
Types of medical services (simple, complex, complex). Health care

Currently, the legislation of the Russian Federation regulates managerial relations in the field of healthcare. However, much less attention is paid to protecting patients. It should be noted that the provision of medical services depends entirely on the regulation of legal relations between doctors and patients. For his part, the patient must comply with all the doctor's prescriptions. It is also important to adhere to the established regime of any type of medical services.

An administrative contract is characterized in that its participants are not equal. This law also regulates relations and liability for non-fulfillment of conditions. All disputes between the subjects of the case are examined in an administrative order. The objects of civil liability can be considered medical advice and services. Moreover, they are often provided only for a certain fee.

Medical checkup

Simple services

There are several types of services. It is about simple, complex and complex. The first refers to an elementary service that is not divided into a certain number of stages. As it can be a complete cycle of prevention or diagnosis / treatment. Accordingly, one specialist is involved. For example, an institution of a medical history, a clinical trial, or a procedure should be called a similar service.

When the cost of this type of medical service is calculated, the technological standard is taken into account. That is, we are talking about the time spent on this procedure. It also includes the price of drugs, the amount of medication consumed, and so on. Some simple services are not recalculated every time, the standard cost is used. It is described on invoices available to any consumer.

Complex service

Here we are talking about simple medical services that require certain personnel or special equipment, as well as the use of medical facilities. The formula “patient + equipment complex” is applied, which equals one of several stages of treatment or diagnosis. For ambulance, this type of trip will be considered the departure, during which the survey was carried out. In dentistry, each stage of treatment is a separate medical service of a complex type. In a hospital, as a rule, such can be called the full cycle of a person’s stay in a hospital.

Periodic medical examinations

Comprehensive medical service

This is a set of complex or simple services that end with a prophylaxis or a diagnosis. Also, the final development of this procedure can be called obtaining the result of a certain stage according to the formula "patient + simple + complex service".

Additional concept

In order for anyone to understand what a simple medical service is, as well as complex complexes, he should understand some of the terms. Medical assistance is an event that includes not only services, but also organizational and technical actions, drug provision, and so on. It is carried out in order to maintain the health of the population and improve it.

Reception is a doctor’s action. Within its framework, prevention is carried out, in which the complex or complex medical service is used. It is performed by the patient in order to understand the general condition of the body. If necessary, they begin to treat the syndrome found.

With regards to the dispensary reception, this, again, is the doctor’s actions, which are a complex or complex service. It is carried out in a patient lying in the hospital under medical supervision due to a chronic disease.

Another type of reception is preventive. Here, events are held in order to protect the patient from any diseases. It is a complex or complex service.

A few more concepts

Nursing care - procedures that are consistent with a specific action plan. At the same time, only medical personnel with a diploma of secondary education can perform them. Such a service is considered complex or complex. This procedure is aimed at preventing or treating and identifying a syndrome.

A set of studies is the special actions of medical personnel, and these may be laboratory workers, doctors, surgeons, and so on. This procedure is a complex service or a complex service that is performed in order to make a diagnosis or carry out the final stage of treatment. Sometimes studies are needed to conduct quality prevention.

Medical Advice

Service list

Next, we consider what procedures at the legislative level are paid. The most popular should be highlighted:

  • surgical treatment of any abnormalities;
  • organ and tissue transplantation;
  • surgery due to severe illness;
  • therapeutic examination of inflammatory diseases that are associated with the skin, thyroid gland, digestion and so on.

This list also includes hereditary diseases. Combined treatment of osteomyelitis, as well as tumors, inflammation of the pancreas, exacerbation of diabetes, and so on, are also considered a certain category of services. This should include nursing of children who were born with a mass of less than one and a half kg, infertility treatment, as well as the procedures necessary for the recovery of a person with burns of 30% or more.

The price of medical services is quite different, it can range from several thousand to several tens of thousands.

Simple medical services

Free services

As free services should be called planned hospitalization, emergency medical care, which can be carried out with the use of complex and unique means of treatment, people with incurable diseases. Abortion, pregnancy and childbirth are also considered free. Intensive care will be available to a person if he has an exacerbation of disease, poisoning or injury. Emergency and outpatient care are also free.

If you need a general list of medical services, then you should contact the insurance company. There, the consumer will be shown the maximum list of free services, as well as telling where a person has the right to get cheap medicine.

Comprehensive medical service


One of the main types of medical services should be called an ambulance. Any person can use it for free, even if he does not have a policy or, for example, is not a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Many people complain: the emergency carriage takes too long, but few people know that there are two types of service described. This is an emergency, as well as an ambulance. Which type will be sent specifically to each patient, the dispatcher decides.

An ambulance will arrive within 20 minutes if a person needs urgent help and his life is in serious danger. Also, if the patient has an injury, burns, and so on. Emergency care deals with the same cases, but it is sent to the address if almost nothing threatens the life of a person. Such a carriage has the right to arrive within two hours.

Regular Examinations

This is important for those who work with hazardous or harmful substances. They not only negatively affect a person’s life, but also its duration.To reduce the incidence of work-related injuries, every employee of such an enterprise must undergo periodic medical examinations.

A mercenary is fully responsible for labor safety. It is he who is entrusted with the duty to check and organize the timely passage of the examination when hiring or during the period of the implementation of production activities. This directly regulates the legislation.

Next, it must be said that a periodic medical examination is a set of measures that allows you to identify a pathological disease in a person, and also, as part of it, preventive measures are taken in order to prevent the occurrence of any diseases. It is also important to know another nuance. For each type of profession, certain dates are set in which it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

Some factors should be mentioned as prerequisites for a doctoral examination: chemical, biological, and physical. To them must also be added the severity of labor and its intensity. If there is at least one of the above factors in the work, then the person should undergo a physical examination at least once a year.

In order to take a vacancy, you must undergo a medical examination. So the hirer finds out in what condition the person is and whether it is possible to take him to dangerous work.

List of medical services


Before sending an employee for periodic medical examinations, several things must be done. First, you need to make a list of employees. These are regulations that contain information about the professions of each employee. A sample of this form is not provided, but it is clearly stated that this document should include the profession of a worker and the name of all factors that can affect the state of human health. Here, at the discretion of the employer, you can make any other factors. As a rule, the list of contingents is approved once until the company makes various changes. Ready documents should be sent for inspection to Rospotrebnadzor.

Name lists need to be developed no later than two months before the date of the physical examination. The working experience of the person should be indicated. It should also be noted that a periodic medical examination should be carried out at least once every two years, if we are talking about an educational institution, and once every five years at the center of occupational pathology. Lists for the latter are provided separately.

It is also necessary to say that people who work in schools, kindergartens, colleges and universities need to be screened for infectious diseases, bacteriological and STDs. At the same time, such a study should be carried out at least 4 times a year. Laboratory tests and fluorography should be done once every 360 days.

Complex medical services


If a person works in the food industry, food trade or in the structure of public catering, then he needs to be screened for infectious diseases, STDs, they are also checked for the presence of staphylococcus and other viruses at least 2 times a year. Fluorography, a physician's consultation, and parasite tests should be taken every 360 days. Medical advice is important.

If a person works in a pharmacy or in non-food trade, then he needs to be examined every year by a dermatovenerologist, therapist. You should also do fluorography, take laboratory tests.

In the event that a person works in the pool or in public services, a couple of times a year he needs to be checked for STDs and once in the same period undergo a type of medical service such as a standard medical examination.

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