sharply, to date, this trend continues.

Because of this, even after working at this place for several years, employees are considering dismissal, wanting to find a more stable place with reliable earnings, which would not depend on the whims of the leadership. Therefore, an extremely unstable situation has recently been observed at the institute. It is believed that this is why there are so many new job openings in the labor market. Worthy employees are leaving the enterprise en masse.

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