
Types of marketing depending on demand. Conversion, incentive, supportive marketing. Types of Demand and Marketing Tasks

Modern marketing is nothing more than one of the main disciplines for professional participants in market relations, among which are employees of the advertising field, retailers, managers of the production of branded and new marketable products, marketing researchers and so on. One way or another, they need knowledge about the description of the market and its classification into segments; assessing the needs, demands and preferences of consumers within the target market; design and testing of marketable products in order to identify consumer properties necessary for the market: to convey to consumers through price the main idea of ​​the value of a marketable product; the selection of skilled intermediaries in order to achieve widespread availability of goods; advertising and sales of marketable products in such a way that consumers wish to buy it.

Types of Marketing According to Demand

types of marketing according to demand

The nature of demand is an explicit criterion for classifying the marketing system into the following groups:

  • Developing.
  • Conversion.
  • Synchrome Marketing.
  • Remarketing
  • Incentive Marketing.
  • Demarketing
  • Counter marketing.
  • Supporting marketing.

Examples Each of the presented types of marketing can be considered in the process of familiarization with the materials of this article.


conversion marketing

To begin with, it would be advisable to study the conversion type of marketing as an independent category in the marketing system. It is important to note that conversion marketing used in case of negative or negative demand. The market is in a state of demand of a negative nature when a significant proportion of potential consumers do not like commercial products. Thus, society agrees on costs only in order to avoid its acquisition. A vivid example in this case is poor-quality commercial products or the services of an unscrupulous dentist). Among the reasons negative marketing demand The following items are highlighted:

  • The harmfulness of marketable products to human health.
  • The output of marketable products from fashion.
  • The presence of unpleasant sensations in the case of consumption of a marketable product.
  • Negative image inherent in a commodity manufacturing company.

The main objective of marketing in this case is to analyze the situation and answer the question: for what reasons cannot the market overcome hostility to marketable products and is the development of a new marketing plan or program capable of changing the negative attitude of the market, for example, by improving a marketable product, reducing prices, more active promotion and advertising?


stimulating marketing

Among the relevant today types of marketing according to demand An important role is played by the stimulating option. It is important to note that it is used provided that there is an absolute absence of demand from consumers. Under such circumstances, the latter may not show interest in commercial products or may feel indifference to them. Among the reasons for the lack of demand, it will be appropriate to highlight the following provisions:

  • Lack of information about the product.
  • The novelty of marketable products.
  • The utmost mismatch of the sales market
  • Loss of value of a marketable product.

Task promotional marketing in this case, the identification of methods for linking the benefits inherent in marketable products with the natural needs and interests of man. It is important to note that the main elements of the marketing variety under consideration here are the following elements: a fairly sharp decrease in current prices, an increase in the advertising campaign and other ways of promoting a product.

Remarketing and Developmental Marketing

 demand curve

In analysis types of marketing according to demand It’s worth noting remarketing. It is used in case of declining demand for the product. The reasons for such a serious situation are the following points:

  • The decline in the quality characteristics of marketable products.
  • The appearance on the market of substitute products.
  • Moral aging of marketable products.
  • Decrease in prestige of a product.

Demand curve in this case, it has a negative slope, and the marketing task is nothing more than an analysis of the reasons for the drop in demand from consumers, an assessment of the prospects for its recovery, and the development of a set of measures related to the revival of demand.

Developing marketing is used in the case of latent demand, which occurs when a consumer desire appears, which cannot be satisfied through marketable products. The objective of the presented type of marketing is the timely identification product demand, assessment of the size of the future (potential) market, as well as the formation of effective marketable products (services, works) at a new, highest quality level. Such a product should fully satisfy consumer demand, in other words, it is necessary to turn it from an imaginary (potential) to real (real) one. Among the tools of developing marketing, it is important to note the following points:

  • Development of products that meet new consumer desires (needs).
  • Application of advertising.
  • Transition to a new level in terms of product quality in order to fully satisfy consumer demand.
  • Formation of the image of a product focused on certain consumer groups.

Synchromarketing and supporting marketing

demand for products

In addition to the above categories, the system types of marketing according to demand contains synchromarketing. It should be noted that it is used for fluctuating or irregular demand. In this case, sales fluctuate on an hourly, daily and seasonal basis. The main objective of synchromarketing is nothing more than finding methods to smooth out the fluctuations in the distribution of demand over time through flexible prices. It is important to add that the most effective tool that somehow relates to the presented category is the alternate transition to different market segments, for example, in accordance with the geographical factor.

