
Residence permit in Lithuania: design features, necessary documents and requirements

Lithuania is a Baltic country with a mild climate. Previously, it was part of the USSR, and now it is part of the EU. After moving to the state, a foreigner is assigned the status of an EU resident. But this is not done right away. First you need to apply for a residence permit in Lithuania. How to do this is described in the article.

Country Attraction

The Republic of Lithuania, located in the north-east of Europe, is included in the Schengen zone, as well as in the euro zone. Therefore, the country is attractive for those who wish to obtain a residence permit, called a residence permit. What gives a residence permit in Lithuania? Russians go to the country because of the following advantages:

  1. The country is integrated into the pan-European economy, so that its entrepreneurs and firms are excellent business partners. And Lithuania itself is considered a good market for goods.
  2. The country is developed in the legal and economic sphere, therefore, on its territory all citizens can protect themselves and personal property.
  3. The Republic of Lithuania has a rich history, beautiful architecture.
  4. The country provides quality education, which is quoted both within the state and in other countries.
  5. Inflation of a little more than 1% allows you to invest in the country's economy.

Apply for a residence permit in Lithuania when buying real estate. Another permission is required for education, work. For a frequent visit to the country you need a residence permit in Lithuania, but it is not so easy to obtain. The intricacies of obtaining permission are presented in the following sections.


The grounds for obtaining a residence permit in Lithuania depend on the category of permit. It is permanent and temporary. In both cases, the person has the right to restore the citizenship of this country according to the norms established by law. The applicant for residence permit must have the origin of this state. The applicant must be a member of the family of a citizen of the country.

A temporary residence permit in Lithuania is granted for legal employment in the republic. Such permission is issued for the implementation of activities aimed at the development of new technologies. It is also issued to students, as well as to guardians and guardians, teachers, scientists. Temporary permission is issued to persons who cooperate with the investigating authorities to solve a case, as well as to those who, for medical reasons, cannot leave the country.

A residence permit in Lithuania may be permanent. It is issued if previously there was citizenship of the country, but it was lost. Also, permission is issued to the children of a person who is a citizen of the republic. A permanent residence permit is granted upon obtaining refugee status, as well as those living in the country for at least 5 years.

Often a residence permit is issued when buying real estate. In the country you can buy an apartment or commercial property. Of particular interest is the relocation of pensioners from Russia. Some former USSR citizens have family ties to the republic, so they may need to be reunited with their family. They need to confirm a stable financial situation and the availability of real estate.

Temporary permission is required for work. An agreement is concluded with a company registered in Lithuania, and a letter of guarantee for the maintenance of a foreigner is issued. Often attract specialists from rare professions in the field of medicine, programming.For training for a period of more than 3 months, a residence permit is also needed - it is drawn up through a representative office.

Where to go?

How to get a residence permit in Lithuania (residence permit)? To do this, you need to apply with documents to the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This can be done in person. You can also send documentation through the police department, which will forward them to their destination.

It is also known that the procedure for obtaining such a permit does not give a right to be in the country. Therefore, it is required to have either another reason for finding or to extend the previously issued permit until the expiration date.

temporary residence permit


From December 1, 2016, in order to apply to the Migration Service regarding obtaining a residence permit in Lithuania, it is necessary to register in advance on the website epolicija.lt. This procedure is simple, carried out online and takes a couple of minutes.

To pre-register, you need:

  1. Visit the site.
  2. Select the desired section.
  3. Determines the date and time of the visit.
  4. Fill in the fields with the date of birth in the “Note”.
  5. Introduce captcha.
  6. Click on “Reserve”.

After the above actions are carried out, an e-mail is sent to you with a request to confirm registration. You must go to the designated link within an hour after receiving the notification, otherwise the registration will not be completed. At the end, the applicant receives an email confirming the registration and indicating the details of the appointment.


To obtain a residence permit in Lithuania, the applicant must send an application in the established form to the migration service. It is presented as a 10-page form. It is compiled in Lithuanian and Russian. The sections in Russian must be filled in by the applicant, the untranslated section by the representative of the migration service. The volume of fillings is large, but there should not be any difficulties in this, since a comment is attached to each item.

To obtain a residence permit in Lithuania and emigration, you still need to prepare documents. Availability required:

  1. Passport
  2. Confirmation of financial solvency.
  3. Certificates of no criminal record submitted no earlier than 6 months before the time of filing the documentation.
  4. A document confirming the right to obtain a residence permit.

