
Types and characteristics of innovative enterprises

An innovative enterprise is an organization whose activity is associated with the formation, implementation of innovations into reality. Such companies have a strong impact on society, especially if their activities are truly successful.

enterprise innovation strategy

About terms

The foundation for the enterprise in question is the innovation process, through which the company can introduce the latest research, results of developments, achievements in the field of science and technology into the economic turnover, the market of the country and the world. An important condition for being ranked as an innovation field is the completeness of a project being promoted on the market.

The innovation process that has become the basis for the type of enterprises under consideration can be divided into several successive steps. First, research activities are organized (theory, fundamental). Upon receipt of useful information sufficient for promotion, you can begin targeted research of the area. Do not ignore the marketing component. The company's specialists work on a service, a product that will be presented to the consumer, create technical design documentation, plan a business, conduct market research, improve production facilities so that the most modern product can be manufactured. In some cases, a modernization step is not required. Sometimes it is additionally necessary to create new structures and other large objects. Having completed such preparation, one can proceed to marketing programs through which an innovative product will be promoted among buyers. The next step is to replicate the series, expand marketing services, achieve the planned indicators and capitalize on the received one.

Single case

Not every innovative enterprise organizes its work with the embodiment of all these points. Some firms specialize only in generating ideas and translating them at the level of project documentation, after which they resell developments to other companies. Activities involving the full cycle described require substantial resources, large financial investments, and only a small percentage of the companies present on the market have such.

Given the prevailing realities, innovative companies are those companies that fully cover the described cycle. Of course, small firms have little chance of this. They take into account that the innovation sphere is such that marketing is not limited only to work at the beginning of the process, but constant improvement of the strategy is required up to the successful capitalization of profit. This is due to the specifics of work in the field of the newest, requiring constantly updated, relevant, powerful methods of attracting attention.

Start from the beginning

The basic innovative activity of the enterprise, the foundation for the entire work process is the development of something fundamentally new. This requires a huge infusion of strength, money, time. It is extremely difficult to predict the results of research, even if they spent a lot of resources. For a private enterprise, conducting such an activity is too risky, therefore, in practice, only firms that are fully supported by an impressive percentage of state programs and the budget are engaged in it.

innovative potential of the enterprise

It is beneficial for the state to develop the innovative potential of the enterprise, since such developments in the future will be applicable in the work of various companies in a limited market sector.It also increases the status and prestige of the country on the world stage. It should be remembered that there is a risk of such a situation when innovative research will be successful, but still it will not work to create a product for a wide audience.

Theory and practice

As can be seen from the statistical information, innovative projects of enterprises at the stage of theoretical work in nine out of ten cases fail. The remaining tenth of all developments becomes the basis for the formation of certain ideas, formulas, products — sometimes applicable on the market, sometimes not. Such a roulette is unacceptable for a private enterprise, since the risk is too great, and it is almost impossible to predict the result. Only truly giants of the market can afford innovative projects. The result is estimated in advance as negative, since its probability dominates, and it is already based on this how much the company can afford to carry out such developments, or at the moment there is no potential for this.

The strategic development of the state is closely connected with the innovative activity of enterprises of this country, because it is at the stage of theoretical development - the technical, scientific future of the state, the possibility of progress. The new knowledge that the public gains in the course of such work allows private companies to produce better market products. Through trial and error, optimal and less effective approaches to identified problems are identified. Not for nothing that it has been customary to say recently that information has become much more valuable than the actual product.

innovative project of the enterprise

Close mutual relations

The more efficiently the state apparatus of economic control is debugged in the country, the more support can be given to enterprises specializing in innovative activities that conduct significant fundamental research. When powerful, productive support is organized on the part of the authorities, this positively affects both individual companies and the general state of the state, since all firms and industries are closely connected. Organization, financing of scientific projects determine the results of basic research. Their results, in turn, can be applied to the national economy, even if the original goals were formulated somewhat different and to achieve them you need to continue to study the area. In fact, investing money allows you to get not only a one-time result, but also many side effects. This positively affects the economic level of the state and the quality of life of individual citizens.

By stimulating the innovative development of enterprises, the country's authorities thereby positively affect the general level of entrepreneurial culture within the state, and support the economy of the region where the company is based. In many respects, the success of research is determined by the effectiveness of the innovative infrastructure that currently exists.


In relation to the management of innovative enterprises, this term obliges to analyze:

  • rules, laws, regulations;
  • innovation market, demand activity for its products;
  • a network of firms that commercialize new developments and capitalize on profits made through this;
  • centers organized to service, advise participants in innovative production;
  • services providing intermediary services;
  • organizations importing new products;
  • enterprises for the sake of achieving innovative companies that implement a wide range of services (coordination, transportation, management, audit and others for a fee).
innovative enterprise organization

To know and be able

Analyzing modern examples of innovative enterprises (and several dozens of them are represented within our country only within the framework of the Skolkovo science city), one can notice: only a legal entity that has provided itself with a high-quality staff in advance will succeed.Without a worthy team, it is impossible to succeed even in the best conditions, given the infrastructure and strong state support. The staff involves not only researchers, specialists in a particular field of science, but also managers who can promote and organize the work process, engineers who translate theory into practical solutions. All employees of the company must adequately perceive the new, strive to participate in the process of creating, promoting new products.

