
Types of hunting: description, features and interesting facts

Hunting accompanies a person the whole history of his existence, as it helps to feed and survive. This craft is the oldest. Initially, it was a necessity, but over time it turned into a passion for the nobility. Today, not everyone accepts this type of pastime, but those who want to show their skills are among different layers of the population. The outfit of the hunter and his equipment depends on what methods of hunting will be used. Types of hunting and their features are described below.


With the passage of time and the advent of new weapons, some variants of hunting disappear, for example, the falconry, once popular in Russia. Today it is shown only as entertainment for tourists. It is no longer used for regular game catch.

According to the laws in force in the country, the following types of hunting are distinguished:

  • In order to move animals to new conditions (semi-free or artificially created).
  • For resettlement, acclimatization and so on.

These options can only be carried out by trapping animals. The same law also lists the main types of hunting that can be carried out by shooting or trapping hunting resources. Among them:

  • Sports hunting.
  • Amateur.
  • Fishing.
  • Educational or research.
  • In order to reduce the population of wild animals.
  • To maintain the traditional lifestyle and culture of some indigenous peoples of the North.
Types of winter hunting

The most common options

Hunting can be divided into two main types - gun and canine. Each of them has its own characteristics and is divided into several options. In our country, such fishing differs from world concepts by the characteristics of the climate and the species of wildlife on which fishing is carried out, so each should be considered in more detail.

Gun hunting

This type of fishing can be carried out in the following ways:

  • With hounds or one gundog.
  • Round-up.
  • With mank.
  • On stuffed.
  • On flights.
  • From the approach or porch.

Of course, the most spectacular and fascinating for hunters is the extraction of game with the help of dogs. This process is carried out with one gundog, mainly on the bird, which the dog brings after the shot to its owner.

The concept and types of hunting

Hunting with a group of dogs is no less exciting, but the process requires a lot of preparation.

The roundabout method always involves the participation of a large number of people. It is possible to get this way both large and small animals, depending on the level of training of the participants.

The remaining types of hunting can be used individually (in one person), since they include the expectation of an animal or bird in ambush. There is no entertainment in the process, the hunter may need to sit motionless for a long time in a shelter, but the result is usually pleasing with a large trophy.

Dog hunting

Dogs began to be used by humans as assistants for prey in prehistoric times. The concept and type of hunting in this way are similar to those mentioned above. Dogs are needed exclusively for driving the game. Depending on their breed and level of training, you can hunt hares, foxes and wolves. For this, dogs must be bold, and the hunter himself must move quickly. Therefore, such a hunt is carried out on horseback.

Types and methods of hunting

According to the rules of such fishing, applied in Russia, the driven animal always belongs to the one who first suspected (noticed) it, and whose dog drove the animal - this is not so important.

Modern classification

Nowadays, the types and methods of hunting have changed a bit. So, horses are almost never used in this process. Today, two main areas of fishing are distinguished - regional and collective. The latter always involves the participation of a group of people. Success in this case depends not only on individual experience, but also on the ability to work in a team. The process itself usually takes several days and is designed to catch medium and small game. In this type of hunting, it is important to choose one leader who will be able to regulate each participant and draw the right conclusions from the inspection of the area. He is always responsible for observing the rules for shooting game, discipline in the team, and the result.

The main types of hunting

In the cold season, most often game is caught in a roundabout way. This option is also practiced by a group of people, the number of which can reach hundreds. This type of hunting is carried out to catch a large beast or to reduce the population of small pests. For round-up of large animals only experienced hunters participate, in another case, beginners can also be involved. The main difference between this craft is that the game is not tracked down on a specific territory, but is driven out of the lying place by noise.

Outdoor hunting

This method involves the movement of a hunter in the area for the extraction of game. The most popular among all is the ford method. It provides a preliminary tour and inspection of the habitat of animals. The hunter tracks down prey, focusing on knowledge about the habits of animals, analysis of their movement and the correct determination of location.

Individual hunting, driven hunting

Tracking prey in winter is especially good, as fresh tracks in the snow can quickly lead to the beast. This method of hunting is called tracing or tracking. The result in it depends not only on the depressions on the ground themselves, but also on the analysis of the residues of wool on the branches, gnaws (eaten branches and grass) and other traces of life. Most often found in this way hares, martens and columns, although you can track down a large predator.

When catching very secretive animals, the hiding method is used. It is used only by the most experienced hunters who know all the habits of animals and birds, who know how to disguise themselves and move as silently as possible. This type of fishing requires a short distance to approach the beast before the shot, but to go unnoticed. Sneaking is practiced in the extraction of pheasants, black grouse, capercaillie and can rightfully be considered an individual hunt. Driven hunting in this sense is very different, but there are more guarantees to get a large beast and stay unscathed.

Mobile hunting can also be carried out with the help of a boat or cart, which will allow you to approach the animal as carefully and quietly as possible. Such fishing is practiced both as an individual and as a collective.

Motionless hunting

Such options include waiting for prey in an ambush and require maximum exposure. Most often, for this, hunters settle near places of feeding game: on salt licks, near haystacks or at specially prepared baits for predators. For a positive result, you must be able to camouflage well and sit motionless for a long time.

Hunting methods, types of hunting

As a waiting area, treehouses, prepared pits and huts are used. The latter are most often made in spring near ponds. The structure where the hunter will expect the beast must be durable, made only from local materials.

If the purpose of the hunt is a predator, then for its bait you can use the carcass of any dead animal, such as a dog. Rangers often shoot them to prevent rabies in the forest. The main thing is to start watching for the beast only after he begins to regularly attend the barn.

Seasonality of fishing

Each listed type of game extraction depends on the climatic features of the region and cannot be used all year round.For hunting in different seasons, only certain species of animals or birds are allowed to be hunted. All year round you can hunt animals and birds that are capable of harming the economy if their population increases uncontrollably. Their list depends on the region, but in most parts of the country such wreckers are wolves and foxes.

What are the types of hunting

What types of hunting are there by season? They are named after the seasons: winter, spring and autumn-summer. The latter species combines the two seasons, since it is allowed to get the same animals in it. The duration of the seasons can last several months, but the spring is always determined only by 10 days, because at this time the animals raise offspring.


Regardless of the type of hunting chosen, each of its participants must have an appropriate permit, without which fishing is considered illegal. For such activities, administrative penalties in the form of a fine and confiscation of weapons may be imposed. Permits are issued by public hunting organizations at the place of registration for a period of up to several years, but with mandatory annual confirmation. Permission to use weapons is also required.

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