The list of documents for obtaining a residence permit in Lithuania is incomplete for Russians. Representatives of the migration service may request additional. This usually occurs when questions and doubts arise.

All documents submitted must be legalized. This means that they are being translated into Lithuanian, an apostille is placed on them. The latter means that the paper has been checked for compliance.

in lithuania for Russians

Documentation for the child

The permit is issued not only for adults, but also for children if they travel to the country with their parents. You just need to provide his ID, and after 14 years you need a certificate of no criminal record. Confirmation of financial solvency is considered the financial documents of his parents.

How long is the application considered?

The application is considered for 4 months, no matter what permission is issued - permanent or temporary. This period must not be violated under any circumstances. Sometimes a different deadline is set. For persons who carry out activities in highly qualified posts, the application is considered at other times:

  1. When the monthly salary is 2-3 average salaries, then no more than 2 months.
  2. From 3 average salaries and above - no more than 1 month.

Only when identifying missing information is the period extended to eliminate inaccuracies and deficiencies. If the legal requirements of the migration service are not met, there will be a refusal.

In rare cases, the application is considered expedited at the request of the person and the migration authorities (when paying the fee in double size). Then the whole period is reduced by 2 times and is 2 months.

Lithuania real estate purchase


Since 2012, a document that confirms the provision of a residence permit in Lithuania to a person has been submitted in the form of a card with biometric data on electronic media. It is a must.

In order to study, work, purchase real estate, a residence permit in Lithuania is granted upon fingerprints. Still need to be photographed to place the image on the card, as well as on electronic media.

In addition to biometric data and a package of documents for obtaining permission, you need to pay a state fee. Its size may vary depending on the type of residence permit - temporary or permanent. Funds are transferred to one of the accounts of the tax service, the details of which are provided by the migration service.


The validity period of the residence permit is determined by the permit category and the recipient category. A temporary document is provided for 1 year. But sometimes the time is reduced, it all depends on the decision of the migration service. Persons of Lithuanian descent receive this permission for a period of 5 years.

A permanent residence permit has a longer validity period of 5 years. After that, at the request of the person, he can be replaced, and a new 5-year period will be calculated again.

Residence permit replacement

The time during which the document is replaced is 1 month. The application must be submitted in advance, before the expiration of the current residence permit. Extending it is easier than issuing it again.

Before submitting documents, it is required to pay the state fee for the production of cards. To replace the residence permit, you need:

  1. Request.
  2. Residence permit, which must be replaced.
  3. International passport.
  4. Photos - 2 pcs.

They take a new card at the police station, where they applied. The permission obtained provides the right to stay in the country.

getting in lithuania

Permanent Resident Status

Permission for permanent residence is granted for 5 years and can be renewed if citizenship is not submitted. The grounds for issuing permanent residence is:

  • Lithuanian descent
  • maintaining the right to obtain citizenship;
  • residence in Lithuania or another EU country.

In order to obtain permanent residence, an application must be submitted to the Migration Department under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Lithuania or to the department at the place of stay. After 5 years of residence, the right to obtain permanent residence is granted.

Double citizenship

In accordance with the laws of Lithuania, foreigners accepting citizenship must abandon their former. Only for exiled, repressed and refugees from the Soviet regime an exception applies: they can obtain Lithuanian citizenship without giving up foreign.

A similar rule applies to descendants of refugees from the Soviet government. The presence of dual citizenship does not matter. The state just does not consider foreign, and considers the person to be its citizen.

residence permit in lithuania

Reasons for refusal

A list of probable reasons for the refusal of a residence permit is provided in Art. 25 of the Law of Lithuania “On the Legal Status of Foreign Persons”. The number of reasons is large, often due to incomplete or inaccurate documents. Refusal follows in the absence of livelihood, grounds for staying in the country.

A residence permit is not granted to a person with a criminal past or present who is included in the list of undesirable persons in the Schengen territory and for other legal reasons.

how to get a residence permit

A residence permit provides many benefits. This applies to free movement almost throughout Europe (the Schengen area includes 26 countries), for 90 days in each half year. In the country you can conduct business, acquire real estate, open accounts. Therefore, if possible, you should definitely issue such a permit.

Thus, a residence permit in Lithuania must be issued to anyone who wants to be in the country for a while. Permission is necessary for training, employment, and business. The executed document provides the right to stay legally in the country. And if a longer period is required, then you need to take care of extending the permit.

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