One of main types of marketing is a supporting option. It is used in case of full demand. Here, consumer demand is fully correlated with the capabilities of the company, which is certainly satisfied with its own results, that is, trade turnover. The key objective of marketing in this case is to maintain the current level of demand for as long as possible (despite the fact that consumer preferences tend to change rapidly, and competition intensifies over the years). In addition, it is necessary to identify tools to maintain demand, among which the following items:

  • Price policy.
  • Modernization of commercial products.
  • Changing the conditions for the sale of goods.
  • Check the appropriateness of the costs relevant to marketing operations.
  • Product advertisement.

Demarketing, selective and general marketing

It is important to note that demarketing is used in case of excessive demand for marketable products.Under such circumstances, the level of consumer demand is continuously and significantly increased when compared with the capabilities of the company. So, often the company is not able to fully satisfy the demand from consumers. The goal of demarketing is nothing more than reducing demand to a certain limit. The main methods here are the following options:

  • Termination or reduction of advertising.
  • The increase in prices for a commodity product.
  • Issuance of licensing permits to other entities.

Selective marketing should be understood as demarketing, which seeks to reduce the level of consumer demand in those market shares that bring less revenue or require less service. It is important to note that demand curve in the cases presented is similar. Under general marketing, it is advisable to consider demarketing, which seeks, through price increases, as well as weakening efforts related to stimulating and reducing service, to bring down excessive consumer demand.


What type of demand does synchromarketing use?

You need to know that counteracting marketing is used in case of irrational demand, which creates an indispensable threat to the well-being of society or the safety of its individuals. Vivid examples here are product categories such as tobacco, alcohol or weapons. The task of marketing under such circumstances is the elimination or maximum reduction in consumer demand. Among the tools used, it is important to highlight the following options:

  • Restriction or prohibition of advertising.
  • Price increase.
  • Limit the availability of marketable products.
  • Anti-advertising.
  • Creation of public opinion on the part of consumers, directed in a negative direction.

Types of Demand and Marketing Tasks

Having fully considered the features of all types of marketing in accordance with the demand criterion, it would be advisable to determine their relationship. So, with negative demand, it is necessary to form it. In this case, conversion marketing is used. Under these circumstances, the majority of potential consumers prefer the rejection of a particular marketable product, regardless of its quality characteristics (for example, a product is out of fashion). Conversion marketing here is primarily in the development of a specific plan to ensure the creation of consumer demand, as well as sales promotion.

If there is a lack of demand, it is advisable to apply stimulating marketing. In this case, the opinion of potential customers regarding the proposed commercial products is completely indifferent. So, a program of this type of marketing should take into account the specific reasons for such incomprehensible consumer behavior (for example, complete ignorance on the part of consumers of the possibilities of marketable products).

With potential demand, you need to turn it into real through the use of developing marketing. For this, it would be advisable to create a fundamentally new product that will fully satisfy the needs of consumers in new consumer areas or at a new level in terms of quality.

What other situations are there?

main types of marketing

What is the demand for remarketing? Its application is appropriate when demand decreases and there is a need for its restoration. It’s important to note that remarketing principles converge to identify new opportunities in order to revitalize demand. A striking example here is the giving of marketable products to marketable products.

What type of demand does synchromarketing use? This kind of category refers to fluctuating demand. Under such circumstances, it is somehow necessary to stimulate it. By the way, seasonal trade in this or that product can serve as an obvious example in this case.It should be noted that in order to stabilize consumer demand, it is necessary to clearly present favorable needs, while others need to be muffled. Such behavior will allow the service engaged in ensuring the creation of demand and sales promotion to carry out appropriate activities as opposed to fluctuations in consumer demand.

How else can demand behave?

If demand is in full accordance with supply, then it is necessary to stimulate it. In this case, supporting marketing is used. Under such circumstances, as a rule, marketable products of competitors appear on the market that can satisfy similar consumer desires, which in one way or another will lead to a decrease in demand.

With excessive demand, it is advisable to lower it. This is where demarketing is used. It is important to note that the inability to satisfy a high level of consumer demand entails a number of negative consequences. What to do in this situation? In the case presented, a substantial increase in prices, limitation or termination of the advertising campaign, and so on.

Finally, with irrational demand, it becomes necessary to reduce it to zero. Counter-marketing is used here. Such a situation is relevant when demand is clearly contrary to the public interest (for example, tobacco or alcohol). Thus, counteracting marketing involves stopping the production of marketable products, withdrawing them from trade, as well as implementing a campaign against this product and, of course, its consumption.

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