
Types of instructions on labor protection - description, features, procedure and sample

Consider the main types of instructions for workers on labor protection. What it is? This implies a special set of measures that are aimed at the achievement of safety by employees of the enterprise during the implementation of the work process. This procedure can be implemented through the organization of various lectures, consideration of errors, demonstration of visual aids, technical and reference books, notes, etc.

types of safety training

There are several types, depending on the time of its purpose and focus. Based on this, the following types of training on labor protection are distinguished - introductory, primary, repeated, internship, unscheduled, and also targeted.

About Introductory Briefing

This type of briefing is carried out with all persons hired, as well as with employees of third-party organizations who temporarily perform work duties in the new area. This also applies to employees seconded to this organization, students who take internships in it, and other people who can directly participate in the work process of a particular enterprise.

Introductory briefing should be carried out before the employee performs his duties in the office of labor protection or in a special room designated for this, which is equipped with all necessary technical training tools and literature.

Special program

This type of instruction on labor protection is carried out according to a special program, which is developed on the basis of regulatory acts, and takes into account the specifics of the activities of this enterprise.

types of briefings for labor protection workers

Usually it is carried out by a specific labor protection specialist or other employee of the organization who is entrusted with these duties, and who passed a special test of knowledge of the legislative acts regulating this process.

The fact of the conduct must be confirmed by means of a special entry in the registration journal, where the signatures of the instructor and the person who went through this procedure should be recorded.

Primary briefing

What other types of training on labor protection are carried out? The initial briefing is advisable to carry out before starting work with the following categories of workers:

1. With those who are hired initially, as well as with employees who carry out their direct activities under an employment contract concluded for a period of up to 2 months, or with employees performing part-time seasonal jobs, as well as at home using certain tools that were issued by the employer.

2. With employees of the enterprise who were transferred from one unit of the organization to another, or those who perform a new type of activity for them.

3. With employees seconded from another organization, as well as with students who undergo practical training at this enterprise.

4. With people who perform construction and installation work in this organization.

types of briefings on safety and labor protection

Who is doing it?

This type of event is usually carried out by the heads of structural units for special programs developed in accordance with the requirements of the law, as well as regulatory acts of a particular enterprise and other documentation of an operational and technical nature.What types of briefings on labor protection are, not everyone knows.

The initial briefing procedure includes measures to familiarize employees with production factors that pose a risk to their health, study all existing requirements and certain documentation.

Initial briefing is usually carried out with each employee of the organization individually, but in some cases it can be given to a group of people who work with the same equipment.

This process ends with a test by the person who instructed the knowledge and skills of workers and students in the field of occupational safety.

This event is conducted by the head or head of a specific structural unit of the enterprise, who has undergone specialized training in technical and industrial safety, after which all information is recorded in a special registration journal.

The types of briefings on labor protection and the procedure should be known to each head of the enterprise.

what types of labor safety briefings are conducted


This event is held with the same categories of workers as the initial briefing. All employees of the enterprise after this procedure are required to undergo an internship, which is usually led by persons appointed for this by order of the head of this organization.

The internship is carried out according to special programs that vary depending on the profession and type of work. This type of instruction on labor protection is given once for each employee, however, when transferring to another position, the internship is repeated.

Admission to duties

Workers are allowed to fulfill their permanent duties only after completing an internship, as well as checking all the necessary skills and knowledge.

The internship is carried out by the employee of the enterprise who is appointed to carry out such actions by special order or order, and the fact of the conduct is recorded in the journal in the form of signatures of employees who completed and completed the internship, as well as the number of shifts, start and end dates.

A second type of safety training

The circle of persons in relation to whom this type of briefing is conducted does not differ from those listed for an introductory and primary event of a similar nature.

what types of safety training

Repeated briefing should be carried out at least once every six months, and for employees of certain specific professions even more often. The event must comply with all the standards provided for the organization of the initial briefing.

With the help of this event, employees are introduced to production factors that pose a particular danger to them, and the requirements for the protection and safe organization of labor are contained in the regulatory enactments of the enterprise, technical documentation, various safety instructions and manuals.

Individual work

This type of briefing is carried out with employees individually or in a group manner, in cases where they use similar equipment and have a common workplace to carry out their work duties. The second briefing ends with a test of the skills and knowledge of each individual employee and the corresponding entries in the register.

It is carried out by the head of work or the head of the structural unit of the enterprise.

Unscheduled briefing

This is a commonly used type of labor safety briefing. Its order is similar to primary, introductory and repeated.

Unscheduled briefing is organized due to exceptional reasons, which are:

one.The introduction of new legislative acts that contain requirements for the safe organization of labor, or instructions for its protection, as well as changes to existing regulations governing this process.

2. Change of some technological processes, as well as equipment modernization, its replacement, etc. This also applies to other devices of a similar nature.

3. In case of any violations by employees of labor protection requirements, in cases where such violations created a certain threat of negative consequences (accidents, accidents, etc.).

4. At the request of some officials exercising state control and supervision.

5. During breaks in the work process. For some types of hazardous or harmful production, this period is 30 days, for other types of work - 60 days.

6. By own decision of the head of the organization.

types and terms of labor protection briefings

This kind of briefing is carried out individually or with a certain group of people of the same profession. The scope of this event, as well as its content, depends on the circumstances and reasons that necessitated its holding. Such briefing is usually carried out in full, as well as primary, directly at the workplace. It ends with an oral examination of certain knowledge acquired by employees during the event and skills related to the safety of work organization in the workplace.

Who is doing?

Unscheduled briefing is carried out by the immediate supervisor of specific works, or the head of the organizational unit of the organization (foreman, foreman, director, mechanic, etc.), who has been trained in labor protection requirements.

The fact of an unscheduled briefing should be recorded in the registration book, where the signatures of the instructed and the instructor must be affixed. The reason for carrying out this labor protection measure should also be indicated here.

Target briefing

This type of briefing on safety and labor protection, as a rule, is carried out with everyone who is going to carry out one-time work, which:

  • not related to the direct duties of a particular employee in his specialty (for example, cleaning the territory, loading, one-time work outside the organization or its specific division);
  • liquidation of consequences of catastrophes, accidents or various natural disasters;
  • when performing work for which an admission order or a certain permit must be issued;
  • organization of excursions at the enterprise;
  • holding mass events.

Targeted briefing is usually carried out before the start of activity with a group of employees who are to carry out this activity, or with an individual employee. The content of this event, as well as its volume, is determined depending on the circumstances and reasons in connection with which it became necessary.

A briefing of this kind is completed by verbal testing of skills and knowledge that were acquired by employees in the process of its implementation. The types and terms of instructions on labor protection must be clearly observed.

Targeted briefing is provided by the immediate head of the enterprise unit, whose employees are going to engage in a new type of activity. This person must be sufficiently qualified and trained on labor protection requirements.

The fact of conducting this type of briefing must be confirmed by the corresponding entry in the admission order.

What does the extract from the briefing journal look like? A sample is provided below.

In cases where an enterprise employee was absent from the workplace for any reason during any of the varieties of labor safety briefings, then this event should be organized on the first day of his appearance at work.

Negligence is unacceptable

A negligent attitude to all established rules for organizing, conducting and attending a briefing leads to certain negative sanctions.

types of briefings on labor protection

At the same time, it is erroneous to consider that frequent briefings have a positive effect on the work and the process. The safety instructions provided to employees of the organization must meet the requirements of conciseness, and their number and frequency should not interfere with the employee's performance of his job and production duties. These measures should fulfill their direct function of labor protection, but no more.

We examined the conduct of safety training and types of training.

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