When analyzing small innovative enterprises, it should be recognized that the human factor has recently become more and more significant and comes to the fore. Many management specialists note that for a number of firms it was he who was decisive in the achievement of success by enterprises. It is known that the commercial value of a company often does not so much depend on the brand’s popularity, on the availability of property, but on hired personnel. It is predicted that in the future the significance of this factor will only grow. People involved in innovative processes are the main aspect that determines the quality level of developments, their implementation and profit through them.

Who is better?

Recently, innovative strategies of the enterprise are increasingly becoming the basis for a comparative analysis of various legal entities. In order to correctly evaluate different companies, it is necessary to identify the activity coefficient. Similar calculations can be made for a country in order to understand the extent to which the country as a whole is innovative and successful in this area.

When determining specific indicators, it is necessary to take into account how many new solutions it was possible to implement during the considered time period and how many proposals for the same period were received, how many solutions were patented. Similar indicators are calculated for the analyzed object (company, state) for the entire period of the existence of this object. The percentage ratio of the obtained indicators reveals the innovative activity of the subject.

example of an innovative enterprise

Older and younger

Speaking about the innovation policy of enterprises, states, analysts propose to divide into micro, macro levels. This allows you to compile more correct analytics, better reflecting the real situation. Macroeconomic innovation mechanisms are largely determined by the potential of the state as a whole, promoted by economic policy. The microeconomic level is the activity of a particular enterprise. Here much is controlled by how large the stock of the company is, how successful financial management is, what are the prospects in comparison with competing organizations. In many respects, success will be determined by the spiritual needs of the general public, for which the company’s product is designed.

Present and future

Within our country, innovative economic and entrepreneurial activity has been declared a key concept, the active promotion of which is planned for 2020, although the project is likely to be extended further. Updated technologies, fundamentally new knowledge become the foundation for creating the competitive advantages of the state as a whole. This allows the country to develop, improve the economic sphere in various aspects. In relation to small firms, technological transfer is the fastest, which requires particular attention to be paid to this particular level. Currently, it is customary to talk about MIP - small innovative enterprises.

MIP is the main element that provides a link (direct, reverse) between production facilities and scientific departments. Analyzing the most high-tech options for economic development, it can be noted that MIP is the most active, dynamic, rapidly improving sector. He was the first to respond to market needs.MIP is often in a vulnerable position, which is associated with risks when working with new products, fundamentally new technologists, who first appeared on the market. The similar nature of entrepreneurial activity makes the market segment dynamic: some companies disappear, others form.

How to survive?

The most obvious, effective option is to get government support. If you manage to dislodge budget financing, the risks are sharply reduced. At the same time, MIP's success is infrequent, since there are not enough financial means in the budget. This question was first raised more than half a century ago as part of the largest conference in America, where aspects of research, both fundamental and relevant for industry, were examined. Even then, analysts calculated how high the costs of achieving a successful result are. Since then, the situation has only become more complicated.

innovative activity of the enterprise

Counting on the innovation sector, it is worthwhile to understand in advance that, at best, it will be possible to reach the payback point only a few years after the start of business. Often a period is measured in decades. The lower the term, the more interesting the MIP is for the investor, but there is also feedback. If the projected period for reaching at least a payback is quite long, the only chance for the company to succeed is the availability of state sponsorship.

The realities of the domestic economy

MIP in our country can be divided into two categories:

  • independent enterprises;
  • formed at the research institute.

The predominant percentage is companies founded by employees of research institutes and universities. Belonging to a research institute provides a number of advantages. It is possible to defer payment of rent of premises, housing and communal services, use the existing base for research and experimentation. MIP will have at its disposal the existing relations of the institute: partner, client. At the same time, the company gains access to the brand, the potential associated with research. But there are quite a few independent enterprises. Such can survive only if it was possible to choose a subject of work that is not only knowledge-intensive, but also in demand. Finding the best niche is often a daunting task for beginners.

innovative activity of the enterprise

Change: are they coming?

The described situation has long been the subject of attention of analysts, economists, specialists in economics and science. The best option for the development of the situation is the adjustment of the balance of forces, an increase in the share of independent IIPs, but this is possible only with the introduction of a new national system through which science and business will become mutually beneficial partners. If the results of R&D will be easier to commercialize, it is highly likely that the sphere will begin to actively develop. Currently, the country's authorities are taking measures to stimulate the IIP through various social programs.

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